#!/usr/bin/env python import six from saml2 import element_to_extension_element from saml2 import extension_elements_to_elements from saml2 import SamlBase from saml2 import md __author__ = 'rolandh' """ Functions used to import metadata from and export it to a pysaml2 format """ IMP_SKIP = ["_certs", "e_e_", "_extatt"] EXP_SKIP = ["__class__"] # From pysaml2 SAML2 metadata format to Python dictionary def _eval(val, onts, mdb_safe): """ Convert a value to a basic dict format :param val: The value :param onts: Schemas to be used in the conversion :return: The basic dictionary """ if isinstance(val, six.string_types): val = val.strip() if not val: return None else: return val elif isinstance(val, dict) or isinstance(val, SamlBase): return to_dict(val, onts, mdb_safe) elif isinstance(val, list): lv = [] for v in val: if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, SamlBase): lv.append(to_dict(v, onts, mdb_safe)) else: lv.append(v) return lv return val def to_dict(_dict, onts, mdb_safe=False): """ Convert a pysaml2 SAML2 message class instance into a basic dictionary format. The export interface. :param _dict: The pysaml2 metadata instance :param onts: List of schemas to use for the conversion :return: The converted information """ res = {} if isinstance(_dict, SamlBase): res["__class__"] = "%s&%s" % (_dict.c_namespace, _dict.c_tag) for key in _dict.keyswv(): if key in IMP_SKIP: continue val = getattr(_dict, key) if key == "extension_elements": _eel = extension_elements_to_elements(val, onts) _val = [_eval(_v, onts, mdb_safe) for _v in _eel] elif key == "extension_attributes": if mdb_safe: _val = dict([(k.replace(".", "__"), v) for k, v in val.items()]) #_val = {k.replace(".", "__"): v for k, v in val.items()} else: _val = val else: _val = _eval(val, onts, mdb_safe) if _val: if mdb_safe: key = key.replace(".", "__") res[key] = _val else: for key, val in _dict.items(): _val = _eval(val, onts, mdb_safe) if _val: if mdb_safe and "." in key: key = key.replace(".", "__") res[key] = _val return res # From Python dictionary to pysaml2 SAML2 metadata format def _kwa(val, onts, mdb_safe=False): """ Key word argument conversion :param val: A dictionary :param onts: dictionary with schemas to use in the conversion schema namespase is the key in the dictionary :return: A converted dictionary """ if not mdb_safe: return dict([(k, from_dict(v, onts)) for k, v in val.items() if k not in EXP_SKIP]) else: _skip = ["_id"] _skip.extend(EXP_SKIP) return dict([(k.replace("__", "."), from_dict(v, onts)) for k, v in val.items() if k not in _skip]) def from_dict(val, onts, mdb_safe=False): """ Converts a dictionary into a pysaml2 object :param val: A dictionary :param onts: Dictionary of schemas to use in the conversion :return: The pysaml2 object instance """ if isinstance(val, dict): if "__class__" in val: ns, typ = val["__class__"].split("&") cls = getattr(onts[ns], typ) if cls is md.Extensions: lv = [] for key, ditems in val.items(): if key in EXP_SKIP: continue for item in ditems: ns, typ = item["__class__"].split("&") cls = getattr(onts[ns], typ) kwargs = _kwa(item, onts, mdb_safe) inst = cls(**kwargs) lv.append(element_to_extension_element(inst)) return lv else: kwargs = _kwa(val, onts, mdb_safe) inst = cls(**kwargs) return inst else: res = {} for key, v in val.items(): if mdb_safe: key = key.replace("__", ".") res[key] = from_dict(v, onts) return res elif isinstance(val, six.string_types): return val elif isinstance(val, list): return [from_dict(v, onts) for v in val] else: return val