diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 860 deletions
diff --git a/scss/src/ b/scss/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index d4ffd74..0000000
--- a/scss/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-## locate_blocks() needs heavy optimizations... is way too slow right now!
-## Any suggestion from python wizards? :-)
-import re
-import sys
-from datetime import datetime
-from six.moves import xrange
-import pstats
-import cProfile
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-def profile(fn):
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- profiler = cProfile.Profile()
- stream = StringIO()
- profiler.enable()
- try:
- res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- profiler.disable()
- stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=stream)
- stats.sort_stats('time')
- print >>stream, ""
- print >>stream, "=" * 100
- print >>stream, "Stats:"
- stats.print_stats()
- print >>stream, "=" * 100
- print >>stream, "Callers:"
- stats.print_callers()
- print >>stream, "=" * 100
- print >>stream, "Callees:"
- stats.print_callees()
- print >>sys.stderr, stream.getvalue()
- stream.close()
- return res
- return wrapper
-DEBUG = False
-# Helper functions
-SEPARATOR = '\x00'
-_nl_num_re = re.compile(r'\n.+' + SEPARATOR, re.MULTILINE)
-_blocks_re = re.compile(r'[{},;()\'"\n]')
-def load_string(codestr):
- """
- Add line numbers to the string using SEPARATOR as the separation between
- the line number and the line.
- """
- # Decorate lines with their line numbers and a delimiting NUL and remove empty lines
- codestr = '\n'.join(str(i + 1) + SEPARATOR + s for i, l in enumerate(codestr.splitlines()) for s in (l.strip(),) if s)
- return codestr
-def _strip_selprop(selprop, lineno):
- # Get the line number of the selector or property and strip all other
- # line numbers that might still be there (from multiline selectors)
- _lineno, _sep, selprop = selprop.partition(SEPARATOR)
- if _sep == SEPARATOR:
- _lineno = _lineno.strip(' \t\n;')
- try:
- lineno = int(_lineno)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- selprop = _lineno
- selprop = _nl_num_re.sub('\n', selprop)
- selprop = selprop.strip()
- return selprop, lineno
-def _strip(selprop):
- # Strip all line numbers, ignoring them in the way
- selprop, _ = _strip_selprop(selprop, None)
- return selprop
-# Algorithm implemented in C (much slower here):
-PAR = 0
-INSTR = 1
-DEPTH = 2
-SKIP = 3
-THIN = 4
-INIT = 5
-SAFE = 6
-LOSE = 7
-START = 8
-END = 9
-LINENO = 10
-def _start_string(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_start_string"
- # A string starts
- ctx[INSTR] = c
- return
- yield
-def _end_string(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_end_string"
- # A string ends (FIXME: needs to accept escaped characters)
- ctx[INSTR] = None
- return
- yield
-def _start_parenthesis(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_start_parenthesis"
- # parenthesis begins:
- ctx[PAR] += 1
- ctx[THIN] = None
- ctx[SAFE] = i + 1
- return
- yield
-def _end_parenthesis(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_end_parenthesis"
- ctx[PAR] -= 1
- return
- yield
-def _flush_properties(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_flush_properties"
- # Flush properties
- if ctx[LOSE] <= ctx[INIT]:
- _property, ctx[LINENO] = _strip_selprop(codestr[ctx[LOSE]:ctx[INIT]], ctx[LINENO])
- if _property:
- yield ctx[LINENO], _property, None
- ctx[SELPROP] = _property
- ctx[LOSE] = ctx[INIT]
- return
- yield
-def _start_block1(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_start_block1"
- # Start level-1 block
- if i > 0 and codestr[i - 1] == '#': # Do not process #{...} as blocks!
