import logging import json import six from urlparse import urlparse from mechanize import ParseResponseEx from mechanize._form import ControlNotFoundError, AmbiguityError from mechanize._form import ListControl __author__ = 'rohe0002' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FlowException(Exception): def __init__(self, function="", content="", url=""): Exception.__init__(self) self.function = function self.content = content self.url = url def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.__dict__) class DResponse(): """ A Response class that behaves in the way that mechanize expects it """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.status = 200 # default self.index = 0 self._message = "" self.url = "" if kwargs: for key, val in kwargs.items(): if val: self.__setitem__(key, val) def __setitem__(self, key, value): setattr(self, key, value) def __getitem__(self, item): if item == "content-location": return self.url elif item == "content-length": return len(self._message) else: return getattr(self, item) def geturl(self): """ The base url for the response :return: The url """ return self.url def read(self, size=0): """ Read from the content of the response. The class remembers what has been read so it's possible to read small consecutive parts of the content. :param size: The number of bytes to read :return: Somewhere between zero and 'size' number of bytes depending on how much it left in the content buffer to read. """ if size: if self._len < size: return self._message else: if self._len == self.index: part = None elif self._len - self.index < size: part = self._message[self.index:] self.index = self._len else: part = self._message[self.index:self.index + size] self.index += size return part else: return self._message def write(self, message): """ Write the message into the content buffer :param message: The message """ self._message = message self._len = len(message) def do_request(client, url, method, body="", headers=None): """ Sends a HTTP request. :param client: The client instance :param url: Where to send the request :param method: The HTTP method to use for the request :param body: The request body :param headers: The requset headers :return: A tuple of url - the url the request was sent to response - the response to the request content - the content of the response if any """ if headers is None: headers = {}"--> URL: %s", url)"--> BODY: %s", body)"--> Headers: %s", headers) response = client.http_request(url, method=method, data=body, headers=headers)"<-- RESPONSE: %s", response)"<-- CONTENT: %s", response.text) if response.cookies:"<-- COOKIES: %s", response.cookies) return url, response, response.text def pick_form(response, content, url=None, **kwargs): """ Picks which form in a web-page that should be used :param response: A HTTP request response. A DResponse instance :param content: The HTTP response content :param url: The url the request was sent to :return: The picked form or None of no form matched the criteria. """ forms = ParseResponseEx(response) if not forms: raise FlowException(content=content, url=url) #if len(forms) == 1: # return forms[0] #else: _form = None # ignore the first form for now forms = forms[1:] if len(forms) == 1: _form = forms[0] else: if "pick" in kwargs: _dict = kwargs["pick"] for form in forms: if _form: break for key, _ava in _dict.items(): if key == "form": _keys = form.attrs.keys() for attr, val in _ava.items(): if attr in _keys and val == form.attrs[attr]: _form = form elif key == "control": prop = _ava["id"] _default = _ava["value"] try: orig_val = form[prop] if isinstance(orig_val, six.string_types): if orig_val == _default: _form = form elif _default in orig_val: _form = form except KeyError: pass elif key == "method": if form.method == _ava: _form = form else: _form = None if not _form: break elif "index" in kwargs: _form = forms[int(kwargs["index"])] return _form def do_click(client, form, **kwargs): """ Emulates the user clicking submit on a form. :param client: The Client instance :param form: The form that should be submitted :return: What do_request() returns """ if "click" in kwargs: request = None _name = kwargs["click"] try: _ = form.find_control(name=_name) request = except AmbiguityError: # more than one control with that name _val = kwargs["set"][_name] _nr = 0 while True: try: cntrl = form.find_control(name=_name, nr=_nr) if cntrl.value == _val: request =, nr=_nr) break else: _nr += 1 except ControlNotFoundError: raise Exception("No submit control with the name='%s' and " "value='%s' could be found" % (_name, _val)) else: request = headers = {} for key, val in request.unredirected_hdrs.items(): headers[key] = val url = request._Request__original if form.method == "POST": return do_request(client, url, "POST",, headers) else: return do_request(client, url, "GET", headers=headers) def select_form(client, orig_response, content, **kwargs): """ Pick a form on a web page, possibly enter some information and submit the form. :param client: The Client :param orig_response: The original response (as returned by httplib2) :param content: The content of the response :return: The response do_click() returns """ try: _url = orig_response.url except KeyError: _url = kwargs["location"] # content is a form to be filled in and returned if isinstance(content, unicode): content = content.encode("utf-8") response = DResponse(status=orig_response.status_code, url=_url) response.write(content) form = pick_form(response, content, _url, **kwargs) #form.backwards_compatible = False if not form: raise Exception("Can't pick a form !!") if "set" in kwargs: for key, val in kwargs["set"].items(): if key.startswith("_"): continue if "click" in kwargs and kwargs["click"] == key: continue try: form[key] = val except ControlNotFoundError: pass except TypeError: cntrl = form.find_control(key) if isinstance(cntrl, ListControl): form[key] = [val] else: raise return do_click(client, form, **kwargs) #noinspection PyUnusedLocal def chose(client, orig_response, content, path, **kwargs): """ Sends a HTTP GET to a url given by the present url and the given relative path. :param orig_response: The original response :param content: The content of the response :param path: The relative path to add to the base URL :return: The response do_click() returns """ if not path.startswith("http"): try: _url = orig_response.url except KeyError: _url = kwargs["location"] part = urlparse(_url) url = "%s://%s%s" % (part[0], part[1], path) else: url = path return do_request(client, url, "GET") def post_form(client, orig_response, content, **kwargs): """ The same as select_form but with no possibility of change the content of the form. :param client: The Client instance :param orig_response: The original response (as returned by httplib2) :param content: The content of the response :return: The response do_click() returns """ _url = orig_response.url # content is a form to be filled in and returned response = DResponse(status=orig_response.status_code, url=_url) response.write(content) form = pick_form(response, content, _url, **kwargs) return do_click(client, form, **kwargs) def NoneFunc(): return None def interaction(args): _type = args["type"] if _type == "form": return select_form elif _type == "link": return chose else: return NoneFunc # ======================================================================== class Operation(object): def __init__(self, conv, args=None, features=None): if args: self.function = interaction(args) self.args = args or {} self.request = None self.conv = conv self.features = features self.cconf = conv.client_config def update(self, dic): self.args.update(dic) #noinspection PyUnusedLocal def post_op(self, result, environ, args): pass def __call__(self, location, response, content, feature=None): try: _args = self.args.copy() except (KeyError, AttributeError): _args = {} _args["location"] = location"--> FUNCTION: %s", self.function.__name__)"--> ARGS: %s", _args) result = self.function(self.conv.client, response, content, **_args) self.post_op(result, self.conv, _args) return result