Changelog ========= 2.0.0 ??? + Heavy refactoring, an expanded test suite, and more extensibility. + Bug fixes and missing SCSS features: + Unrecognized @-rule blocks such as ``@keyframes`` are now preserved. + ``@media`` blocks aren't repeated for every rule inside. + Dashes and underscores are treated as interchangeable in variable, function, and mixin names. + Rule blocks in the form ``background: red { ... }`` are now supported. + Pound-interpolation always drops quotes on strings. + Colors are output as their shortest representation, and never as ``hsl()``. + Color names in strings and selectors are no longer replaced with hex equivalents. + Unrecognized units are now left intact. + Arbitrary combinations of units (e.g., ``px * px``) are supported for intermediate values. Unit cancellation now works reliably. + Comparison and addition are now more in line with the Ruby behavior. + Single quoted strings no longer lose their quotes on output. + ``/`` is now left untouched when it appears between literals. + Several Compass functions now adhere more closely to Compass's behavior. ``linear-gradient()`` is less likely to wreck valid CSS3 syntax. + ``null`` is supported. + New features: + Support for writing custom Sass functions in Python. + Added ``background-brushed``. + Backwards-incompatible changes: + Configuration via monkeypatching the ``scss`` module no longer works. Use the new constructor arguments instead. + ``em`` and ``px`` are no longer interchangeable. + Unrecognized variable names are now a fatal error. + Internals: + Parsing now produces an AST rather than evaluating as it goes, fixing some cache bugs. + Type system largely overhauled, with less support for acting like Python values but more predictable behavior overall. 1.1.5 Feb 15, 2013 + ``debug_info`` now properly produces rules that can be used by FireSass and Google Chrome SASS Source Maps. + Improved memory usage for large sets of files to be used as sprites. + Warns about IE 4095 maximum number of selectors. + ``debug_info`` prints info as comments if specified as ``comments``. + Better handling of undefined variables. + Added CSS filter functions and ``skewX`` ``skewY``. + Command line tool and entry point fixed. + Fix cache buster URLs when paths already include queries or fragments. + Hashable Values. 1.1.4 Aug 8, 2012 + Added ``--debug-info`` command line option (for *FireSass* output). + Added compass helper function ``reject()``. + Added ``undefined`` keyword for undefined variables. 1.1.3 Jan 9, 2012 + Support for the new Sass 3.2.0 features (``@content`` and placeholder selectors) + Fixed bug with line numbers throwing an exception. 1.1.2 Jan 3, 2012 + Regression bug fixed from 1.1.1 1.1.1 Jan 2, 2012 + Added optional C speedup module for an amazing boost in scanning speed! + Added ``headings``, ``stylesheet-url``, ``font-url``, ``font-files``, ``inline-font-files`` and ``sprite-names``. 1.1.0 - Dec 22, 2011 + Added ``min()`` and ``max()`` for lists. + Removed exception raise. 1.0.9 - Dec 22, 2011 + Optimizations in the scanner. + Added ``background-noise()`` for compass-recipes support. + ``enumerate()`` and ``range()`` can go backwards. Ex.: ``range(3, 0)`` goes from 3 to 0. + Added line numbers and files for errors. + Added support for *Firebug* with *FireSass*. + ``nth(n)`` is round (returns the ``nth mod len`` item of the list). + ``--watch`` added to the command line. + Several bugs fixed. 1.0.8 - May 13, 2011 + Changed source color (``$src-color``) default to black. + Moved the module filename to ```` and module renamed back to scss.