- ctx[SKIP] = True
- else:
- ctx[START] = i
- if ctx[THIN] is not None and _strip(codestr[ctx[THIN]:i]):
- ctx[INIT] = ctx[THIN]
- for y in _flush_properties(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- yield y
- ctx[THIN] = None
- ctx[DEPTH] += 1
- return
- yield
-def _start_block(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_start_block"
- # Start blocks:
- ctx[DEPTH] += 1
- return
- yield
-def _end_block1(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_end_block1"
- # End level-1 block:
- ctx[DEPTH] -= 1
- if not ctx[SKIP]:
- ctx[END] = i
- _selectors, ctx[LINENO] = _strip_selprop(codestr[ctx[INIT]:ctx[START]], ctx[LINENO])
- _codestr = codestr[ctx[START] + 1:ctx[END]]
- if _selectors:
- yield ctx[LINENO], _selectors, _codestr
- ctx[SELPROP] = _selectors
- ctx[INIT] = ctx[SAFE] = ctx[LOSE] = ctx[END] + 1
- ctx[THIN] = None
- ctx[SKIP] = False
- return
- yield
-def _end_block(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_end_block"
- # Block ends:
- ctx[DEPTH] -= 1
- return
- yield
-def _end_property(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_end_property"
- # End of property (or block):
- ctx[INIT] = i
- if ctx[LOSE] <= ctx[INIT]:
- _property, ctx[LINENO] = _strip_selprop(codestr[ctx[LOSE]:ctx[INIT]], ctx[LINENO])
- if _property:
- yield ctx[LINENO], _property, None
- ctx[SELPROP] = _property
- ctx[INIT] = ctx[SAFE] = ctx[LOSE] = i + 1
- ctx[THIN] = None
- return
- yield
-def _mark_safe(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_mark_safe"
- # We are on a safe zone
- if ctx[THIN] is not None and _strip(codestr[ctx[THIN]:i]):
- ctx[INIT] = ctx[THIN]
- ctx[THIN] = None
- ctx[SAFE] = i + 1
- return
- yield
-def _mark_thin(codestr, ctx, i, c):
- if DEBUG: print "_mark_thin"
- # Step on thin ice, if it breaks, it breaks here
- if ctx[THIN] is not None and _strip(codestr[ctx[THIN]:i]):
- ctx[INIT] = ctx[THIN]
- ctx[THIN] = i + 1
- elif ctx[THIN] is None and _strip(codestr[ctx[SAFE]:i]):
- ctx[THIN] = i + 1
- return
- yield
-scss_function_map = {
- # (c, instr, par, depth)
- ('"', None, False, 0): _start_string,
- ("'", None, False, 0): _start_string,
- ('"', None, True, 0): _start_string,
- ("'", None, True, 0): _start_string,
- ('"', None, False, 1): _start_string,
- ("'", None, False, 1): _start_string,
- ('"', None, True, 1): _start_string,
- ("'", None, True, 1): _start_string,
- ('"', None, False, 2): _start_string,
- ("'", None, False, 2): _start_string,
- ('"', None, True, 2): _start_string,
- ("'", None, True, 2): _start_string,
- ('"', '"', False, 0): _end_string,
- ("'", "'", False, 0): _end_string,
- ('"', '"', True, 0): _end_string,
- ("'", "'", True, 0): _end_string,
- ('"', '"', False, 1): _end_string,
- ("'", "'", False, 1): _end_string,
- ('"', '"', True, 1): _end_string,
- ("'", "'", True, 1): _end_string,
- ('"', '"', False, 2): _end_string,
- ("'", "'", False, 2): _end_string,
- ('"', '"', True, 2): _end_string,
- ("'", "'", True, 2): _end_string,
- ("(", None, False, 0): _start_parenthesis,
- ("(", None, True, 0): _start_parenthesis,
- ("(", None, False, 1): _start_parenthesis,
- ("(", None, True, 1): _start_parenthesis,
- ("(", None, False, 2): _start_parenthesis,
- ("(", None, True, 2): _start_parenthesis,
- (")", None, True, 0): _end_parenthesis,
- (")", None, True, 1): _end_parenthesis,
- (")", None, True, 2): _end_parenthesis,
- ("{", None, False, 0): _start_block1,
- ("{", None, False, 1): _start_block,
- ("{", None, False, 2): _start_block,
- ("}", None, False, 1): _end_block1,
- ("}", None, False, 2): _end_block,
- (";", None, False, 0): _end_property,
- (",", None, False, 0): _mark_safe,
- ("\n", None, False, 0): _mark_thin,
- (None, None, False, 0): _flush_properties,
- (None, None, False, 1): _flush_properties,
- (None, None, False, 2): _flush_properties,
-def _locate_blocks_a(codestr):
- """
- For processing CSS like strings.
