import base64 from contextlib import closing from hashlib import sha1 from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2.authn_context import INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD from saml2.client import Saml2Client from saml2.entity import create_artifact from saml2.entity import ARTIFACT_TYPECODE from saml2.s_utils import sid from saml2.server import Server __author__ = 'rolandh' TAG1 = "name=\"SAMLRequest\" value=" AUTHN = { "class_ref": INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD, "authn_auth": "" } def get_msg(hinfo, binding, response=False): if binding == BINDING_SOAP: msg = hinfo["data"] elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST: _inp = hinfo["data"][3] i = _inp.find(TAG1) i += len(TAG1) + 1 j = _inp.find('"', i) msg = _inp[i:j] elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT: # either by POST or by redirect if hinfo["data"]: _inp = hinfo["data"][3] i = _inp.find(TAG1) i += len(TAG1) + 1 j = _inp.find('"', i) msg = _inp[i:j] else: parts = urlparse(hinfo["url"]) msg = parse_qs(parts.query)["SAMLart"][0] else: # BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT parts = urlparse(hinfo["headers"][0][1]) msg = parse_qs(parts.query)["SAMLRequest"][0] return msg def test_create_artifact(): b64art = create_artifact("", b"aabbccddeeffgghhiijj") art = base64.b64decode(b64art.encode('ascii')) assert art[:2] == ARTIFACT_TYPECODE assert int(art[2:4]) == 0 s = sha1(b"") assert art[4:24] == s.digest() SP = '' def test_create_artifact_resolve(): b64art = create_artifact(SP, "aabbccddeeffgghhiijj", 1) artifact = base64.b64decode(b64art) #assert artifact[:2] == '\x00\x04' #assert int(artifact[2:4]) == 0 # s = sha1(SP.encode('ascii')) assert artifact[4:24] == s.digest() with closing(Server(config_file="idp_all_conf")) as idp: typecode = artifact[:2] assert typecode == ARTIFACT_TYPECODE destination = idp.artifact2destination(b64art, "spsso") msg_id, msg = idp.create_artifact_resolve(b64art, destination, sid()) print(msg) args = idp.use_soap(msg, destination, None, False) sp = Saml2Client(config_file="servera_conf") ar = sp.parse_artifact_resolve(args["data"]) print(ar) assert ar.artifact.text == b64art def test_artifact_flow(): #SP = '' sp = Saml2Client(config_file="servera_conf") with closing(Server(config_file="idp_all_conf")) as idp: # original request binding, destination = sp.pick_binding("single_sign_on_service", entity_id=idp.config.entityid) relay_state = "RS0" req_id, req = sp.create_authn_request(destination, id="id1") artifact = sp.use_artifact(req, 1) binding, destination = sp.pick_binding("single_sign_on_service", [BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT], entity_id=idp.config.entityid) hinfo = sp.apply_binding(binding, artifact, destination, relay_state) # ========== @IDP ============ artifact2 = get_msg(hinfo, binding) assert artifact == artifact2 # The IDP now wants to replace the artifact with the real request destination = idp.artifact2destination(artifact2, "spsso") msg_id, msg = idp.create_artifact_resolve(artifact2, destination, sid()) hinfo = idp.use_soap(msg, destination, None, False) # ======== @SP ========== msg = get_msg(hinfo, BINDING_SOAP) ar = sp.parse_artifact_resolve(msg) assert ar.artifact.text == artifact # The SP picks the request out of the repository with the artifact as the key oreq = sp.artifact[ar.artifact.text] # Should be the same as req above # Returns the information over the existing SOAP connection so # no transport information needed msg = sp.create_artifact_response(ar, ar.artifact.text) hinfo = sp.use_soap(msg, destination) # ========== @IDP ============ msg = get_msg(hinfo, BINDING_SOAP) # The IDP untangles the request from the artifact resolve response spreq = idp.parse_artifact_resolve_response(msg) # should be the same as req above assert == # That was one way, the Request from the SP # ---------------------------------------------# # Now for the other, the response from the IDP name_id = idp.ident.transient_nameid(sp.config.entityid, "derek") resp_args = idp.response_args(spreq, [BINDING_HTTP_POST]) response = idp.create_authn_response({"eduPersonEntitlement": "Short stop", "surName": "Jeter", "givenName": "Derek", "mail": "", "title": "The man"}, name_id=name_id, authn=AUTHN, **resp_args) print(response) # with the response in hand create an artifact artifact = idp.use_artifact(response, 1) binding, destination = sp.pick_binding("single_sign_on_service", [BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT], entity_id=idp.config.entityid) hinfo = sp.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % artifact, destination, relay_state, response=True) # ========== SP ========= artifact3 = get_msg(hinfo, binding) assert artifact == artifact3 destination = sp.artifact2destination(artifact3, "idpsso") # Got an artifact want to replace it with the real message msg_id, msg = sp.create_artifact_resolve(artifact3, destination, sid()) print(msg) hinfo = sp.use_soap(msg, destination, None, False) # ======== IDP ========== msg = get_msg(hinfo, BINDING_SOAP) ar = idp.parse_artifact_resolve(msg) print(ar) assert ar.artifact.text == artifact3 # The IDP retrieves the response from the database using the artifact as the key #oreq = idp.artifact[ar.artifact.text] binding, destination = idp.pick_binding("artifact_resolution_service", entity_id=sp.config.entityid) resp = idp.create_artifact_response(ar, ar.artifact.text) hinfo = idp.use_soap(resp, destination) # ========== SP ============ msg = get_msg(hinfo, BINDING_SOAP) sp_resp = sp.parse_artifact_resolve_response(msg) assert ==