""" Testing CryptoBackendXMLSecurity with SoftHSM as backend """ # Command to convert test.pem to PKCS#8 PEM format readable by softhsm : # # openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in test.key -out test.key.p8 # -nocrypt # __author__ = 'leifj' # based on p11_test from pyXMLSecurity import logging import os import traceback import subprocess import tempfile import pytest from pathutils import full_path from saml2 import sigver from saml2 import class_name from saml2 import time_util from saml2 import saml from saml2.s_utils import factory, do_attribute_statement #xmlsec = pytest.importorskip("xmlsec") def _find_alts(alts): for a in alts: if os.path.exists(a): return a return None PUB_KEY = full_path("test.pem") PRIV_KEY = full_path("test.key.p8") P11_MODULES = ['/usr/lib/libsofthsm.so', '/usr/lib/softhsm/libsofthsm.so'] P11_MODULE = _find_alts(P11_MODULES) P11_ENGINE = '/usr/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so' def _eq(l1, l2): return set(l1) == set(l2) class FakeConfig(): """ Configuration parameters for signature validation test cases. """ def __init__(self, pub_key = PUB_KEY): self.xmlsec_binary = None self.crypto_backend = 'XMLSecurity' self.only_use_keys_in_metadata = False self.metadata = None self.cert_file = pub_key self.key_file = "pkcs11://%s:0/test?pin=secret1" % P11_MODULE self.debug = False self.cert_handler_extra_class = None self.generate_cert_info = False self.generate_cert_info = False self.tmp_cert_file = None self.tmp_key_file = None self.validate_certificate = False class TestPKCS11(): def __init__(self): self.private_keyspec = None self.public_keyspec = None self.p11_test_files = [] self.softhsm_conf = None self.softhsm_db = None self.configured = False self.sec = None self._assertion = None def setup_class(self): logging.debug("Creating test pkcs11 token using softhsm") try: self.softhsm_db = self._tf() self.softhsm_conf = self._tf() self.signer_cert_pem = self._tf() self.openssl_conf = self._tf() self.signer_cert_der = self._tf() logging.debug("Generating softhsm.conf") with open(self.softhsm_conf, "w") as f: f.write("#Generated by pysaml2 cryptobackend test\n0:%s\n" % self.softhsm_db) logging.debug("Initializing the token") self._p(['softhsm', '--slot', '0', '--label', 'test', '--init-token', '--pin', 'secret1', '--so-pin', 'secret2']) logging.debug("Importing test key {!r} into SoftHSM".format(PRIV_KEY)) self._p(['softhsm', '--slot', '0', '--label', 'test', '--import', PRIV_KEY, '--id', 'a1b2', '--pin', 'secret1', '--so-pin', 'secret2']) logging.debug("Transforming PEM certificate to DER") self._p(['openssl', 'x509', '-inform', 'PEM', '-outform', 'DER', '-in', PUB_KEY, '-out', self.signer_cert_der]) logging.debug("Importing certificate into token") self._p(['pkcs11-tool', '--module', P11_MODULE, '-l', '--slot', '0', '--id', 'a1b2', '--label', 'test', '-y', 'cert', '-w', self.signer_cert_der, '--pin', 'secret1']) # list contents of SoftHSM self._p(['pkcs11-tool', '--module', P11_MODULE, '-l', '--pin', 'secret1', '-O']) self._p(['pkcs11-tool', '--module', P11_MODULE, '-l', '--pin', 'secret1', '-T']) self._p(['pkcs11-tool', '--module', P11_MODULE, '-l', '--pin', 'secret1', '-L']) self.sec = sigver.security_context(FakeConfig(pub_key = PUB_KEY)) self._assertion = factory(saml.Assertion, version="2.0", id="11111", issue_instant="2009-10-30T13:20:28Z", signature=sigver.pre_signature_part("11111", self.sec.my_cert, 1), attribute_statement=do_attribute_statement( {("", "", "surName"): ("Foo", ""), ("", "", "givenName"): ("Bar", ""), }) ) self.configured = True except Exception as ex: print("-" * 64) traceback.print_exc() print("-" * 64) logging.warning("PKCS11 tests disabled: unable to initialize test token: %s" % ex) raise def teardown_class(self): """ Remove temporary files created in setup_class. """ for o in self.p11_test_files: if os.path.exists(o): os.unlink(o) self.configured = False self.p11_test_files = [] def _tf(self): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) self.p11_test_files.append(f.name) return f.name def _p(self, args): env = {} if self.softhsm_conf is not None: env['SOFTHSM_CONF'] = self.softhsm_conf #print("env SOFTHSM_CONF=%s " % softhsm_conf +" ".join(args)) logging.debug("Environment {!r}".format(env)) logging.debug("Executing {!r}".format(args)) args = ['ls'] proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) out, err = proc.communicate() if err is not None and len(err) > 0: logging.error(err) if out is not None and len(out) > 0: logging.debug(out) rv = proc.wait() if rv: raise RuntimeError("command exited with code != 0: %d" % rv) def test_SAML_sign_with_pkcs11(self): """ Test signing a SAML assertion using PKCS#11 and then verifying it. """ os.environ['SOFTHSM_CONF'] = self.softhsm_conf ass = self._assertion print(ass) sign_ass = self.sec.sign_assertion("%s" % ass, node_id=ass.id) #print(sign_ass) sass = saml.assertion_from_string(sign_ass) #print(sass) assert _eq(sass.keyswv(), ['attribute_statement', 'issue_instant', 'version', 'signature', 'id']) assert sass.version == "2.0" assert sass.id == "11111" assert time_util.str_to_time(sass.issue_instant) print("Crypto version : %s" % (self.sec.crypto.version())) item = self.sec.check_signature(sass, class_name(sass), sign_ass) assert isinstance(item, saml.Assertion) print("Test PASSED") def test_xmlsec_cryptobackend(): t = TestPKCS11() t.setup_class() t.test_SAML_sign_with_pkcs11() if __name__ == "__main__": test_xmlsec_cryptobackend()