- Either returns all selectors (that can be "smart" multi-lined, as
- long as it's joined by `,`, or enclosed in `(` and `)`) with its code block
- (the one between `{` and `}`, which can be nested), or the "lose" code
- (properties) that doesn't have any blocks.
- threshold is the number of blank lines before selectors are broken into
- pieces (properties).
- """
- ctx = [0, None, 0, False, None, 0, 0, 0, None, None, 0, '??']
- for m in _blocks_re.finditer(codestr):
- c =
- fn = scss_function_map.get((c, ctx[INSTR], ctx[PAR] != 0, 2 if ctx[DEPTH] > 1 else ctx[DEPTH]))
- if DEBUG: print fn and ' > ' or ' ', fn and fn.__name__, (c, ctx[INSTR], ctx[PAR] != 0, 2 if ctx[DEPTH] > 1 else ctx[DEPTH])
- if fn:
- for y in fn(codestr, ctx, m.start(), c):
- yield y
- codestr_end = len(codestr)
- exc = None
- if ctx[PAR]:
- exc = exc or "Missing closing parenthesis somewhere in block: '%s'" % ctx[SELPROP]
- elif ctx[INSTR]:
- exc = exc or "Missing closing string somewhere in block: '%s'" % ctx[SELPROP]
- elif ctx[DEPTH]:
- exc = exc or "Block never closed: '%s'" % ctx[SELPROP]
- while ctx[DEPTH] > 0 and ctx[INIT] < codestr_end:
- c = '}'
- fn = scss_function_map.get((c, ctx[INSTR], ctx[PAR] != 0, 2 if ctx[DEPTH] > 1 else ctx[DEPTH]))
- if DEBUG: print fn and ' > ' or ' ! ', fn and fn.__name__, (c, ctx[INSTR], ctx[PAR] != 0, 2 if ctx[DEPTH] > 1 else ctx[DEPTH])
- if fn:
- for y in fn(codestr, ctx, m.start(), c):
- yield y
- if ctx[INIT] < codestr_end:
- ctx[INIT] = codestr_end
- c = None
- fn = scss_function_map.get((c, ctx[INSTR], ctx[PAR] != 0, 2 if ctx[DEPTH] > 1 else ctx[DEPTH]))
- if DEBUG: print fn and ' > ' or ' ! ', fn and fn.__name__, (c, ctx[INSTR], ctx[PAR] != 0, 2 if ctx[DEPTH] > 1 else ctx[DEPTH])
- if fn:
- for y in fn(codestr, ctx, m.start(), c):
- yield y
- if exc:
- raise Exception(exc)
-# Algorithm using Regexps in pure Python (fastest pure python):
-def _locate_blocks_b(codestr):
- """
- For processing CSS like strings.
- Either returns all selectors (that can be "smart" multi-lined, as
- long as it's joined by `,`, or enclosed in `(` and `)`) with its code block
- (the one between `{` and `}`, which can be nested), or the "lose" code
- (properties) that doesn't have any blocks.
- threshold is the number of blank lines before selectors are broken into
- pieces (properties).
