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1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scss/ b/scss/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..086d511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+class Selector(object):
+ """A single CSS selector."""
+ def __init__(self, selector, tree):
+ """Private; please use parse()."""
+ self.original_selector = selector
+ self._tree = tree
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, selector):
+ # Super dumb little selector parser
+ # Yes, yes, this is a regex tokenizer. The actual meaning of the
+ # selector doesn't matter; the parts are just important for matching up
+ # during @extend.
+ import re
+ tokenizer = re.compile(
+ r'''
+ # Colons introduce pseudo-selectors, sometimes with parens
+ # TODO doesn't handle quoted )
+ [:]+ [-\w]+ (?: [(] .+? [)] )?
+ # Square brackets are attribute tests
+ # TODO: this doesn't handle ] within a string
+ | [[] .+? []]
+ # Dot and pound start class/id selectors. Percent starts a Sass
+ # extend-target faux selector.
+ | [.#%] [-\w]+
+ # Plain identifiers, or single asterisks, are element names
+ | [-\w]+
+ | [*]
+ # These guys are combinators -- note that a single space counts too
+ | \s* [ +>~] \s*
+ # And as a last-ditch effort for something really outlandish (e.g.
+ # percentages as faux-selectors in @keyframes), just eat up to the
+ # next whitespace
+ | (\S+)
+ ''', re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
+ # Selectors have three levels: simple, combinator, comma-delimited.
+ # Each combinator can only appear once as a delimiter between simple
+ # selectors, so it can be thought of as a prefix.
+ # So this:
+ # a.b + c, d#e
+ # parses into two Selectors with these structures:
+ # [[' ', 'a', '.b'], ['+', 'c']]
+ # [[' ', 'd', '#e']]
+ # Note that the first simple selector has an implied descendant
+ # combinator -- i.e., it is a descendant of the root element.
+ trees = [[[' ']]]
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(selector):
+ # TODO i don't think this deals with " + " correctly. anywhere.
+ m = tokenizer.match(selector, pos)
+ if not m:
+ # TODO prettify me
+ raise SyntaxError("Couldn't parse selector: %r" % (selector,))
+ token =
+ if token == ',':
+ trees.append([[' ']])
+ elif token in ' +>~':
+ trees[-1].append([token])
+ else:
+ trees[-1][-1].append(token)
+ pos += len(token)
+ # TODO this passes the whole selector, not just the part
+ return [cls(selector, tree) for tree in trees]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s: %r>" % (type(self).__name__, self._tree)
+ def lookup_key(self):
+ """Build a key from the "important" parts of a selector: elements,
+ classes, ids.
+ """
+ # TODO how does this work with multiple selectors
+ parts = set()
+ for node in self._tree:
+ for token in node[1:]:
+ if token[0] not in ':[':
+ parts.add(token)
+ if not parts:
+ # Should always have at least ONE key; selectors with no elements,
+ # no classes, and no ids can be indexed as None to avoid a scan of
+ # every selector in the entire document
+ parts.add(None)
+ return frozenset(parts)
+ def is_superset_of(self, other):
+ assert isinstance(other, Selector)
+ idx = 0
+ for other_node in other._tree:
+ if idx >= len(self._tree):
+ return False
+ while idx < len(self._tree):
+ node = self._tree[idx]
+ idx += 1
+ if node[0] == other_node[0] and set(node[1:]) <= set(other_node[1:]):
+ break
+ return True
+ def substitute(self, target, replacement):
+ """Return a list of selectors obtained by replacing the `target`
+ selector with `replacement`.
+ Herein lie the guts of the Sass @extend directive.
+ In general, for a selector ``a X b Y c``, a target ``X Y``, and a
+ replacement ``q Z``, return the selectors ``a q X b Z c`` and ``q a X b
+ Z c``. Note in particular that no more than two selectors will be
+ returned, and the permutation of ancestors will never insert new simple
+ selectors "inside" the target selector.
+ """
+ # Find the hinge in the parent selector, and split it into before/after
+ p_before, p_extras, p_after = self.break_around(target._tree)
+ # The replacement has no hinge; it only has the most specific simple
+ # selector (which is the part that replaces "self" in the parent) and
+ # whatever preceding simple selectors there may be
+ r_trail = replacement._tree[:-1]
+ r_extras = replacement._tree[-1]
+ # TODO is this the right order?
+ # TODO what if the prefix doesn't match? who wins? should we even get
+ # this far?
+ focal_node = [p_extras[0]]
+ focal_node.extend(sorted(
+ p_extras[1:] + r_extras[1:],
+ key=lambda token: {'#':1,'.':2,':':3}.get(token[0], 0)))
+ befores = self._merge_trails(p_before, r_trail)
+ return [Selector(None, before + focal_node + p_after) for before in befores]
+ def break_around(self, hinge):
+ """Given a simple selector node contained within this one (a "hinge"),
+ break it in half and return a parent selector, extra specifiers for the
+ hinge, and a child selector.
