#!/usr/bin/env python import base64 import hashlib import hmac import logging import random import string import sys import time import traceback import zlib import six from saml2 import saml from saml2 import samlp from saml2 import VERSION from saml2.time_util import instant logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SamlException(Exception): pass class RequestVersionTooLow(SamlException): pass class RequestVersionTooHigh(SamlException): pass class UnknownPrincipal(SamlException): pass class UnknownSystemEntity(SamlException): pass class Unsupported(SamlException): pass class UnsupportedBinding(Unsupported): pass class VersionMismatch(Exception): pass class Unknown(Exception): pass class OtherError(Exception): pass class MissingValue(Exception): pass class PolicyError(Exception): pass class BadRequest(Exception): pass class UnravelError(Exception): pass EXCEPTION2STATUS = { VersionMismatch: samlp.STATUS_VERSION_MISMATCH, UnknownPrincipal: samlp.STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL, UnsupportedBinding: samlp.STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_BINDING, RequestVersionTooLow: samlp.STATUS_REQUEST_VERSION_TOO_LOW, RequestVersionTooHigh: samlp.STATUS_REQUEST_VERSION_TOO_HIGH, OtherError: samlp.STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL, MissingValue: samlp.STATUS_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED, # Undefined Exception: samlp.STATUS_AUTHN_FAILED, } GENERIC_DOMAINS = ["aero", "asia", "biz", "cat", "com", "coop", "edu", "gov", "info", "int", "jobs", "mil", "mobi", "museum", "name", "net", "org", "pro", "tel", "travel"] def valid_email(emailaddress, domains=GENERIC_DOMAINS): """Checks for a syntactically valid email address.""" # Email address must be at least 6 characters in total. # Assuming noone may have addresses of the type a@com if len(emailaddress) < 6: return False # Address too short. # Split up email address into parts. try: localpart, domainname = emailaddress.rsplit('@', 1) host, toplevel = domainname.rsplit('.', 1) except ValueError: return False # Address does not have enough parts. # Check for Country code or Generic Domain. if len(toplevel) != 2 and toplevel not in domains: return False # Not a domain name. for i in '-_.%+.': localpart = localpart.replace(i, "") for i in '-_.': host = host.replace(i, "") if localpart.isalnum() and host.isalnum(): return True # Email address is fine. else: return False # Email address has funny characters. def decode_base64_and_inflate(string): """ base64 decodes and then inflates according to RFC1951 :param string: a deflated and encoded string :return: the string after decoding and inflating """ return zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(string), -15) def deflate_and_base64_encode(string_val): """ Deflates and the base64 encodes a string :param string_val: The string to deflate and encode :return: The deflated and encoded string """ if not isinstance(string_val, six.binary_type): string_val = string_val.encode('utf-8') return base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(string_val)[2:-4]) def rndstr(size=16, alphabet=""): """ Returns a string of random ascii characters or digits :param size: The length of the string :return: string """ rng = random.SystemRandom() if not alphabet: alphabet = string.ascii_letters[0:52] + string.digits return type(alphabet)().join(rng.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(size)) def rndbytes(size=16, alphabet=""): """ Returns rndstr always as a binary type """ x = rndstr(size, alphabet) if isinstance(x, six.string_types): return x.encode('utf-8') return x def sid(): """creates an unique SID for each session. 160-bits long so it fulfills the SAML2 requirements which states 128-160 bits :return: A random string prefix with 'id-' to make it compliant with the NCName specification """ return "id-" + rndstr(17) def parse_attribute_map(filenames): """ Expects a file with each line being composed of the oid for the attribute exactly one space, a user friendly name of the attribute and then the type specification of the name. :param filenames: List of filenames on mapfiles. :return: A 2-tuple, one dictionary with the oid as keys and the friendly names as values, the other one the other way around. """ forward = {} backward = {} for filename in filenames: with open(filename) as fp: for line in fp: (name, friendly_name, name_format) = line.strip().split() forward[(name, name_format)] = friendly_name backward[friendly_name] = (name, name_format) return forward, backward def identity_attribute(form, attribute, forward_map=None): if form == "friendly": if attribute.friendly_name: return attribute.friendly_name elif forward_map: try: return forward_map[(attribute.name, attribute.name_format)] except KeyError: return attribute.name # default is name return attribute.name #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def error_status_factory(info): if isinstance(info, Exception): try: exc_val = EXCEPTION2STATUS[info.