- """
- lineno = 0
- par = 0
- instr = None
- depth = 0
- skip = False
- thin = None
- i = init = safe = lose = 0
- start = end = None
- for m in _blocks_re.finditer(codestr):
- i = m.start(0)
- c = codestr[i]
- if instr is not None:
- if c == instr:
- instr = None # A string ends (FIXME: needs to accept escaped characters)
- elif c in ('"', "'"):
- instr = c # A string starts
- elif c == '(': # parenthesis begins:
- par += 1
- thin = None
- safe = i + 1
- elif c == ')': # parenthesis ends:
- par -= 1
- elif not par and not instr:
- if c == '{': # block begins:
- if depth == 0:
- if i > 0 and codestr[i - 1] == '#': # Do not process #{...} as blocks!
- skip = True
- else:
- start = i
- if thin is not None and _strip(codestr[thin:i]):
- init = thin
- if lose <= init:
- _property, lineno = _strip_selprop(codestr[lose:init], lineno)
- if _property:
- yield lineno, _property, None
- lose = init
- thin = None
- depth += 1
- elif c == '}': # block ends:
- if depth > 0:
- depth -= 1
- if depth == 0:
- if not skip:
- end = i
- _selectors, lineno = _strip_selprop(codestr[init:start], lineno)
- _codestr = codestr[start + 1:end].strip()
- if _selectors:
- yield lineno, _selectors, _codestr
- init = safe = lose = end + 1
- thin = None
- skip = False
- elif depth == 0:
- if c == ';': # End of property (or block):
- init = i
- if lose <= init:
- _property, lineno = _strip_selprop(codestr[lose:init], lineno)
- if _property:
- yield lineno, _property, None
- init = safe = lose = i + 1
- thin = None
- elif c == ',':
- if thin is not None and _strip(codestr[thin:i]):
- init = thin
- thin = None
- safe = i + 1
- elif c == '\n':
- if thin is not None and _strip(codestr[thin:i]):
- init = thin
- thin = i + 1
- elif thin is None and _strip(codestr[safe:i]):
- thin = i + 1 # Step on thin ice, if it breaks, it breaks here
- if depth > 0:
- if not skip:
- _selectors, lineno = _strip_selprop(codestr[init:start], lineno)
- _codestr = codestr[start + 1:].strip()
- if _selectors:
- yield lineno, _selectors, _codestr
- if par:
- raise Exception("Missing closing parenthesis somewhere in block: '%s'" % _selectors)
- elif instr:
- raise Exception("Missing closing string somewhere in block: '%s'" % _selectors)
- else:
- raise Exception("Block never closed: '%s'" % _selectors)
- losestr = codestr[lose:]
- for _property in losestr.split(';'):
- _property, lineno = _strip_selprop(_property, lineno)
- if _property:
- yield lineno, _property, None
-# Algorithm implemented in C:
- from _speedups import locate_blocks as _locate_blocks_c
-except ImportError:
- _locate_blocks_c = None
- print >>sys.stderr, "Scanning acceleration disabled (_speedups not found)!"
