import copy from pathutils import full_path from pytest import raises from saml2 import assertion from saml2 import attribute_converter from saml2 import config from saml2 import create_class_from_xml_string from saml2 import md from saml2 import saml from saml2 import xmldsig from saml2 import xmlenc from saml2.argtree import add_path from saml2.assertion import Assertion from saml2.assertion import Policy from saml2.assertion import filter_attribute_value_assertions from saml2.assertion import filter_on_attributes from saml2.assertion import from_local from saml2.attribute_converter import AttributeConverterNOOP from saml2.attribute_converter import ac_factory from saml2.authn_context import pword from saml2.extension import dri from saml2.extension import idpdisc from saml2.extension import mdattr from saml2.extension import mdui from saml2.mdie import to_dict from saml2.mdstore import MetadataStore from saml2.s_utils import MissingValue from saml2.saml import NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED from saml2.saml import NAME_FORMAT_URI from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT from saml2.saml import Attribute from saml2.saml import AttributeValue from saml2.saml import Issuer from saml2.saml import NameID ONTS = [saml, mdui, mdattr, dri, idpdisc, md, xmldsig, xmlenc] ATTRCONV = ac_factory(full_path("attributemaps")) sec_config = config.Config() METADATACONF = { "1": [ { "class": "saml2.mdstore.MetaDataFile", "metadata": [(full_path("swamid-2.0.xml"),)], } ], } def _eq(l1, l2): return set(l1) == set(l2) gn = to_dict( md.RequestedAttribute(name="urn:oid:", friendly_name="givenName", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI), ONTS ) sn = to_dict(md.RequestedAttribute(name="urn:oid:", friendly_name="surName", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI), ONTS) mail = to_dict( md.RequestedAttribute(name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3", friendly_name="mail", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI), ONTS, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_filter_on_attributes_0(): a = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", ), ONTS, ) b = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:subject-id", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="subject-id", ), ONTS, ) c = to_dict( Attribute( name="unmapped_attr_name", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="unmapped attr name", ), ONTS, ) d = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", friendly_name="c", ), ONTS, ) required = [a, b, c, d] ava = { "serialNumber": ["12345"], "subject-id": ["id_12345"], "unmapped_attr_name": ["abcd"], "c": ["some-country"], } ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) assert set(ava.keys()) == {"serialNumber", "subject-id", "unmapped_attr_name", "c"} assert ava["serialNumber"] == ["12345"] assert ava["subject-id"] == ["id_12345"] assert ava["unmapped_attr_name"] == ["abcd"] assert ava["c"] == ["some-country"] def test_filter_on_attributes_1(): a = to_dict(Attribute(name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber"), ONTS) required = [a] ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345"], "givenName": ["Lars"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["serialNumber"] assert ava["serialNumber"] == ["12345"] def test_filter_on_attributes_2(): a = to_dict(Attribute(friendly_name="surName", name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI), ONTS) required = [a] ava = {"sn": ["kakavas"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["sn"] assert ava["sn"] == ["kakavas"] def test_filter_on_attributes_without_friendly_name(): ava = {"eduPersonTargetedID": "", "eduPersonAffiliation": "test", "extra": "foo"} eptid = to_dict(Attribute(name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI), ONTS) ep_affiliation = to_dict(Attribute(name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI), ONTS) restricted_ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required=[eptid], optional=[ep_affiliation], acs=ac_factory()) assert restricted_ava == {"eduPersonTargetedID": "", "eduPersonAffiliation": "test"} def test_filter_on_attributes_with_missing_required_attribute(): ava = {"extra": "foo"} eptid = to_dict( Attribute( friendly_name="eduPersonTargetedID", name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI ), ONTS, ) with raises(MissingValue): filter_on_attributes(ava, required=[eptid], acs=ac_factory()) def test_filter_on_attributes_with_missing_optional_attribute(): ava = {"extra": "foo"} eptid = to_dict( Attribute( friendly_name="eduPersonTargetedID", name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI ), ONTS, ) assert filter_on_attributes(ava, optional=[eptid], acs=ac_factory()) == {} def test_filter_on_attributes_with_missing_name_format(): ava = {"eduPersonTargetedID": "", "eduPersonAffiliation": "test", "extra": "foo"} eptid = to_dict(Attribute(friendly_name="eduPersonTargetedID", name="urn:myown:eptid", name_format=""), ONTS) ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, optional=[eptid], acs=ac_factory()) assert ava["eduPersonTargetedID"] == "" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_lifetime_1(): conf = { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "surName": None, "mail": [r".