import calendar import six from six.moves import http_cookiejar import copy import re from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode import requests import time from six.moves.http_cookies import SimpleCookie from saml2.time_util import utc_now from saml2 import class_name, SAMLError from saml2.pack import http_post_message from saml2.pack import make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if requests.__version__ < "2.0.0": DICT_HEADERS = False else: DICT_HEADERS = True __author__ = 'rolandh' ATTRS = {"version": None, "name": "", "value": None, "port": None, "port_specified": False, "domain": "", "domain_specified": False, "domain_initial_dot": False, "path": "", "path_specified": False, "secure": False, "expires": None, "discard": True, "comment": None, "comment_url": None, "rest": "", "rfc2109": True} PAIRS = { "port": "port_specified", "domain": "domain_specified", "path": "path_specified" } class ConnectionError(SAMLError): pass class HTTPError(SAMLError): pass TIME_FORMAT = ["%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z", "%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S %Z", "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"] def _since_epoch(cdate): """ :param cdate: date format 'Wed, 06-Jun-2012 01:34:34 GMT' :return: UTC time """ if len(cdate) < 29: # somethings broken if len(cdate) < 5: return utc_now() cdate = cdate[5:] # assume short weekday, i.e. do not support obsolete RFC 1036 date format t = -1 for time_format in TIME_FORMAT : try: t = time.strptime(cdate, time_format) # e.g. 18-Apr-2014 12:30:51 GMT except ValueError: pass else: break if t == -1: err = 'ValueError: Date "{0}" does not match any of: {1}'.format( cdate, TIME_FORMAT ) raise Exception(err) return calendar.timegm(t) def set_list2dict(sl): return dict(sl) def dict2set_list(dic): return [(k, v) for k, v in dic.items()] class HTTPBase(object): def __init__(self, verify=True, ca_bundle=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None): self.request_args = {"allow_redirects": False} #self.cookies = {} self.cookiejar = http_cookiejar.CookieJar() self.request_args["verify"] = verify if verify: if ca_bundle: self.request_args["verify"] = ca_bundle if key_file: self.request_args["cert"] = (cert_file, key_file) self.sec = None self.user = None self.passwd = None def cookies(self, url): """ Return cookies that are matching the path and are still valid :param url: :return: """ part = urlparse(url) #if part.port: # _domain = "%s:%s" % (part.hostname, part.port) #else: _domain = part.hostname cookie_dict = {} now = utc_now() for _, a in list(self.cookiejar._cookies.items()): for _, b in a.items(): for cookie in list(b.values()): # print(cookie) if cookie.expires and cookie.expires <= now: continue if not"%s$" % cookie.domain, _domain): continue if not re.match(cookie.path, part.path): continue cookie_dict[] = cookie.value return cookie_dict def set_cookie(self, kaka, request): """Returns a http_cookiejar.Cookie based on a set-cookie header line""" if not kaka: return part = urlparse(request.url) _domain = part.hostname logger.debug("%s: '%s'", _domain, kaka) for cookie_name, morsel in kaka.items(): std_attr = ATTRS.copy() std_attr["name"] = cookie_name _tmp = morsel.coded_value if _tmp.startswith('"') and _tmp.endswith('"'): std_attr["value"] = _tmp[1:-1] else: std_attr["value"] = _tmp std_attr["version"] = 0 # copy attributes that have values for attr in morsel.keys(): if attr in ATTRS: if morsel[attr]: if attr == "expires": std_attr[attr] = _since_epoch(morsel[attr]) elif attr == "path": if morsel[attr].endswith(","): std_attr[attr] = morsel[attr][:-1] else: std_attr[attr] = morsel[attr] else: std_attr[attr] = morsel[attr] elif attr == "max-age": if morsel["max-age"]: std_attr["expires"] = time.time() + int(morsel["max-age"]) for att, item in PAIRS.items(): if std_attr[att]: std_attr[item] = True if std_attr["domain"]: if std_attr["domain"].startswith("."): std_attr["domain_initial_dot"] = True else: std_attr["domain"] = _domain std_attr["domain_specified"] = True if morsel["max-age"] == 0: try: self.cookiejar.clear(domain=std_attr["domain"], path=std_attr["path"], name=std_attr["name"]) except ValueError: pass elif std_attr["expires"] and std_attr["expires"] < utc_now(): try: self.cookiejar.clear(domain=std_attr["domain"], path=std_attr["path"], name=std_attr["name"]) except ValueError: pass else: new_cookie = http_cookiejar.Cookie(**std_attr) self.cookiejar.set_cookie(new_cookie) def send(self, url, method="GET", **kwargs): _kwargs = copy.copy(self.request_args) if kwargs: _kwargs.update(kwargs) if self.cookiejar: _cd = self.cookies(url) if _cd: _kwargs["cookies"] = _cd if self.user and self.passwd: _kwargs["auth"] = (self.user, self.passwd) if "headers" in _kwargs and isinstance(_kwargs["headers"], list): if DICT_HEADERS: # requests.request wants a dict of headers, not a list of tuples _kwargs["headers"] = dict(_kwargs["headers"]) try: logger.debug("%s to %s", method, url) for arg in ["cookies", "data", "auth"]: try: logger.debug("%s: %s", arg.upper(), _kwargs[arg]) except KeyError: pass r = requests.request(method, url, **_kwargs) logger.debug("Response status: %s", r.status_code) except requests.ConnectionError as exc: raise ConnectionError("%s" % exc) try: self.set_cookie(SimpleCookie(r.headers["set-cookie"]), r) except AttributeError: pass except KeyError: pass return r @staticmethod def use_http_artifact(message, destination="", relay_state=""): if relay_state: query = urlencode({"SAMLart": message, "RelayState": relay_state}) else: query = urlencode({"SAMLart": message}) info = { "data": "", "url": "%s?%s" % (destination, query) } return info @staticmethod def use_http_uri(message, typ, destination="", relay_state=""): if "\n" in message: data = message.split("\n")[1] else: data = message.strip() if typ == "SAMLResponse": info = { "data": data, "headers": [ ("Content-Type", "application/samlassertion+xml"), ("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store"), ("Pragma", "no-cache") ] } elif typ == "SAMLRequest": # msg should be an identifier if relay_state: query = urlencode({"ID": message, "RelayState": relay_state}) else: query = urlencode({"ID": message}) info = { "data": "", "url": "%s?%s" % (destination, query) } else: raise NotImplementedError return info def use_soap(self, request, destination="", soap_headers=None, sign=False, **kwargs): """ Construct the necessary information for using SOAP+POST :param request: :param destination: :param soap_headers: :param sign: :return: dictionary """ headers = [("content-type", "application/soap+xml")] soap_message = make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(request, soap_headers) logger.debug("SOAP message: %s", soap_message) if sign and self.sec: _signed = self.sec.sign_statement(soap_message, class_name=class_name(request), soap_message = _signed return {"url": destination, "method": "POST", "data": soap_message, "headers": headers} def send_using_soap(self, request, destination, headers=None, sign=False): """ Send a message using SOAP+POST :param request: :param destination: :param headers: :param sign: :return: """ # _response =, headers, path=path) try: args = self.use_soap(request, destination, headers, sign) args["headers"] = dict(args["headers"]) response = self.send(**args) except Exception as exc:"HTTPClient exception: %s", exc) raise if response.status_code == 200:"SOAP response: %s", response.text) return response else: raise HTTPError("%d:%s" % (response.status_code, response.content)) def add_credentials(self, user, passwd): self.user = user self.passwd = passwd