from contextlib import closing from urllib.parse import parse_qs from urllib.parse import urlparse from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP __author__ = "rolandh" from saml2.authn_context import INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD from saml2.authn_context import requested_authn_context from saml2.client import Saml2Client from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT from saml2.saml import NameID from saml2.saml import Subject from saml2.samlp import AuthnQuery from saml2.server import Server TAG1 = 'name="SAMLRequest" value=' AUTHN = {"class_ref": INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD, "authn_auth": ""} def get_msg(hinfo, binding): if binding == BINDING_SOAP: xmlstr = hinfo["data"] elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST: _inp = hinfo["data"] i = _inp.find(TAG1) i += len(TAG1) + 1 j = _inp.find('"', i) xmlstr = _inp[i:j] else: # BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT parts = urlparse(hinfo["headers"][0][1]) xmlstr = parse_qs(parts.query)["SAMLRequest"][0] return xmlstr # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_basic(): sp = Saml2Client(config_file="servera_conf") with closing(Server(config_file="idp_all_conf")) as idp: srvs = sp.metadata.authn_query_service(idp.config.entityid) destination = srvs[0]["location"] authn_context = requested_authn_context(INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD) subject = Subject(text="abc", name_id=NameID(format=NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT)) _id, aq = sp.create_authn_query(subject, destination, authn_context) print(aq) assert isinstance(aq, AuthnQuery) def test_flow(): sp = Saml2Client(config_file="servera_conf") with closing(Server(config_file="idp_all_conf")) as idp: relay_state = "FOO" # == Create an AuthnRequest response name_id = idp.ident.transient_nameid(sp.config.entityid, "id12") binding, destination = idp.pick_binding("assertion_consumer_service", entity_id=sp.config.entityid) resp = idp.create_authn_response( { "eduPersonEntitlement": "Short stop", "surName": "Jeter", "givenName": "Derek", "mail": "", "title": "The man", }, "id-123456789", destination, sp.config.entityid, name_id=name_id, authn=AUTHN, ) hinfo = idp.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % resp, destination, relay_state) # ------- @SP ---------- xmlstr = get_msg(hinfo, binding) # Explicitly allow unsigned responses for this test sp.want_response_signed = False aresp = sp.parse_authn_request_response(xmlstr, binding, {resp.in_response_to: "/"}) binding, destination = sp.pick_binding("authn_query_service", entity_id=idp.config.entityid) authn_context = requested_authn_context(INTERNETPROTOCOLPASSWORD) subject = aresp.assertion.subject aq_id, aq = sp.create_authn_query(subject, destination, authn_context) print(aq) assert isinstance(aq, AuthnQuery) binding = BINDING_SOAP hinfo = sp.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % aq, destination, "state2") # -------- @IDP ---------- xmlstr = get_msg(hinfo, binding) pm = idp.parse_authn_query(xmlstr, binding) msg = pm.message assert == p_res = idp.create_authn_query_response(msg.subject, msg.session_index, msg.requested_authn_context) print(p_res) hinfo = idp.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % p_res, "", "state2", response=True) # ------- @SP ---------- xmlstr = get_msg(hinfo, binding) final = sp.parse_authn_query_response(xmlstr, binding) print(final) assert == if __name__ == "__main__": test_flow()