"""py.test plugin configuration.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import logging from pathlib import Path import pytest import scss from scss.compiler import compile_file import scss.config from scss.errors import SassEvaluationError from scss.errors import SassMissingDependency from scss.extension.core import CoreExtension from scss.extension.extra import ExtraExtension from scss.extension.fonts import FontsExtension from scss.extension.compass import CompassExtension try: import fontforge except ImportError: fontforge = None # Turn on pyscss's logging console = logging.StreamHandler() logger = logging.getLogger('scss') logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger.addHandler(console) def pytest_addoption(parser): """Add options for filtering which file tests run. This has to be done in the project root; py.test doesn't (and can't) recursively look for conftest.py files until after it's parsed the command line. """ parser.addoption( '--include-ruby', help='run tests imported from Ruby and sassc, most of which fail', action='store_true', dest='include_ruby', ) def pytest_ignore_collect(path, config): # Ruby/sassc tests don't even exist without this option if path.basename in ('from_ruby', 'from-sassc'): if not config.getoption('include_ruby'): return True def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): if path.ext == '.scss': parts = str(path).split(path.sep) # -4 tests / -3 files / -2 directory / -1 file.scss if parts[-4:-2] == ['tests', 'files']: return SassFile(path, parent) class SassFile(pytest.File): def collect(self): parent_name = self.fspath.dirpath().basename if not fontforge and parent_name == 'fonts': pytest.skip("font tests require fontforge") yield SassItem(str(self.fspath), self) class SassItem(pytest.Item): """A Sass test input file, collected as its own test item. A file of the same name but with a .css extension is assumed to contain the expected output. """ _nodeid = None @property def nodeid(self): # Rig the nodeid to be "directory::filename", so all the files in the # same directory are treated as grouped together if not self._nodeid: self._nodeid = "{0}::{1}".format( self.fspath.dirpath().relto(self.session.fspath), self.fspath.basename, ) return self._nodeid def reportinfo(self): return ( self.fspath.dirpath(), None, self.fspath.relto(self.session.fspath), ) def _prunetraceback(self, excinfo): # Traceback implements __getitem__, but list implements __getslice__, # which wins in Python 2 excinfo.traceback = excinfo.traceback.cut(__file__) def runtest(self): scss_file = Path(str(self.fspath)) css_file = scss_file.with_suffix('.css') with css_file.open('rb') as fh: # Output is Unicode, so decode this here expected = fh.read().decode('utf8') scss.config.STATIC_ROOT = str(scss_file.parent / 'static') search_path = [] include = scss_file.parent / 'include' if include.exists(): search_path.append(include) search_path.append(scss_file.parent) try: actual = compile_file( scss_file, output_style='expanded', search_path=search_path, extensions=[ CoreExtension, ExtraExtension, FontsExtension, CompassExtension, ], ) except SassEvaluationError as e: # Treat any missing dependencies (PIL not installed, fontforge not # installed) as skips # TODO this is slightly cumbersome and sorta defeats the purpose of # having separate exceptions if isinstance(e.exc, SassMissingDependency): pytest.skip(e.format_message()) else: raise # Normalize leading and trailing newlines actual = actual.strip('\n') expected = expected.strip('\n') assert expected == actual