path: root/scss/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scss/')
1 files changed, 808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scss/ b/scss/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f33514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+"""Extension for built-in Sass functionality."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import math
+from six.moves import xrange
+from scss.extension import Extension
+from scss.namespace import Namespace
+from scss.types import (
+ Arglist, Boolean, Color, List, Null, Number, String, Map, expect_type)
+class CoreExtension(Extension):
+ name = 'core'
+ namespace = Namespace()
+# Alias to make the below declarations less noisy
+ns = CoreExtension.namespace
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Color creation
+def _interpret_percentage(n, relto=1., clamp=True):
+ expect_type(n, Number, unit='%')
+ if n.is_unitless:
+ ret = n.value / relto
+ else:
+ ret = n.value / 100
+ if clamp:
+ if ret < 0:
+ return 0
+ elif ret > 1:
+ return 1
+ return ret
+def rgba(r, g, b, a):
+ r = _interpret_percentage(r, relto=255)
+ g = _interpret_percentage(g, relto=255)
+ b = _interpret_percentage(b, relto=255)
+ a = _interpret_percentage(a, relto=1)
+ return Color.from_rgb(r, g, b, a)
+def rgb(r, g, b, type='rgb'):
+ return rgba(r, g, b, Number(1.0))
+def rgba_(color, a=None):
+ if a is None:
+ alpha = 1
+ else:
+ alpha = _interpret_percentage(a)
+ return Color.from_rgb(*color.rgba[:3], alpha=alpha)
+def rgb_(color):
+ return rgba2(color, a=Number(1))
+def hsla(h, s, l, a):
+ return Color.from_hsl(
+ h.value / 360 % 1,
+ # Ruby sass treats plain numbers for saturation and lightness as though
+ # they were percentages, just without the %
+ _interpret_percentage(s, relto=100),
+ _interpret_percentage(l, relto=100),
+ alpha=a.value,
+ )
+def hsl(h, s, l):
+ return hsla(h, s, l, Number(1))
+def hsla_(color, a=None):
+ return rgba2(color, a)
+def hsl_(color):
+ return rgba2(color, a=Number(1))
+def mix(color1, color2, weight=Number(50, "%")):
+ """
+ Mixes together two colors. Specifically, takes the average of each of the
+ RGB components, optionally weighted by the given percentage.
+ The opacity of the colors is also considered when weighting the components.
+ Specifically, takes the average of each of the RGB components,
+ optionally weighted by the given percentage.
+ The opacity of the colors is also considered when weighting the components.
+ The weight specifies the amount of the first color that should be included
+ in the returned color.
+ 50%, means that half the first color
+ and half the second color should be used.
+ 25% means that a quarter of the first color
+ and three quarters of the second color should be used.
+ For example:
+ mix(#f00, #00f) => #7f007f
+ mix(#f00, #00f, 25%) => #3f00bf
+ mix(rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5), #00f) => rgba(63, 0, 191, 0.75)
+ """
+ # This algorithm factors in both the user-provided weight
+ # and the difference between the alpha values of the two colors
+ # to decide how to perform the weighted average of the two RGB values.
+ #
+ # It works by first normalizing both parameters to be within [-1, 1],
+ # where 1 indicates "only use color1", -1 indicates "only use color 0",
+ # and all values in between indicated a proportionately weighted average.
+ #
+ # Once we have the normalized variables w and a,
+ # we apply the formula (w + a)/(1 + w*a)
+ # to get the combined weight (in [-1, 1]) of color1.
+ # This formula has two especially nice properties:
+ #
+ # * When either w or a are -1 or 1, the combined weight is also that
+ # number (cases where w * a == -1 are undefined, and handled as a
+ # special case).
+ #
+ # * When a is 0, the combined weight is w, and vice versa
+ #
+ # Finally, the weight of color1 is renormalized to be within [0, 1]
+ # and the weight of color2 is given by 1 minus the weight of color1.
+ #
+ # Algorithm from the Sass project:
+ p = _interpret_percentage(weight)
+ # Scale weight to [-1, 1]
+ w = p * 2 - 1
+ # Compute difference in alpha channels
+ a = color1.alpha - color2.alpha
+ # Weight of first color
+ if w * a == -1:
+ # Avoid zero-div case
+ scaled_weight1 = w
+ else:
+ scaled_weight1 = (w + a) / (1 + w * a)
+ # Unscale back to [0, 1] and get the weight of the other color
+ w1 = (scaled_weight1 + 1) / 2
+ w2 = 1 - w1
+ # Do the scaling. Note that alpha isn't scaled by alpha, as that wouldn't
+ # make much sense; it uses the original untwiddled weight, p.