-codestr = """
-simple {
- block;
-and multi-lined,
-with more
- the block in here;
- can have, nested, selectors {
- and properties in nested blocks;
- and stuff with #{ ignored blocks };
- }
- properties-can: "have strings with stuff like this: }";
-and other,
-can be turned into "lose"
-if no commas are found
-however this is a selector (
- as well as these things,
- which are parameters
- and can expand
- any number of
- lines) {
- and this is its block;;
-verify = '\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>[1] \'simple\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t[3] \'block\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>[5] \'#{ignored}\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>[6] \'some,\\nselectors,\\nand multi-lined,\\nselectors\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>[10] \'with more\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t[12] \'the block in here\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t[13] \'can have, nested, selectors\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t\t[14] \'and properties in nested blocks\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t\t[15] \'and stuff with #{ ignored blocks }\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t[17] \'properties-can: "have strings with stuff like this: }"\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>[19] \'and other,\\nselectors\\ncan be turned into "lose"\\nproperties\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>[23] \'if no commas are found\\nhowever this is a selector (\\nas well as these things,\\nwhich are parameters\\nand can expand\\nany number of\\nlines)\'\n\t----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t>\t[30] \'and this is its block\'\n'
-def process_block(locate_blocks, codestr, level=0, dump=False):
- ret = '' if dump else None
- for lineno, selprop, block in locate_blocks(codestr):
- if dump:
- ret += '\t%s\n\t>%s[%s] %s\n' % ('-' * 70, '\t' * level, lineno, repr(selprop))
- if block:
- _ret = process_block(locate_blocks, block, level + 1, dump)
- if dump:
- ret += _ret
- return ret
-def process_blocks(locate_blocks, codestr):
- for q in xrange(20000):
- process_block(locate_blocks, codestr)
-profiled_process_blocks = profile(process_blocks)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- codestr = load_string(codestr)
- for locate_blocks, desc in (
- (_locate_blocks_a, "Pure Python, Full algorithm (_locate_blocks_a)"),
- (_locate_blocks_b, "Pure Python, Condensed algorithm (_locate_blocks_b)"),
- (_locate_blocks_c, "Builtin C Function, Full algorithm (_locate_blocks_c)"),
- ):
- if locate_blocks:
- ret = process_block(locate_blocks, codestr, dump=True)
- # print "This is what %s returned:" % desc
- # print ret
- # print repr(ret)
- assert ret == verify, '\nFrom %s, got:\n%s\nShould be:\n%s' % (desc, ret, verify)
- start =
- print >>sys.stderr, "Timing: %s..." % desc,
- process_blocks(locate_blocks, codestr)
- elap = - start
- elapms = elap.seconds * 1000.0 + elap.microseconds / 1000.0
- print >>sys.stderr, "Done! took %06.3fms" % elapms
diff --git a/scss/src/ b/scss/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d9efd3..0000000
--- a/scss/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-from distutils.core import setup, Extension
-from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
-import os
-abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
-dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
-class build_ext(_build_ext):
- def finalize_options(self):
- _build_ext.finalize_options(self)
- self.build_temp = './'
- self.build_lib = '../'
-if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- sys.argv.append('build')
- Extension(
- '_speedups',
- sources=['_speedups.c', 'block_locator.c', 'scanner.c'],
- libraries=['pcre'],
- ),
-], cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext})
diff --git a/scss/src/ b/scss/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index 777fd67..0000000
--- a/scss/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-## locate_blocks() needs heavy optimizations... is way too slow right now!
-## Any suggestion from python wizards? :-)
-import re
-import sys
-from datetime import datetime
-from six.moves import xrange
-import pstats
-import cProfile
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-def profile(fn):
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- profiler = cProfile.Profile()
- stream = StringIO()
- profiler.enable()
- try:
- res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- profiler.disable()
- stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=stream)
- stats.sort_stats('time')
- print >>stream, ""
- print >>stream, "=" * 100
- print >>stream, "Stats:"
- stats.print_stats()
- print >>stream, "=" * 100
- print >>stream, "Callers:"
- stats.print_callers()
- print >>stream, "=" * 100
- print >>stream, "Callees:"
- stats.print_callees()
- print >>sys.stderr, stream.getvalue()
- stream.close()
- return res
- return wrapper
-DEBUG = False
-# Helpers
-_units = ['em', 'ex', 'px', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'deg', 'rad'
- 'grad', 'ms', 's', 'hz', 'khz', '%']
- ('":"', ':'),
- ('[ \r\t\n]+', '[ \r\t\n]+'),
- ('COMMA', ','),
- ('LPAR', '\\(|\\['),
- ('RPAR', '\\)|\\]'),
- ('END', '$'),
- ('MUL', '[*]'),
- ('DIV', '/'),
- ('ADD', '[+]'),
- ('SUB', '-\\s'),
- ('SIGN', '-(?![a-zA-Z_])'),
- ('AND', '(?<![-\\w])and(?![-\\w])'),
- ('OR', '(?<![-\\w])or(?![-\\w])'),
- ('NOT', '(?<![-\\w])not(?![-\\w])'),
- ('NE', '!='),
- ('INV', '!'),
- ('EQ', '=='),
- ('LE', '<='),
- ('GE', '>='),
- ('LT', '<'),
- ('GT', '>'),
- ('STR', "'[^']*'"),
- ('QSTR', '"[^"]*"'),
- ('UNITS', '(?<!\\s)(?:' + '|'.join(_units) + ')(?![-\\w])'),
- ('NUM', '(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)'),
- ('BOOL', '(?<![-\\w])(?:true|false)(?![-\\w])'),
- ('COLOR', '#(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})(?![a-fA-F0-9])'),
- ('VAR', '\\$[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+'),
- ('FNCT', '[-a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?=\\()'),
- ('ID', '[-a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*'),
-class NoMoreTokens(Exception):
- """
- Another exception object, for when we run out of tokens
- """
- pass
-class Scanner(object):
- def __init__(self, patterns, ignore, input=None):
- """
- Patterns is [(terminal,regex)...]
