import calendar from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse import re import struct import base64 import time from saml2 import time_util XSI_NAMESPACE = '' XSI_NIL = '{%s}nil' % XSI_NAMESPACE # --------------------------------------------------------- class NotValid(Exception): pass class OutsideCardinality(Exception): pass class MustValueError(ValueError): pass class ShouldValueError(ValueError): pass class ResponseLifetimeExceed(Exception): pass class ToEarly(Exception): pass # --------------------- validators ------------------------------------- # NCNAME = re.compile("(?P[a-zA-Z_](\w|[_.-])*)") def valid_ncname(name): match = NCNAME.match(name) #if not match: # hack for invalid authnRequest/ID from meteor saml lib # raise NotValid("NCName") return True def valid_id(oid): valid_ncname(oid) def valid_any_uri(item): """very simplistic, ...""" try: part = urlparse(item) except Exception: raise NotValid("AnyURI") if part[0] == "urn" and part[1] == "": # A urn return True # elif part[1] == "localhost" or part[1] == "": # raise NotValid("AnyURI") return True def valid_date_time(item): try: time_util.str_to_time(item) except Exception: raise NotValid("dateTime") return True def valid_url(url): try: _ = urlparse.urlparse(url) except Exception: raise NotValid("URL") # if part[1] == "localhost" or part[1] == "": # raise NotValid("URL") return True def validate_on_or_after(not_on_or_after, slack): if not_on_or_after: now = time_util.utc_now() nooa = calendar.timegm(time_util.str_to_time(not_on_or_after)) if now > nooa + slack: now_str=time.strftime('%Y-%M-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(now)) raise ResponseLifetimeExceed( "Can't use repsonse, too old (now=%s + slack=%d > " \ "not_on_or_after=%s" % (now_str, slack, not_on_or_after)) return nooa else: return False def validate_before(not_before, slack): if not_before: now = time_util.utc_now() nbefore = calendar.timegm(time_util.str_to_time(not_before)) if nbefore > now + slack: now_str = time.strftime('%Y-%M-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(now)) raise ToEarly("Can't use response yet: (now=%s + slack=%d) " "<= notbefore=%s" % (now_str, slack, not_before)) return True def valid_address(address): if not (valid_ipv4(address) or valid_ipv6(address)): raise NotValid("address") return True def valid_ipv4(address): parts = address.split(".") if len(parts) != 4: return False for item in parts: try: if not 0 <= int(item) <= 255: raise NotValid("ipv4") except ValueError: return False return True # IPV6_PATTERN = re.compile(r""" ^ \s* # Leading whitespace (?!.*::.*::) # Only a single wildcard allowed (?:(?!:)|:(?=:)) # Colon iff it would be part of a wildcard (?: # Repeat 6 times: [0-9a-f]{0,4} # A group of at most four hexadecimal digits (?:(?<=::)|(? 0: return True else: raise NotValid("positive integer") def valid_non_negative_integer(val): try: integer = int(val) except ValueError: raise NotValid("non negative integer") if integer < 0: raise NotValid("non negative integer") return True def valid_integer(val): try: int(val) except ValueError: raise NotValid("integer") return True def valid_base64(val): try: base64.b64decode(val) except Exception: raise NotValid("base64") return True def valid_qname(val): """ A qname is either NCName or NCName ':' NCName """ try: (prefix, localpart) = val.split(":") return valid_ncname(prefix) and valid_ncname(localpart) except ValueError: return valid_ncname(val) def valid_anytype(val): """ Goes through all known type validators :param val: The value to validate :return: True is value is valid otherwise an exception is raised """ for validator in VALIDATOR.values(): if validator == valid_anytype: # To hinder recursion continue try: if validator(val): return True except NotValid: pass if isinstance(val, type): return True raise NotValid("AnyType") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALIDATOR = { "ID": valid_id, "NCName": valid_ncname, "dateTime": valid_date_time, "anyURI": valid_any_uri, "nonNegativeInteger": valid_non_negative_integer, "PositiveInteger": valid_positive_integer, "boolean": valid_boolean, "unsignedShort": valid_unsigned_short, "duration": valid_duration, "base64Binary": valid_base64, "integer": valid_integer, "QName": valid_qname, "anyType": valid_anytype, "string": valid_string, } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def validate_value_type(value, spec): """ c_value_type = {'base': 'string', 'enumeration': ['Permit', 'Deny', 'Indeterminate']} {'member': 'anyURI', 'base': 'list'} {'base': 'anyURI'} {'base': 'NCName'} {'base': 'string'} """ if "maxlen" in spec: return len(value) <= int(spec["maxlen"]) if spec["base"] == "string": if "enumeration" in spec: if value not in spec["enumeration"]: raise NotValid("value not in enumeration") else: return valid_string(value) elif spec["base"] == "list": # comma separated list of values for val in [v.strip() for v in value.split(",")]: valid(spec["member"], val) else: return valid(spec["base"], value) return True def valid(typ, value): try: return VALIDATOR[typ](value) except KeyError: try: (_namespace, typ) = typ.split(":") except ValueError: if typ == "": typ = "string" return VALIDATOR[typ](value) def _valid_instance(instance, val): try: val.verify() except NotValid as exc: raise NotValid("Class '%s' instance: %s" % ( instance.__class__.__name__, exc.args[0])) except OutsideCardinality as exc: raise NotValid( "Class '%s' instance cardinality error: %s" % ( instance.__class__.__name__, exc.args[0])) ERROR_TEXT = "Wrong type of value '%s' on attribute '%s' expected it to be %s" def valid_instance(instance): instclass = instance.__class__ class_name = instclass.__name__ # if instance.text: # _has_val = True # else: # _has_val = False if instclass.c_value_type and instance.text: try: validate_value_type(instance.text.strip(), instclass.c_value_type) except NotValid as exc: raise NotValid("Class '%s' instance: %s" % (class_name, exc.args[0])) for (name, typ, required) in instclass.c_attributes.values(): value = getattr(instance, name, '') if required and not value: txt = "Required value on property '%s' missing" % name raise MustValueError("Class '%s' instance: %s" % (class_name, txt)) if value: try: if isinstance(typ, type): if typ.c_value_type: spec = typ.c_value_type else: spec = {"base": "string"} # do I need a default validate_value_type(value, spec) else: valid(typ, value) except (NotValid, ValueError) as exc: txt = ERROR_TEXT % (value, name, exc.args[0]) raise NotValid("Class '%s' instance: %s" % (class_name, txt)) for (name, _spec) in instclass.c_children.values(): value = getattr(instance, name, '') try: _card = instclass.c_cardinality[name] try: _cmin = _card["min"] except KeyError: _cmin = None try: _cmax = _card["max"] except KeyError: _cmax = None except KeyError: _cmin = _cmax = _card = None if value: #_has_val = True if isinstance(value, list): _list = True vlen = len(value) else: _list = False vlen = 1 if _card: if _cmin is not None and _cmin > vlen: raise NotValid( "Class '%s' instance cardinality error: %s" % ( class_name, "less then min (%s<%s)" % (vlen, _cmin))) if _cmax is not None and vlen > _cmax: raise NotValid( "Class '%s' instance cardinality error: %s" % ( class_name, "more then max (%s>%s)" % (vlen, _cmax))) if _list: for val in value: # That it is the right class is handled elsewhere _valid_instance(instance, val) else: _valid_instance(instance, value) else: if _cmin: raise NotValid( "Class '%s' instance cardinality error: %s" % ( class_name, "too few values on %s" % name)) # if not _has_val: # if class_name != "RequestedAttribute": # # Not allow unless xsi:nil="true" # assert instance.extension_attributes # assert instance.extension_attributes[XSI_NIL] == "true" return True def valid_domain_name(dns_name): m = re.match( "^[a-z0-9]+([-.]{ 1 }[a-z0-9]+).[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.)?$", dns_name, re.I) if not m: raise ValueError("Not a proper domain name")