+ channels = [
+ ch1 * w1 + ch2 * w2
+ for (ch1, ch2) in zip(color1.rgba[:3], color2.rgba[:3])]
+ alpha = color1.alpha * p + color2.alpha * (1 - p)
+ return Color.from_rgb(*channels, alpha=alpha)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Color inspection
+def red(color):
+ r, g, b, a = color.rgba
+ return Number(r * 255)
+def green(color):
+ r, g, b, a = color.rgba
+ return Number(g * 255)
+def blue(color):
+ r, g, b, a = color.rgba
+ return Number(b * 255)
+def alpha(color):
+ return Number(color.alpha)
+def hue(color):
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ return Number(h * 360, "deg")
+def saturation(color):
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ return Number(s * 100, "%")
+def lightness(color):
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ return Number(l * 100, "%")
+def ie_hex_str(color):
+ c = Color(color).value
+ return String("#{3:02X}{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}".format(
+ int(round(c[0])),
+ int(round(c[1])),
+ int(round(c[2])),
+ int(round(c[3] * 255)),
+ ))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Color modification
+def opacify(color, amount):
+ r, g, b, a = color.rgba
+ if amount.is_simple_unit('%'):
+ amt = amount.value / 100
+ else:
+ amt = amount.value
+ return Color.from_rgb(
+ r, g, b,
+ alpha=a + amt)
+def transparentize(color, amount):
+ r, g, b, a = color.rgba
+ if amount.is_simple_unit('%'):
+ amt = amount.value / 100
+ else:
+ amt = amount.value
+ return Color.from_rgb(
+ r, g, b,
+ alpha=a - amt)
+def lighten(color, amount):
+ return adjust_color(color, lightness=amount)
+def darken(color, amount):
+ return adjust_color(color, lightness=-amount)
+def saturate(color, amount):
+ return adjust_color(color, saturation=amount)
+def desaturate(color, amount):
+ return adjust_color(color, saturation=-amount)
+def greyscale(color):
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ return Color.from_hsl(h, 0, l, alpha=color.alpha)
+def grayscale(color):
+ if isinstance(color, Number):
+ # grayscale(n) and grayscale(n%) are CSS3 filters and should be left
+ # intact, but only when using the "a" spelling
+ return String.unquoted("grayscale(%s)" % (color.render(),))
+ else:
+ return greyscale(color)
+def adjust_hue(color, degrees):
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ delta = degrees.value / 360
+ return Color.from_hsl((h + delta) % 1, s, l, alpha=color.alpha)
+def complement(color):
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ return Color.from_hsl((h + 0.5) % 1, s, l, alpha=color.alpha)
+def invert(color):
+ """Returns the inverse (negative) of a color. The red, green, and blue
+ values are inverted, while the opacity is left alone.
+ """
+ r, g, b, a = color.rgba
+ return Color.from_rgb(1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b, alpha=a)
+def adjust_lightness(color, amount):
+ return adjust_color(color, lightness=amount)
+def adjust_saturation(color, amount):
+ return adjust_color(color, saturation=amount)
+def scale_lightness(color, amount):
+ return scale_color(color, lightness=amount)
+def scale_saturation(color, amount):
+ return scale_color(color, saturation=amount)
+def adjust_color(
+ color, red=None, green=None, blue=None,
+ hue=None, saturation=None, lightness=None, alpha=None):
+ do_rgb = red or green or blue
+ do_hsl = hue or saturation or lightness
+ if do_rgb and do_hsl:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't adjust both RGB and HSL channels at the same time")
+ zero = Number(0)
+ a = color.alpha + (alpha or zero).value
+ if do_rgb:
+ r, g, b = color.rgba[:3]
+ channels = [
+ current + (adjustment or zero).value / 255
+ for (current, adjustment) in zip(color.rgba, (red, green, blue))]
+ return Color.from_rgb(*channels, alpha=a)
+ else:
+ h, s, l = color.hsl
+ h = (h + (hue or zero).value / 360) % 1
+ s += _interpret_percentage(saturation or zero, relto=100, clamp=False)
+ l += _interpret_percentage(lightness or zero, relto=100, clamp=False)
+ return Color.from_hsl(h, s, l, a)
+def _scale_channel(channel, scaleby):
+ if scaleby is None:
+ return channel
+ expect_type(scaleby, Number)
+ if not scaleby.is_simple_unit('%'):
+ raise ValueError("Expected percentage, got %r" % (scaleby,))
+ factor = scaleby.value / 100
+ if factor > 0:
+ # Add x% of the remaining range, up to 1
+ return channel + (1 - channel) * factor
+ else:
+ # Subtract x% of the existing channel. We add here because the factor
+ # is already negative
+ return channel * (1 + factor)
+def scale_color(
+ color, red=None, green=None, blue=None,
+ saturation=None, lightness=None, alpha=None):
+ do_rgb = red or green or blue
+ do_hsl = saturation or lightness
+ if do_rgb and do_hsl:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't scale both RGB and HSL channels at the same time")
+ scaled_alpha = _scale_channel(color.alpha, alpha)
+ if do_rgb:
+ channels = [