- Ignore is [terminal,...];
- Input is a string
- """
- self.reset(input)
- self.ignore = ignore
- # The stored patterns are a pair (compiled regex,source
- # regex). If the patterns variable passed in to the
- # constructor is None, we assume that the class already has a
- # proper .patterns list constructed
- if patterns is not None:
- self.patterns = []
- for k, r in patterns:
- self.patterns.append((k, re.compile(r)))
- def reset(self, input):
- self.tokens = []
- self.restrictions = []
- self.input = input
- self.pos = 0
- def __repr__(self):
- """
- Print the last 10 tokens that have been scanned in
- """
- output = ''
- for t in self.tokens[-10:]:
- output = "%s\n (@%s) %s = %s" % (output, t[0], t[2], repr(t[3]))
- return output
- def _scan(self, restrict):
- """
- Should scan another token and add it to the list, self.tokens,
- and add the restriction to self.restrictions
- """
- # Keep looking for a token, ignoring any in self.ignore
- token = None
- while True:
- best_pat = None
- # Search the patterns for a match, with earlier
- # tokens in the list having preference
- best_pat_len = 0
- for tok, regex in self.patterns:
- if DEBUG:
- print("\tTrying %s: %s at pos %d -> %s" % (repr(tok), repr(regex.pattern), self.pos, repr(self.input)))
- # First check to see if we're restricting to this token
- if restrict and tok not in restrict and tok not in self.ignore:
- if DEBUG:
- print "\tSkipping %s!" % repr(tok)
- continue
- m = regex.match(self.input, self.pos)
- if m:
- # We got a match
- best_pat = tok
- best_pat_len = len(
- if DEBUG:
- print("Match OK! %s: %s at pos %d" % (repr(tok), repr(regex.pattern), self.pos))
- break
- # If we didn't find anything, raise an error
- if best_pat is None:
- msg = "Bad Token"
- if restrict:
- msg = "Trying to find one of " + ", ".join(restrict)
- raise SyntaxError("SyntaxError[@ char %s: %s]" % (repr(self.pos), msg))
- # If we found something that isn't to be ignored, return it
- if best_pat in self.ignore:
- # This token should be ignored...
- self.pos += best_pat_len
- else:
- end_pos = self.pos + best_pat_len
- # Create a token with this data
- token = (
- self.pos,
- end_pos,
- best_pat,
- self.input[self.pos:end_pos]
- )
- break
- if token is not None:
- self.pos = token[1]
- # Only add this token if it's not in the list
- # (to prevent looping)
- if not self.tokens or token != self.tokens[-1]:
- self.tokens.append(token)
- self.restrictions.append(restrict)
- return 1
- return 0
- def token(self, i, restrict=None):
- """
- Get the i'th token, and if i is one past the end, then scan
- for another token; restrict is a list of tokens that
- are allowed, or 0 for any token.
- """
- tokens_len = len(self.tokens)
- if i == tokens_len: # We are at the end, get the next...