__class__] except KeyError: exc_val = samlp.STATUS_AUTHN_FAILED try: msg = info.args[0] except IndexError: msg = "%s" % info else: (exc_val, msg) = info if msg: status_msg = samlp.StatusMessage(text=msg) else: status_msg = None status = samlp.Status( status_message=status_msg, status_code=samlp.StatusCode( value=samlp.STATUS_RESPONDER, status_code=samlp.StatusCode( value=exc_val))) return status def success_status_factory(): return samlp.Status(status_code=samlp.StatusCode( value=samlp.STATUS_SUCCESS)) def status_message_factory(message, code, fro=samlp.STATUS_RESPONDER): return samlp.Status( status_message=samlp.StatusMessage(text=message), status_code=samlp.StatusCode(value=fro, status_code=samlp.StatusCode(value=code))) def assertion_factory(**kwargs): assertion = saml.Assertion(version=VERSION, id=sid(), issue_instant=instant()) for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(assertion, key, val) return assertion def _attrval(val, typ=""): if isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, set): attrval = [saml.AttributeValue(text=v) for v in val] elif val is None: attrval = None else: attrval = [saml.AttributeValue(text=val)] if typ: for ava in attrval: ava.set_type(typ) return attrval # --- attribute profiles ----- # xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" # xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" def do_ava(val, typ=""): if isinstance(val, six.string_types): ava = saml.AttributeValue() ava.set_text(val) attrval = [ava] elif isinstance(val, list): attrval = [do_ava(v)[0] for v in val] elif val or val is False: ava = saml.AttributeValue() ava.set_text(val) attrval = [ava] elif val is None: attrval = None else: raise OtherError("strange value type on: %s" % val) if typ: for ava in attrval: ava.set_type(typ) return attrval def do_attribute(val, typ, key): attr = saml.Attribute() attrval = do_ava(val, typ) if attrval: attr.attribute_value = attrval if isinstance(key, six.string_types): attr.name = key elif isinstance(key, tuple): # 3-tuple or 2-tuple try: (name, nformat, friendly) = key except ValueError: (name, nformat) = key friendly = "" if name: attr.name = name if format: attr.name_format = nformat if friendly: attr.friendly_name = friendly return attr def do_attributes(identity): attrs = [] if not identity: return attrs for key, spec in identity.items(): try: val, typ = spec except ValueError: val = spec typ = "" except TypeError: val = "" typ = "" attr = do_attribute(val, typ, key) attrs.append(attr) return attrs def do_attribute_statement(identity): """ :param identity: A dictionary with fiendly names as keys :return: """ return saml.AttributeStatement(attribute=do_attributes(identity)) def factory(klass, **kwargs): instance = klass() for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): cls = instance.child_class(key) val = factory(cls, **val) setattr(instance, key, val) return instance def signature(secret, parts): """Generates a signature. All strings are assumed to be utf-8 """ if not isinstance(secret, six.binary_type): secret = secret.encode('utf-8') newparts = [] for part in parts: if not isinstance(part, six.binary_type): part = part.encode('utf-8') newparts.append(part) parts = newparts if sys.version_info >= (2, 5): csum = hmac.new(secret, digestmod=hashlib.sha1) else: csum = hmac.new(secret, digestmod=sha) for part in parts: csum.update(part) return csum.hexdigest() def verify_signature(secret, parts): """ Checks that the signature is correct """ if signature(secret, parts[:-1]) == parts[-1]: return True else: return False def exception_trace(exc): message = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) try: _exc = "Exception: %s" % exc except UnicodeEncodeError: _exc = "Exception: %s" % exc.message.encode("utf-8", "replace") return {"message": _exc, "content": "".join(message)} def rec_factory(cls, **kwargs): _inst = cls() for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key in ["text", "lang"]: setattr(_inst, key, val) elif key in _inst.c_attributes: try: val = str(val) except Exception: continue else: setattr(_inst, _inst.c_attributes[key][0], val) elif key in _inst.c_child_order: for tag, _cls in _inst.c_children.values(): if tag == key: if isinstance(_cls, list): _cls = _cls[0] claim = [] if isinstance(val, list): for v in val: claim.append(rec_factory(_cls, **v)) else: claim.append(rec_factory(_cls, **val)) else: claim = rec_factory(_cls, **val) setattr(_inst, key, claim) break return _inst