#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """ Implements some usefull functions when dealing with validity of different types of information. """ from __future__ import print_function import calendar import re import time import sys from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime import six TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" TIME_FORMAT_WITH_FRAGMENT = re.compile( "^(\d{4,4}-\d{2,2}-\d{2,2}T\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}:\d{2,2})(\.\d*)?Z?$") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I'm sure this is implemented somewhere else can't find it now though, so I # made an attempt. #Implemented according to #http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/ #adding-durations-to-dateTimes def f_quotient(arg0, arg1, arg2=0): if arg2: return int((arg0 - arg1) / (arg2 - arg1)) elif not arg0: return 0 else: return int(arg0 / arg1) def modulo(arg0, arg1, arg2=0): if arg2: return ((arg0 - arg1) % (arg2 - arg1)) + arg1 else: return arg0 % arg1 def maximum_day_in_month_for(year, month): return calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] D_FORMAT = [ ("Y", "tm_year"), ("M", "tm_mon"), ("D", "tm_mday"), ("T", None), ("H", "tm_hour"), ("M", "tm_min"), ("S", "tm_sec") ] def parse_duration(duration): # (-)PnYnMnDTnHnMnS index = 0 if duration[0] == '-': sign = '-' index += 1 else: sign = '+' assert duration[index] == "P" index += 1 dic = dict([(typ, 0) for (code, typ) in D_FORMAT if typ]) dlen = len(duration) for code, typ in D_FORMAT: #print(duration[index:], code) if duration[index] == '-': raise Exception("Negation not allowed on individual items") if code == "T": if duration[index] == "T": index += 1 if index == len(duration): raise Exception("Not allowed to end with 'T'") else: raise Exception("Missing T") elif duration[index] == "T": continue else: try: mod = duration[index:].index(code) _val = duration[index:index + mod] try: dic[typ] = int(_val) except ValueError: # smallest value used may also have a decimal fraction if mod + index + 1 == dlen: try: dic[typ] = float(_val) except ValueError: if "," in _val: _val = _val.replace(",", ".") try: dic[typ] = float(_val) except ValueError: raise Exception("Not a float") else: raise Exception("Not a float") else: raise ValueError( "Fraction not allowed on other than smallest value") index = mod + index + 1 except ValueError: dic[typ] = 0 if index == dlen: break return sign, dic def add_duration(tid, duration): (sign, dur) = parse_duration(duration) if sign == '+': #Months temp = tid.tm_mon + dur["tm_mon"] month = modulo(temp, 1, 13) carry = f_quotient(temp, 1, 13) #Years year = tid.tm_year + dur["tm_year"] + carry # seconds temp = tid.tm_sec + dur["tm_sec"] secs = modulo(temp, 60) carry = f_quotient(temp, 60) # minutes temp = tid.tm_min + dur["tm_min"] + carry minutes = modulo(temp, 60) carry = f_quotient(temp, 60) # hours temp = tid.tm_hour + dur["tm_hour"] + carry hour = modulo(temp, 60) carry = f_quotient(temp, 60) # days if dur["tm_mday"] > maximum_day_in_month_for(year, month): temp_days = maximum_day_in_month_for(year, month) elif dur["tm_mday"] < 1: temp_days = 1 else: temp_days = dur["tm_mday"] days = temp_days + tid.tm_mday + carry while True: if days < 1: pass elif days > maximum_day_in_month_for(year, month): days -= maximum_day_in_month_for(year, month) carry = 1 else: break temp = month + carry month = modulo(temp, 1, 13) year += f_quotient(temp, 1, 13) return time.localtime(time.mktime((year, month, days, hour, minutes, secs, 0, 0, -1))) else: pass # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def time_in_a_while(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0): """ format of timedelta: timedelta([days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]]]]]]]) :return: UTC time """ delta = timedelta(days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks) return datetime.utcnow() + delta def time_a_while_ago(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0): """ format of timedelta: timedelta([days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]]]]]]]) """ delta = timedelta(days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks) return datetime.utcnow() - delta def in_a_while(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0, format=TIME_FORMAT): """ format of timedelta: timedelta([days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]]]]]]]) """ if format is None: format = TIME_FORMAT return time_in_a_while(days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks).strftime(format) def a_while_ago(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0, format=TIME_FORMAT): return time_a_while_ago(days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks).strftime(format) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def shift_time(dtime, shift): """ Adds/deletes an integer amount of seconds from a datetime specification :param dtime: The datatime specification :param shift: The wanted time shift (+/-) :return: A shifted datatime specification """ return dtime + timedelta(seconds=shift) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def str_to_time(timestr, format=TIME_FORMAT): """ :param timestr: :param format: :return: UTC time """ if not timestr: return 0 try: then = time.strptime(timestr, format) except ValueError: # assume it's a format problem try: elem = TIME_FORMAT_WITH_FRAGMENT.match(timestr) except Exception as exc: print("Exception: %s on %s" % (exc, timestr), file=sys.stderr) raise then = time.strptime(elem.groups()[0] + "Z", TIME_FORMAT) return time.gmtime(calendar.timegm(then)) def instant(format=TIME_FORMAT, time_stamp=0): if time_stamp: return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime(time_stamp)) else: return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def utc_now(): return calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def before(point): """ True if point datetime specification is before now. NOTE: If point is specified it is supposed to be in local time. Not UTC/GMT !! This is because that is what gmtime() expects. """ if not point: return True if isinstance(point, six.string_types): point = str_to_time(point) elif isinstance(point, int): point = time.gmtime(point) return time.gmtime() <= point def after(point): """ True if point datetime specification is equal or after now """ if not point: return True else: return not before(point) not_before = after # 'not_on_or_after' is just an obscure name for 'before' not_on_or_after = before # a point is valid if it is now or sometime in the future, in other words, # if it is not before now valid = before def utc_time_sans_frac(): return int("%d" % time.mktime(time.gmtime())) def later_than(after, before): """ True if then is later or equal to that """ if isinstance(after, six.string_types): after = str_to_time(after) elif isinstance(after, int): after = time.gmtime(after) if isinstance(before, six.string_types): before = str_to_time(before) elif isinstance(before, int): before = time.gmtime(before) if before is None: return True if after is None: return False return after >= before