- tokens_len += self._scan(restrict)
- elif i >= 0 and i < tokens_len:
- if restrict and self.restrictions[i] and restrict > self.restrictions[i]:
- raise NotImplementedError("Unimplemented: restriction set changed")
- if i >= 0 and i < tokens_len:
- return self.tokens[i]
- raise NoMoreTokens()
- def rewind(self, i):
- tokens_len = len(self.tokens)
- if i <= tokens_len:
- token = self.tokens[i]
- self.tokens = self.tokens[:i]
- self.restrictions = self.restrictions[:i]
- self.pos = token[0]
-class _Scanner_a(Scanner):
- patterns = None
- _patterns = PATTERNS
- def __init__(self, input=None):
- if hasattr(self, 'setup_patterns'):
- self.setup_patterns(self._patterns)
- elif self.patterns is None:
- self.__class__.patterns = []
- for t, p in self._patterns:
- self.patterns.append((t, re.compile(p)))
- super(_Scanner_a, self).__init__(None, ['[ \r\t\n]+'], input)
- from _speedups import Scanner
- class _Scanner_b(Scanner):
- patterns = None
- _patterns = PATTERNS
- def __init__(self, input=None):
- if hasattr(self, 'setup_patterns'):
- self.setup_patterns(self._patterns)
- elif self.patterns is None:
- self.__class__.patterns = []
- for t, p in self._patterns:
- self.patterns.append((t, re.compile(p)))
- super(_Scanner_b, self).__init__(None, ['[ \r\t\n]+'], input)
-except ImportError:
- _Scanner_b = None
-def process_scan(Scanner, level=0, dump=False):
- ret = '' if dump else None
- s = Scanner('[(5px - 3) * (5px - 3)]')
- i = 0
- while True:
- try:
- s.token(i)
- i += 1
- if dump:
- ret += '%s\n%s\n' % ('-' * 70, repr(s))
- except:
- break
- return ret
-verify = "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@0) LPAR = '['\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@1) LPAR = '('\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n (@15) UNITS = 'px'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@2) NUM = '5'\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n (@15) UNITS = 'px'\n (@18) SUB = '- '\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@3) UNITS = 'px'\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n (@15) UNITS = 'px'\n (@18) SUB = '- '\n (@20) NUM = '3'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@6) SUB = '- '\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n (@15) UNITS = 'px'\n (@18) SUB = '- '\n (@20) NUM = '3'\n (@21) RPAR = ')'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@8) NUM = '3'\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n (@15) UNITS = 'px'\n (@18) SUB = '- '\n (@20) NUM = '3'\n (@21) RPAR = ')'\n (@22) RPAR = ']'\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n (@9) RPAR = ')'\n (@11) MUL = '*'\n (@13) LPAR = '('\n (@14) NUM = '5'\n (@15) UNITS = 'px'\n (@18) SUB = '- '\n (@20) NUM = '3'\n (@21) RPAR = ')'\n (@22) RPAR = ']'\n (@23) END = ''\n"
-def process_scans(Scanner):
- for q in xrange(20000):
- process_scan(Scanner)
-profiled_process_scans = profile(process_scans)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- for scanner, desc in (
- (_Scanner_a, "Pure Python, Full algorithm (_Scanner_a)"),
- (_Scanner_b, "Builtin C Function, Full algorithm (_Scanner_b)"),
- ):
- if scanner:
- ret = process_scan(scanner, dump=True)
- # print "This is what %s returned:" % desc
- # print ret
- # print repr(ret)
- assert ret == verify, '\nFrom %s, got:\n%s\nShould be:\n%s' % (desc, ret, verify)
- start =
- print >>sys.stderr, "Timing: %s..." % desc,
- process_scans(scanner)
- elap = - start
- elapms = elap.seconds * 1000.0 + elap.microseconds / 1000.0
- print >>sys.stderr, "Done! took %06.3fms" % elapms