from contextlib import closing from saml2 import sigver from saml2 import config from saml2.assertion import Policy from saml2.attribute_converter import ac_factory from pathutils import full_path from saml2.mdstore import MetadataStore from saml2.server import Server ATTRCONV = ac_factory(full_path("attributemaps")) sec_config = config.Config() sec_config.xmlsec_binary = sigver.get_xmlsec_binary(["/opt/local/bin"]) __author__ = 'rolandh' MDS = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) MDS.imp([{"class": "saml2.mdstore.MetaDataMD", "metadata": [(full_path(""),)]}]) def _eq(l1, l2): return set(l1) == set(l2) def test_filter_ava(): policy = Policy({ "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, # "attribute_restrictions": None # means all I have "entity_categories": ["swamid"] } }) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "mail": ["", ""], "c": ["USA"]} ava = policy.filter(ava, "", MDS) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ['mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'c']) assert _eq(ava["mail"], ["", ""]) def test_filter_ava2(): policy = Policy({ "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, # "attribute_restrictions": None # means all I have "entity_categories": ["refeds", "edugain"] } }) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""], "c": ["USA"], "eduPersonTargetedID": "foo!bar!xyz"} ava = policy.filter(ava, "", MDS) # Mismatch, policy deals with eduGAIN, metadata says SWAMID # So only minimum should come out assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ['eduPersonTargetedID']) def test_filter_ava3(): policy = Policy({ "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, # "attribute_restrictions": None # means all I have "entity_categories": ["swamid"] } }) mds = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) mds.imp([{"class": "saml2.mdstore.MetaDataFile", "metadata": [(full_path("entity_cat_sfs_hei.xml"),)]}]) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""], "c": ["USA"], "eduPersonTargetedID": "foo!bar!xyz", "norEduPersonNIN": "19800101134"} ava = policy.filter(ava, "", mds) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ['eduPersonTargetedID', "norEduPersonNIN"]) def test_filter_ava4(): policy = Policy({ "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, # "attribute_restrictions": None # means all I have "entity_categories": ["swamid"] } }) mds = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) mds.imp([{"class": "saml2.mdstore.MetaDataFile", "metadata": [(full_path("entity_cat_re_nren.xml"),)]}]) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""], "c": ["USA"], "eduPersonTargetedID": "foo!bar!xyz", "norEduPersonNIN": "19800101134"} ava = policy.filter(ava, "", mds) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ['eduPersonTargetedID', "givenName", "c", "mail", "sn"]) def test_filter_ava5(): policy = Policy({ "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, # "attribute_restrictions": None # means all I have "entity_categories": ["swamid"] } }) mds = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) mds.imp([{"class": "saml2.mdstore.MetaDataFile", "metadata": [(full_path("entity_cat_re.xml"),)]}]) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""], "c": ["USA"], "eduPersonTargetedID": "foo!bar!xyz", "norEduPersonNIN": "19800101134"} ava = policy.filter(ava, "", mds) assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ['eduPersonTargetedID']) def test_idp_policy_filter(): with closing(Server("idp_conf_ec")) as idp: ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "mail": [""], "c": ["USA"], "eduPersonTargetedID": "foo!bar!xyz", "norEduPersonNIN": "19800101134"} policy = idp.config.getattr("policy", "idp") ava = policy.filter(ava, "", idp.metadata) print(ava) assert list(ava.keys()) == [ "eduPersonTargetedID"] # because no entity category def test_entity_category_import_from_path(): # The entity category module is in the tests # directory which is on the standard module search path. # The module uses a custom interpretation of the REFEDs R&S entity category # by adding eduPersonUniqueId. policy = Policy({ "default": { "lifetime": {"minutes": 15}, "entity_categories": ["myentitycategory"] } }) mds = MetadataStore(ATTRCONV, sec_config, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) # The file entity_cat_rs.xml contains the SAML metadata for an SP # tagged with the REFEDs R&S entity category. mds.imp([{"class": "saml2.mdstore.MetaDataFile", "metadata": [(full_path("entity_cat_rs.xml"),)]}]) ava = {"givenName": ["Derek"], "sn": ["Jeter"], "displayName": "Derek Jeter", "mail": [""], "c": ["USA"], "eduPersonTargetedID": "foo!bar!xyz", "eduPersonUniqueId": "", "eduPersonScopedAffiliation": "", "eduPersonPrincipalName": "", "norEduPersonNIN": "19800101134"} ava = policy.filter(ava, "", mds) # We expect c and norEduPersonNIN to be filtered out since they are not # part of the custom entity category. assert _eq(list(ava.keys()), ["eduPersonTargetedID", "eduPersonPrincipalName", "eduPersonUniqueId", "displayName", "givenName", "eduPersonScopedAffiliation", "mail", "sn"]) if __name__ == "__main__": test_filter_ava3()