+ _scale_channel(channel, scaleby)
+ for channel, scaleby in zip(color.rgba, (red, green, blue))]
+ return Color.from_rgb(*channels, alpha=scaled_alpha)
+ else:
+ channels = [
+ _scale_channel(channel, scaleby)
+ for channel, scaleby
+ in zip(color.hsl, (None, saturation, lightness))]
+ return Color.from_hsl(*channels, alpha=scaled_alpha)
+def change_color(
+ color, red=None, green=None, blue=None,
+ hue=None, saturation=None, lightness=None, alpha=None):
+ do_rgb = red or green or blue
+ do_hsl = hue or saturation or lightness
+ if do_rgb and do_hsl:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't change both RGB and HSL channels at the same time")
+ if alpha is None:
+ alpha = color.alpha
+ else:
+ alpha = alpha.value
+ if do_rgb:
+ channels = list(color.rgba[:3])
+ if red:
+ channels[0] = _interpret_percentage(red, relto=255)
+ if green:
+ channels[1] = _interpret_percentage(green, relto=255)
+ if blue:
+ channels[2] = _interpret_percentage(blue, relto=255)
+ return Color.from_rgb(*channels, alpha=alpha)
+ else:
+ channels = list(color.hsl)
+ if hue:
+ expect_type(hue, Number, unit=None)
+ channels[0] = (hue.value / 360) % 1
+ # Ruby sass treats plain numbers for saturation and lightness as though
+ # they were percentages, just without the %
+ if saturation:
+ channels[1] = _interpret_percentage(saturation, relto=100)
+ if lightness:
+ channels[2] = _interpret_percentage(lightness, relto=100)
+ return Color.from_hsl(*channels, alpha=alpha)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# String functions
+def unquote(*args):
+ arg = List.from_maybe_starargs(args).maybe()
+ if isinstance(arg, String):
+ return String(arg.value, quotes=None)
+ else:
+ return String(arg.render(), quotes=None)
+def quote(*args):
+ arg = List.from_maybe_starargs(args).maybe()
+ if isinstance(arg, String):
+ return String(arg.value, quotes='"')
+ else:
+ return String(arg.render(), quotes='"')
+def str_length(string):
+ expect_type(string, String)
+ # nb: can't use `len(string)`, because that gives the Sass list length,
+ # which is 1
+ return Number(len(string.value))
+# TODO this and several others should probably also require integers
+# TODO and assert that the indexes are valid
+def str_insert(string, insert, index):
+ expect_type(string, String)
+ expect_type(insert, String)
+ expect_type(index, Number, unit=None)
+ py_index = index.to_python_index(len(string.value), check_bounds=False)
+ return String(
+ string.value[:py_index] + insert.value + string.value[py_index:],
+ quotes=string.quotes)
+def str_index(string, substring):
+ expect_type(string, String)
+ expect_type(substring, String)
+ # 1-based indexing, with 0 for failure
+ return Number(string.value.find(substring.value) + 1)
+def str_slice(string, start_at, end_at=None):
+ expect_type(string, String)
+ expect_type(start_at, Number, unit=None)
+ py_start_at = start_at.to_python_index(len(string.value))
+ if end_at is None:
+ py_end_at = None
+ else:
+ expect_type(end_at, Number, unit=None)
+ # Endpoint is inclusive, unlike Python
+ py_end_at = end_at.to_python_index(len(string.value)) + 1
+ return String(
+ string.value[py_start_at:py_end_at],
+ quotes=string.quotes)
+def to_upper_case(string):
+ expect_type(string, String)
+ return String(string.value.upper(), quotes=string.quotes)
+def to_lower_case(string):
+ expect_type(string, String)
+ return String(string.value.lower(), quotes=string.quotes)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Number functions
+def percentage(value):
+ expect_type(value, Number, unit=None)
+ return value * Number(100, unit='%')
+ns.set_function('abs', 1, Number.wrap_python_function(abs))
+ns.set_function('round', 1, Number.wrap_python_function(round))
+ns.set_function('ceil', 1, Number.wrap_python_function(math.ceil))
+ns.set_function('floor', 1, Number.wrap_python_function(math.floor))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# List functions
+def __parse_separator(separator, default_from=None):
+ if separator is None:
+ separator = 'auto'
+ separator = String.unquoted(separator).value
+ if separator == 'comma':
+ return True
+ elif separator == 'space':
+ return False
+ elif separator == 'auto':
+ if not default_from:
+ return True
+ elif len(default_from) < 2:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return default_from.use_comma
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Separator must be auto, comma, or space')
+# TODO get the compass bit outta here
+def length(*lst):
+ if len(lst) == 1 and isinstance(lst[0], (list, tuple, List)):
+ lst = lst[0]
+ return Number(len(lst))
+def set_nth(list, n, value):
+ expect_type(n, Number, unit=None)
+ py_n = n.to_python_index(len(list))
+ return List(
+ tuple(list[:py_n]) + (value,) + tuple(list[py_n + 1:]),
+ use_comma=list.use_comma)
+# TODO get the compass bit outta here
+def nth(lst, n):
+ """Return the nth item in the list."""