+ That is, given a hinge X, break the selector A + X.y B into A, + .y,
+ and B.
+ """
+ hinge_start = hinge[0]
+ for i, node in enumerate(self._tree):
+ # TODO does first combinator have to match? maybe only if the
+ # hinge has a non-descendant combinator?
+ if set(hinge_start[1:]) <= set(node[1:]):
+ start_idx = i
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Couldn't find hinge %r in compound selector %r", (hinge_start, self._tree))
+ for i, hinge_node in enumerate(hinge):
+ self_node = self._tree[start_idx + i]
+ if hinge_node[0] == self_node[0] and set(hinge_node[1:]) <= set(self_node[1:]):
+ continue
+ # TODO this isn't true; consider finding `a b` in `a c a b`
+ raise TypeError("no match")
+ end_idx = start_idx + len(hinge) - 1
+ focal_node = self._tree[end_idx]
+ extras = [focal_node[0]] + [token for token in focal_node[1:] if token not in hinge[-1]]
+ return self._tree[:start_idx], extras, self._tree[end_idx + 1:]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _merge_trails(left, right):
+ # XXX docs docs docs
+ if not left or not right:
+ # At least one is empty, so there are no conflicts; just
+ # return whichever isn't empty
+ return [left or right]
+ sequencer = LeastCommonSubsequencer(left, right, eq=_merge_selector_nodes)
+ lcs = sequencer.find()
+ ret = [[]]
+ left_last = 0
+ right_last = 0
+ for left_next, right_next, merged in lcs:
+ left_prefix = left[left_last:left_next]
+ right_prefix = right[right_last:right_next]
+ new_ret = [
+ node + left_prefix + right_prefix + [merged]
+ for node in ret]
+ if left_prefix and right_prefix:
+ new_ret.extend(
+ node + right_prefix + left_prefix + [merged]
+ for node in ret)
+ ret = new_ret
+ left_last = left_next + 1
+ right_last = right_next + 1
+ left_prefix = left[left_last:]
+ right_prefix = right[right_last:]
+ # TODO factor this out
+ new_ret = [
+ node + left_prefix + right_prefix
+ for node in ret]
+ if left_prefix and right_prefix:
+ new_ret.extend(
+ node + right_prefix + left_prefix
+ for node in ret)
+ ret = new_ret
+ return ret
+ def render(self):
+ return ''.join(''.join(node) for node in self._tree).lstrip()
+def _merge_selector_nodes(a, b):
+ # TODO document, turn me into a method on something
+ # TODO what about combinators
+ aset = frozenset(a[1:])
+ bset = frozenset(b[1:])
+ if aset <= bset:
+ return a + [token for token in b[1:] if token not in aset]
+ elif bset <= aset:
+ return b + [token for token in a[1:] if token not in bset]
+ else:
+ return None
+class LeastCommonSubsequencer(object):
+ #
+ def __init__(self, a, b, eq=lambda a, b: a if a == b else None):
+ self.a = a
+ self.b = b
+ self.eq_matrix = dict()
+ self.length_matrix = dict()
+ self.init_eq_matrix(eq)
+ self.init_length_matrix()
+ def init_eq_matrix(self, eq):
+ for ai, aval in enumerate(self.a):
+ for bi, bval in enumerate(self.b):
+ self.eq_matrix[ai, bi] = eq(aval, bval)
+ def init_length_matrix(self):
+ for ai in range(-1, len(self.a)):
+ for bi in range(-1, len(self.b)):
+ if ai == -1 or bi == -1:
+ l = 0
+ elif self.eq_matrix[ai, bi]:
+ l = self.length_matrix[ai - 1, bi - 1] + 1
+ else:
+ l = max(
+ self.length_matrix[ai, bi - 1],
+ self.length_matrix[ai - 1, bi])
+ self.length_matrix[ai, bi] = l
+ def backtrack(self, ai, bi):
+ if ai < 0 or bi < 0:
+ # Base case: backtracked beyond the beginning with no match
+ return []
+ merged = self.eq_matrix[ai, bi]
+ if merged is not None:
+ return self.backtrack(ai - 1, bi - 1) + [(ai, bi, merged)]
+ if self.length_matrix[ai, bi - 1] > self.length_matrix[ai - 1, bi]:
+ return self.backtrack(ai, bi - 1)
+ else:
+ return self.backtrack(ai - 1, bi)
+ def find(self):
+ return self.backtrack(len(self.a) - 1, len(self.b) - 1)