import cookielib import sys import traceback import logging from urlparse import parse_qs import six from saml2test.opfunc import Operation from saml2test import CheckError, FatalError from saml2test.check import ExpectedError, ERROR from saml2test.interaction import Interaction from saml2test.interaction import Action from saml2test.interaction import InteractionNeeded from saml2test.status import STATUSCODE from saml2test.status import INTERACTION from saml2test import OperationError __author__ = 'rolandh' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Conversation(object): """ :ivar response: The received HTTP messages :ivar protocol_response: List of the received protocol messages """ def __init__(self, client, config, interaction, check_factory=None, msg_factory=None, features=None, verbose=False, expect_exception=None): self.client = client self.client_config = config self.test_output = [] self.features = features self.verbose = verbose self.check_factory = check_factory self.msg_factory = msg_factory self.expect_exception = expect_exception self.cjar = {"browser": cookielib.CookieJar(), "rp": cookielib.CookieJar(), "service": cookielib.CookieJar()} self.protocol_response = [] self.last_response = None self.last_content = None self.response = None self.interaction = Interaction(self.client, interaction) self.exception = None def check_severity(self, stat): if stat["status"] >= 4: logger.error("WHERE: %s", stat["id"]) logger.error("STATUS:%s", STATUSCODE[stat["status"]]) try: logger.error("HTTP STATUS: %s", stat["http_status"]) except KeyError: pass try: logger.error("INFO: %s", stat["message"]) except KeyError: pass raise CheckError def do_check(self, test, **kwargs): if isinstance(test, six.string_types): chk = self.check_factory(test)(**kwargs) else: chk = test(**kwargs) stat = chk(self, self.test_output) self.check_severity(stat) def err_check(self, test, err=None, bryt=True): if err: self.exception = err chk = self.check_factory(test)() chk(self, self.test_output) if bryt: e = FatalError("%s" % err) e.trace = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) raise e def test_sequence(self, sequence): for test in sequence: if isinstance(test, tuple): test, kwargs = test else: kwargs = {} self.do_check(test, **kwargs) if test == ExpectedError: return False return True def my_endpoints(self): pass def intermit(self): _response = self.last_response _last_action = None _same_actions = 0 if _response.status_code >= 400: done = True else: done = False url = _response.url content = _response.text while not done: rdseq = [] while _response.status_code in [302, 301, 303]: url = _response.headers["location"] if url in rdseq: raise FatalError("Loop detected in redirects") else: rdseq.append(url) if len(rdseq) > 8: raise FatalError( "Too long sequence of redirects: %s" % rdseq)"HTTP %d Location: %s", _response.status_code, url) # If back to me for_me = False for redirect_uri in self.my_endpoints(): if url.startswith(redirect_uri): # Back at the RP self.client.cookiejar = self.cjar["rp"] for_me = True try: base, query = url.split("?") except ValueError: pass else: _response = parse_qs(query) self.last_response = _response self.last_content = _response return _response if for_me: done = True break else: try:"GET %s", url) _response = self.client.send(url, "GET") except Exception as err: raise FatalError("%s" % err) content = _response.text"<-- CONTENT: %s", content) self.position = url self.last_content = content self.response = _response if _response.status_code >= 400: done = True break if done or url is None: break _base = url.split("?")[0] try: _spec = self.interaction.pick_interaction(_base, content) except InteractionNeeded: self.position = url cnt = content.replace("\n", '').replace("\t", '').replace("\r", '') logger.error("URL: %s", url) logger.error("Page Content: %s", cnt) raise except KeyError: self.position = url cnt = content.replace("\n", '').replace("\t", '').replace("\r", '') logger.error("URL: %s", url) logger.error("Page Content: %s", cnt) self.err_check("interaction-needed") if _spec == _last_action: _same_actions += 1 if _same_actions >= 3: self.test_output.append( {"status": ERROR, "message": "Interaction loop detection", #"id": "exception", #"name": "interaction needed", "url": self.position}) raise OperationError() else: _last_action = _spec if len(_spec) > 2:">> %s <<", _spec["page-type"]) if _spec["page-type"] == "login": self.login_page = content _op = Action(_spec["control"]) try: _response = _op(self.client, self, url, _response, content, self.features) if isinstance(_response, dict): self.last_response = _response self.last_content = _response return _response content = _response.text self.position = url self.last_content = content self.response = _response if _response.status_code >= 400: txt = "Got status code '%s', error: %s" logger.error(txt, _response.status_code, content) self.test_output.append( {"status": ERROR, "message": txt % (_response.status_code, content), #"id": "exception", #"name": "interaction needed", "url": self.position}) raise OperationError() except (FatalError, InteractionNeeded, OperationError): raise except Exception as err: self.err_check("exception", err, False) self.last_response = _response try: self.last_content = _response.text except AttributeError: self.last_content = None def init(self, phase): self.creq, self.cresp = phase def setup_request(self): self.request_spec = req = self.creq(conv=self) if isinstance(req, Operation): for intact in self.interaction.interactions: try: if req.__class__.__name__ == intact["matches"]["class"]: req.args = intact["args"] break except KeyError: pass else: try: self.request_args = req.request_args except KeyError: pass try: self.args = req.kw_args except KeyError: pass # The authorization dance is all done through the browser if req.request == "AuthorizationRequest": self.client.cookiejar = self.cjar["browser"] # everything else by someone else, assuming the RP else: self.client.cookiejar = self.cjar["rp"] self.req = req def send(self): pass def handle_result(self): pass def do_query(self): self.setup_request() self.send() if not self.handle_result(): self.intermit() self.handle_result() def do_sequence(self, oper): try: self.test_sequence(oper["tests"]["pre"]) except KeyError: pass for phase in oper["sequence"]: self.init(phase) try: self.do_query() except InteractionNeeded: cnt = self.last_content.replace("\n", '').replace( "\t", '').replace("\r", '') self.test_output.append({"status": INTERACTION, "message": cnt, "id": "exception", "name": "interaction needed", "url": self.position}) break except (FatalError, OperationError): raise except Exception as err: #self.err_check("exception", err) raise try: self.test_sequence(oper["tests"]["post"]) except KeyError: pass