+ expect_type(n, (String, Number), unit=None)
+ if isinstance(n, String):
+ if n.value.lower() == 'first':
+ i = 0
+ elif n.value.lower() == 'last':
+ i = -1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid index %r" % (n,))
+ else:
+ # DEVIATION: nth treats lists as circular lists
+ i = n.to_python_index(len(lst), circular=True)
+ return lst[i]
+def join(lst1, lst2, separator=None):
+ ret = []
+ ret.extend(List.from_maybe(lst1))
+ ret.extend(List.from_maybe(lst2))
+ use_comma = __parse_separator(separator, default_from=lst1)
+ return List(ret, use_comma=use_comma)
+def min_(*lst):
+ if len(lst) == 1 and isinstance(lst[0], (list, tuple, List)):
+ lst = lst[0]
+ return min(lst)
+def max_(*lst):
+ if len(lst) == 1 and isinstance(lst[0], (list, tuple, List)):
+ lst = lst[0]
+ return max(lst)
+def append(lst, val, separator=None):
+ ret = []
+ ret.extend(List.from_maybe(lst))
+ ret.append(val)
+ use_comma = __parse_separator(separator, default_from=lst)
+ return List(ret, use_comma=use_comma)
+def index(lst, val):
+ for i in xrange(len(lst)):
+ if lst.value[i] == val:
+ return Number(i + 1)
+ return Boolean(False)
+def zip_(*lists):
+ return List(
+ [List(zipped) for zipped in zip(*lists)],
+ use_comma=True)
+# TODO need a way to use "list" as the arg name without shadowing the builtin
+def list_separator(list):
+ if list.use_comma:
+ return String.unquoted('comma')
+ else:
+ return String.unquoted('space')
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Map functions
+def map_get(map, key):
+ return map.to_dict().get(key, Null())
+def map_merge(*maps):
+ key_order = []
+ index = {}
+ for map in maps:
+ for key, value in map.to_pairs():
+ if key not in index:
+ key_order.append(key)
+ index[key] = value
+ pairs = [(key, index[key]) for key in key_order]
+ return Map(pairs, index=index)
+def map_keys(map):
+ return List(
+ [k for (k, v) in map.to_pairs()],
+ use_comma=True)
+def map_values(map):
+ return List(
+ [v for (k, v) in map.to_pairs()],
+ use_comma=True)
+def map_has_key(map, key):
+ return Boolean(key in map.to_dict())
+# DEVIATIONS: these do not exist in ruby sass
+def map_get3(map, key, default):
+ return map.to_dict().get(key, default)
+def map_get_nested3(map, keys, default=Null()):
+ for key in keys:
+ map = map.to_dict().get(key, None)
+ if map is None:
+ return default
+ return map
+def map_merge_deep(*maps):
+ pairs = []
+ keys = set()
+ for map in maps:
+ for key, value in map.to_pairs():
+ keys.add(key)
+ for key in keys:
+ values = [map.to_dict().get(key, None) for map in maps]
+ values = [v for v in values if v is not None]
+ if all(isinstance(v, Map) for v in values):
+ pairs.append((key, map_merge_deep(*values)))
+ else:
+ pairs.append((key, values[-1]))
+ return Map(pairs)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Meta functions
+def type_of(obj): # -> bool, number, string, color, list
+ return String(obj.sass_type_name)
+def unit(number): # -> px, em, cm, etc.
+ numer = '*'.join(sorted(number.unit_numer))
+ denom = '*'.join(sorted(number.unit_denom))
+ if denom:
+ ret = numer + '/' + denom
+ else:
+ ret = numer
+ return String.unquoted(ret)
+def unitless(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, Number):
+ raise TypeError("Expected number, got %r" % (value,))
+ return Boolean(value.is_unitless)
+def comparable(number1, number2):
+ left = number1.to_base_units()
+ right = number2.to_base_units()
+ return Boolean(
+ left.unit_numer == right.unit_numer
+ and left.unit_denom == right.unit_denom)
+def keywords(value):
+ """Extract named arguments, as a map, from an argument list."""
+ expect_type(value, Arglist)
+ return value.extract_keywords()
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Miscellaneous
+def if_(condition, if_true, if_false=Null()):
+ return if_true if condition else if_false