*@.*\.umu\.se"], }, }, } r = Policy(conf) assert r is not None assert r.get_lifetime("") == {"minutes": 5} assert r.get_lifetime("") == {"minutes": 15} def test_lifetime_2(): conf = { "default": {"attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "surName": None, "mail": [r".*@.*\.umu\.se"], }, }, } r = Policy(conf) assert r is not None assert r.get_lifetime("") == {"minutes": 5} assert r.get_lifetime("") == {"hours": 1} def test_ava_filter_1(): conf = { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "surName": None, "mail": [r".*@.*\.umu\.se"], }, }, } r = Policy(conf) ava = {"givenName": "Derek", "surName": "Jeter", "mail": ""} ava = r.filter(ava, "") assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["givenName", "surName"]) ava = {"givenName": "Derek", "mail": ""} assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenName", "mail"]) def test_ava_filter_2(): conf = { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "sn": None, "mail": [r".*@.*\.umu\.se"], }, }, } policy = Policy(conf) ava = {"givenName": "Derek", "sn": "Jeter", "mail": ""} # mail removed because it doesn't match the regular expression _ava = policy.filter(ava, "", required=[mail], optional=[gn, sn]) assert _eq(sorted(list(_ava.keys())), ["givenName", "sn"]) ava = {"givenName": "Derek", "sn": "Jeter"} # it wasn't there to begin with try: policy.filter(ava, "", required=[gn, sn, mail]) except MissingValue: pass def test_ava_filter_dont_fail(): conf = { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None, # means all I have "fail_on_missing_requested": False, }, "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "surName": None, "mail": [r".*@.*\.umu\.se"], }, "fail_on_missing_requested": False, }, } policy = Policy(conf) ava = {"givenName": "Derek", "surName": "Jeter", "mail": ""} # mail removed because it doesn't match the regular expression # So it should fail if the 'fail_on_ ...' flag wasn't set _ava = policy.filter(ava, "", required=[mail], optional=[gn, sn]) assert _ava ava = {"givenName": "Derek", "surName": "Jeter"} # it wasn't there to begin with _ava = policy.filter(ava, "", required=[gn, sn, mail]) assert _ava def test_filter_attribute_value_assertions_0(AVA): p = Policy( { "default": { "attribute_restrictions": { "surName": [".*berg"], } } } ) ava = filter_attribute_value_assertions(AVA[3].copy(), p.get_attribute_restrictions("")) print(ava) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["surName"] assert ava["surName"] == ["Hedberg"] def test_filter_attribute_value_assertions_1(AVA): p = Policy( { "default": { "attribute_restrictions": { "surName": None, "givenName": [".*er.*"], } } } ) ava = filter_attribute_value_assertions(AVA[0].copy(), p.get_attribute_restrictions("")) print(ava) assert _eq(ava.keys(), ["givenName", "surName"]) assert ava["surName"] == ["Jeter"] assert ava["givenName"] == ["Derek"] ava = filter_attribute_value_assertions(AVA[1].copy(), p.get_attribute_restrictions("")) print(ava) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["surName"]) assert ava["surName"] == ["Howard"] def test_filter_attribute_value_assertions_2(AVA): p = Policy( { "default": { "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": ["^R.*"], } } } ) ava = filter_attribute_value_assertions(AVA[0].copy(), p.get_attribute_restrictions("")) print(ava) assert _eq(ava.keys(), []) ava = filter_attribute_value_assertions(AVA[1].copy(), p.get_attribute_restrictions("")) print(ava) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["givenName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Ryan"] ava = filter_attribute_value_assertions(AVA[3].copy(), p.get_attribute_restrictions("")) print(ava) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["givenName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Roland"] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_assertion_1(AVA): ava = Assertion(AVA[0]) print(ava) print(ava.__dict__) policy = Policy( { "default": { "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": ["^R.