path: root/scss/src/grammar/scss.g
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scss/src/grammar/scss.g')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scss/src/grammar/scss.g b/scss/src/grammar/scss.g
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac4d2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/src/grammar/scss.g
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# python grammar.g
+## Grammar compiled using Yapps:
+parser SassExpression:
+ ignore: "[ \r\t\n]+"
+ token COMMA: ","
+ token LPAR: "\\(|\\["
+ token RPAR: "\\)|\\]"
+ token END: "$"
+ token MUL: "[*]"
+ token DIV: "/"
+ token ADD: "[+]"
+ token SUB: "-\s"
+ token SIGN: "-(?![a-zA-Z_])"
+ token AND: "(?<![-\w])and(?![-\w])"
+ token OR: "(?<![-\w])or(?![-\w])"
+ token NOT: "(?<![-\w])not(?![-\w])"
+ token NE: "!="
+ token INV: "!"
+ token EQ: "=="
+ token LE: "<="
+ token GE: ">="
+ token LT: "<"
+ token GT: ">"
+ token STR: "'[^']*'"
+ token QSTR: '"[^"]*"'
+ token UNITS: "(?<!\s)(?:[a-zA-Z]+|%)(?![-\w])"
+ token NUM: "(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)"
+ token COLOR: "#(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})(?![a-fA-F0-9])"
+ token VAR: "\$[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
+ token NAME: "\$?[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
+ token FNCT: "[-a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?=\()"
+ token ID: "!?[-a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
+ token BANG_IMPORTANT: "!important"
+ rule goal: expr_lst END {{ return expr_lst }}
+ rule expr_lst: expr_item {{ v = [expr_item] }}
+ (
+ COMMA {{ expr_item = (None, Literal(Undefined())) }}
+ [ expr_item ] {{ v.append(expr_item) }}
+ )* {{ return ListLiteral(v) if len(v) > 1 else v[0][1] }}
+ rule expr_item: {{ NAME = None }}
+ [ NAME ":" ] expr_slst {{ return (NAME, expr_slst) }}
+ rule expr_slst: or_expr {{ v = [(None, or_expr)] }}
+ (
+ or_expr {{ v.append((None, or_expr)) }}
+ )* {{ return ListLiteral(v, comma=False) if len(v) > 1 else v[0][1] }}
+ rule or_expr: and_expr {{ v = and_expr }}
+ (
+ OR and_expr {{ v = AnyOp(v, and_expr) }}
+ )* {{ return v }}
+ rule and_expr: not_expr {{ v = not_expr }}
+ (
+ AND not_expr {{ v = AllOp(v, not_expr) }}
+ )* {{ return v }}
+ rule not_expr: comparison {{ return comparison }}
+ | NOT not_expr {{ return NotOp(not_expr) }}
+ rule comparison: a_expr {{ v = a_expr }}
+ (
+ LT a_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(, v, a_expr) }}
+ | GT a_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(, v, a_expr) }}
+ | LE a_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(operator.le, v, a_expr) }}
+ | GE a_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(, v, a_expr) }}
+ | EQ a_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(operator.eq, v, a_expr) }}
+ | NE a_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(, v, a_expr) }}
+ )* {{ return v }}
+ rule a_expr: m_expr {{ v = m_expr }}
+ (
+ ADD m_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(operator.add, v, m_expr) }}
+ | SUB m_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(operator.sub, v, m_expr) }}
+ )* {{ return v }}
+ rule m_expr: u_expr {{ v = u_expr }}
+ (
+ MUL u_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(operator.mul, v, u_expr) }}
+ | DIV u_expr {{ v = BinaryOp(operator.truediv, v, u_expr) }}
+ )* {{ return v }}
+ rule u_expr: SIGN u_expr {{ return UnaryOp(operator.neg, u_expr) }}
+ | ADD u_expr {{ return UnaryOp(operator.pos, u_expr) }}
+ | atom {{ return atom }}
+ rule atom: ID {{ return Literal(parse_bareword(ID)) }}
+ | BANG_IMPORTANT {{ return Literal(String(BANG_IMPORTANT, quotes=None)) }}
+ | LPAR {{ expr_lst = ListLiteral() }}
+ [ expr_lst ] RPAR {{ return Parentheses(expr_lst) }}
+ | FNCT LPAR {{ expr_lst = ListLiteral() }}
+ [ expr_lst ] RPAR {{ return CallOp(FNCT, expr_lst) }}
+ | NUM {{ UNITS = None }}
+ [ UNITS ] {{ return Literal(NumberValue(float(NUM), unit=UNITS)) }}
+ | STR {{ return Literal(String(STR[1:-1], quotes="'")) }}
+ | QSTR {{ return Literal(String(QSTR[1:-1], quotes='"')) }}
+ | COLOR {{ return Literal(ColorValue(ParserValue(COLOR))) }}
+ | VAR {{ return Variable(VAR) }}
+### Grammar ends.