*"], } } } ) ava = ava.apply_policy("", policy) print(ava) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), []) ava = Assertion(AVA[1].copy()) ava = ava.apply_policy("", policy) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["givenName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Ryan"] ava = Assertion(AVA[3].copy()) ava = ava.apply_policy("", policy) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["givenName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Roland"] def test_assertion_2(): AVA = { "mail": "", "eduPersonTargetedID": "http://lingon.ladok.umu" ".se:8090/idp!http://lingon.ladok.umu" ".se:8088/sp!95e9ae91dbe62d35198fbbd5e1fb0976", "displayName": "Roland Hedberg", "uid": "", } ava = Assertion(AVA) policy = Policy( { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 240}, "attribute_restrictions": None, # means all I have "name_form": NAME_FORMAT_URI, }, } ) ava = ava.apply_policy("", policy) acs = ac_factory(full_path("attributemaps")) attribute = from_local(acs, ava, policy.get_name_form("")) assert len(attribute) == 4 names = [ for attr in attribute] assert _eq( sorted(list(names)), [ "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1", "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3", "urn:oid:", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241", ], ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_filter_values_req_2(): a1 = to_dict(Attribute(name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber"), ONTS) a2 = to_dict(Attribute(name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="surName"), ONTS) required = [a1, a2] ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345"], "givenName": ["Lars"]} with raises(MissingValue): filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) def test_filter_values_req_3(): a = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="12345")], ), ONTS, ) required = [a] ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["serialNumber"] assert ava["serialNumber"] == ["12345"] def test_filter_values_req_4(): a = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="54321")], ), ONTS, ) required = [a] ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345"]} with raises(MissingValue): filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) def test_filter_values_req_5(): a = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="12345")], ), ONTS, ) required = [a] ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345", "54321"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["serialNumber"] assert ava["serialNumber"] == ["12345"] def test_filter_values_req_6(): a = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="54321")], ), ONTS, ) required = [a] ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345", "54321"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, required, acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["serialNumber"] assert ava["serialNumber"] == ["54321"] def test_filter_values_req_opt_0(): r = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="54321")], ), ONTS, ) o = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="12345")], ), ONTS, ) ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345", "54321"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, [r], [o], acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["serialNumber"] assert _eq(ava["serialNumber"], ["12345", "54321"]) def test_filter_values_req_opt_1(): r = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="54321")], ), ONTS, ) o = to_dict( Attribute( name="urn:oid:", name_format=NAME_FORMAT_URI, friendly_name="serialNumber", attribute_value=[AttributeValue(text="12345"), AttributeValue(text="abcd0")], ), ONTS, ) ava = {"serialNumber": ["12345", "54321"]} ava = filter_on_attributes(ava, [r], [o], acs=ac_factory()) assert list(ava.keys()) == ["serialNumber"] assert _eq(ava["serialNumber"], ["12345", "54321"]) def test_filter_values_req_opt_2(): r = [ to_dict( Attribute( friendly_name="surName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ONTS, ), to_dict( Attribute( friendly_name="givenName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ONTS, ), to_dict( Attribute( friendly_name="mail", name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ONTS, ), ] o = [ to_dict( Attribute( friendly_name="title", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ONTS, ) ] ava = {"surname": ["Hedberg"], "givenName": ["Roland"], "eduPersonAffiliation": ["staff"], "uid": ["rohe0002"]} with raises(MissingValue): filter_on_attributes(ava, r, o, acs=ac_factory()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_filter_values_req_opt_4(): r = [ Attribute( friendly_name="surName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), Attribute( friendly_name="givenName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ] o = [ Attribute( friendly_name="title", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ) ] acs = attribute_converter.ac_factory(full_path("attributemaps")) rava = attribute_converter.list_to_local(acs, r) oava = attribute_converter.list_to_local(acs, o) ava = {"sn": ["Hedberg"], "givenName": ["Roland"], "eduPersonAffiliation": ["staff"], "uid": ["rohe0002"]} ava = assertion.filter_on_demands(ava, rava, oava) print(ava) assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenName", "sn"]) assert ava == {"givenName": ["Roland"], "sn": ["Hedberg"]} # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_filter_ava_0(): policy = Policy( { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, }, } ) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""]} # No restrictions apply ava = policy.filter(ava, "") assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenName", "mail", "surName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Derek"] assert ava["surName"] == ["Jeter"] assert ava["mail"] == [""] def test_filter_ava_1(): """No mail address returned""" policy = Policy( { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "surName": None, }, }, } ) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""]} # No restrictions apply ava = policy.filter(ava, "") assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenName", "surName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Derek"] assert ava["surName"] == ["Jeter"] def test_filter_ava_2(): """Only mail returned""" policy = Policy( { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "mail": None, }, }, } ) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""]} # No restrictions apply ava = policy.filter(ava, "") assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["mail"]) assert ava["mail"] == [""] def test_filter_ava_3(): """Only mail addresses returned""" policy = Policy( { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "mail": [r".*@example\.com$"], }, }, } ) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": ["", ""]} # No restrictions apply ava = policy.filter(ava, "") assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["mail"]) assert ava["mail"] == [""] def test_filter_ava_4(): """Return everything as default policy is used""" policy = Policy( { "default": {"lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None}, # means all I have "": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 5}, "attribute_restrictions": { "mail": [r".*@example\.com$"], }, }, } ) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": ["", ""]} # No restrictions apply ava = policy.filter(ava, "") assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["mail", "givenName", "surName"]) assert _eq(ava["mail"], ["", ""]) def test_req_opt(): req = [ to_dict( md.RequestedAttribute( friendly_name="surname", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", is_required="true", ), ONTS, ), to_dict( md.RequestedAttribute( friendly_name="givenname", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", is_required="true", ), ONTS, ), to_dict( md.RequestedAttribute( friendly_name="edupersonaffiliation", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", is_required="true", ), ONTS, ), ] opt = [ to_dict( md.RequestedAttribute( friendly_name="title", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", is_required="false", ), ONTS, ) ] policy = Policy() ava = {"givenname": "Roland", "sn": "Hedberg", "uid": "rohe0002", "edupersonaffiliation": "staff"} sp_entity_id = "" fava = policy.filter(ava, sp_entity_id, required=req, optional=opt) assert fava def test_filter_on_wire_representation_1(): r = [ Attribute( friendly_name="surName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), Attribute( friendly_name="givenName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ] o = [ Attribute( friendly_name="title", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ) ] acs = attribute_converter.ac_factory(full_path("attributemaps")) ava = {"sn": ["Hedberg"], "givenname": ["Roland"], "edupersonaffiliation": ["staff"], "uid": ["rohe0002"]} ava = assertion.filter_on_wire_representation(ava, acs, r, o) assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenname", "sn"]) def test_filter_on_wire_representation_2(): r = [ Attribute( friendly_name="surName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), Attribute( friendly_name="givenName", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ), ] o = [ Attribute( friendly_name="title", name="urn:oid:", name_format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri", ) ] acs = attribute_converter.ac_factory(full_path("attributemaps")) ava = {"sn": ["Hedberg"], "givenname": ["Roland"], "title": ["Master"], "uid": ["rohe0002"]} ava = assertion.filter_on_wire_representation(ava, acs, r, o) assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenname", "sn", "title"]) length = pword.Length(min="4") restricted_password = pword.RestrictedPassword(length=length) authenticator = pword.Authenticator(restricted_password=restricted_password) authn_method = pword.AuthnMethod(authenticator=authenticator) ACD = pword.AuthenticationContextDeclaration(authn_method=authn_method) def test_assertion_with_noop_attribute_conv(): ava = {"urn:oid:": "Roland", "urn:oid:": "Hedberg"} ast = Assertion(ava) policy = Policy( { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 240}, "attribute_restrictions": None, # means all I have "name_form": NAME_FORMAT_URI, }, } ) name_id = NameID(format=NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT, text="foobar") issuer = Issuer(text="entityid", format=NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY) farg = add_path({}, ["subject", "subject_confirmation", "method", saml.SCM_BEARER]) add_path(farg["subject"]["subject_confirmation"], ["subject_confirmation_data", "in_response_to", "in_response_to"]) add_path(farg["subject"]["subject_confirmation"], ["subject_confirmation_data", "recipient", "consumer_url"]) msg = ast.construct( "sp_entity_id", [AttributeConverterNOOP(NAME_FORMAT_URI)], policy, issuer=issuer, farg=farg, authn_decl=ACD, name_id=name_id, authn_auth="authn_authn", ) print(msg) for attr in msg.attribute_statement[0].attribute: assert attr.name_format == NAME_FORMAT_URI assert len(attr.attribute_value) == 1 if == "urn:oid:": assert attr.attribute_value[0].text == "Hedberg" elif == "urn:oid:": assert attr.attribute_value[0].text == "Roland" def test_filter_ava_5(): mds = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) mds.imp(METADATACONF["1"]) policy_conf = { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None, # means all I have "entity_categories": ["swamid", "edugain"], } } policy = Policy(restrictions=policy_conf, mds=mds) ava = { "givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": [ "", "", ], } ava = policy.filter(ava, "") # using entity_categories means there *always* are restrictions # in this case the only allowed attribute is eduPersonTargetedID # which isn't available in the ava hence zip is returned. assert ava == {} def test_filter_ava_registration_authority_1(): mds = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) mds.imp(METADATACONF["1"]) policy_conf = { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "attribute_restrictions": None, }, "": { "attribute_restrictions": { "givenName": None, "surName": None, } }, } policy = Policy(restrictions=policy_conf, mds=mds) attributes = { "givenName": ["Derek"], "surName": ["Jeter"], "mail": [ "", "", ], } # SP registered with ava = policy.filter(attributes, "") assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenName", "surName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Derek"] assert ava["surName"] == ["Jeter"] # SP not registered with ava = policy.filter(attributes, "") assert _eq(sorted(list(ava.keys())), ["givenName", "mail", "surName"]) assert ava["givenName"] == ["Derek"] assert ava["surName"] == ["Jeter"] assert ava["mail"] == ["", ""] def test_assertion_with_zero_attributes(): ava = {} ast = Assertion(ava) policy_conf = { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 240}, "attribute_restrictions": None, # means all I have "name_form": NAME_FORMAT_URI, }, } policy = Policy(policy_conf) name_id = NameID(format=NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT, text="foobar") issuer = Issuer(text="entityid", format=NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY) farg = add_path({}, ["subject", "subject_confirmation", "method", saml.SCM_BEARER]) add_path(farg["subject"]["subject_confirmation"], ["subject_confirmation_data", "in_response_to", "in_response_to"]) add_path(farg["subject"]["subject_confirmation"], ["subject_confirmation_data", "recipient", "consumer_url"]) msg = ast.construct( "sp_entity_id", [AttributeConverterNOOP(NAME_FORMAT_URI)], policy, issuer=issuer, authn_decl=ACD, authn_auth="authn_authn", name_id=name_id, farg=farg, ) print(msg) assert msg.attribute_statement == [] def test_assertion_with_authn_instant(): ava = {} ast = Assertion(ava) policy = Policy( { "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 240}, "attribute_restrictions": None, # means all I have "name_form": NAME_FORMAT_URI, }, } ) name_id = NameID(format=NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT, text="foobar") issuer = Issuer(text="entityid", format=NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY) farg = add_path({}, ["subject", "subject_confirmation", "method", saml.SCM_BEARER]) add_path(farg["subject"]["subject_confirmation"], ["subject_confirmation_data", "in_response_to", "in_response_to"]) add_path(farg["subject"]["subject_confirmation"], ["subject_confirmation_data", "recipient", "consumer_url"]) msg = ast.construct( "sp_entity_id", [AttributeConverterNOOP(NAME_FORMAT_URI)], policy, issuer=issuer, authn_decl=ACD, authn_auth="authn_authn", authn_instant=1234567890, name_id=name_id, farg=farg, ) print(msg) assert msg.authn_statement[0].authn_instant == "2009-02-13T23:31:30Z" def test_attribute_producer_should_default_to_uri(): attr = Attribute() assert attr.name_format == NAME_FORMAT_URI def test_attribute_consumer_should_default_to_unspecified(): attr_str = """ test """ attr = create_class_from_xml_string(Attribute, attr_str) assert attr.name_format == NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED if __name__ == "__main__": test_assertion_2()