from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum import logging from pathlib import Path import re import sys import warnings try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: # Backport from ordereddict import OrderedDict import six from scss.calculator import Calculator from scss.cssdefs import _spaces_re from scss.cssdefs import _escape_chars_re from scss.cssdefs import _prop_split_re from scss.errors import SassError from scss.errors import SassBaseError from scss.errors import SassImportError from scss.extension import Extension from scss.extension.core import CoreExtension from scss.extension import NamespaceAdapterExtension from scss.grammar import locate_blocks from scss.rule import BlockAtRuleHeader from scss.rule import Namespace from scss.rule import RuleAncestry from scss.rule import SassRule from scss.rule import UnparsedBlock from scss.selector import Selector from scss.source import SourceFile from scss.types import Arglist from scss.types import List from scss.types import Null from scss.types import Number from scss.types import String from scss.types import Undefined from scss.types import Url from scss.util import normalize_var # TODO put in... namespace maybe? # TODO should mention logging for the programmatic interface in the # documentation # TODO or have a little helper (or compiler setting) to turn it on log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _xcss_extends_re = re.compile(r'\s+extends\s+') class OutputStyle(Enum): nested = () compact = () compressed = () expanded = () legacy = () # ??? class SassDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): # Note: DO NOT inherit from DeprecationWarning; it's turned off by default # in 2.7 and later! pass def warn_deprecated(rule, message): warnings.warn( "{0} (at {1})".format(message, rule.file_and_line), SassDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) class Compiler(object): """A Sass compiler. Stores settings and knows how to fire off a compilation. Main entry point into compiling Sass. """ def __init__( self, root=Path(), search_path=(), namespace=None, extensions=(CoreExtension,), import_static_css=False, output_style='nested', generate_source_map=False, live_errors=False, warn_unused_imports=False, ignore_parse_errors=False, loops_have_own_scopes=True, undefined_variables_fatal=True, super_selector='', ): """Configure a compiler. :param root: Directory to treat as the "project root". Search paths and some custom extensions (e.g. Compass) are relative to this directory. Defaults to the current directory. :type root: :class:`pathlib.Path` :param search_path: List of paths to search for ``@import``s, relative to ``root``. Absolute and parent paths are allowed here, but ``@import`` will refuse to load files that aren't in one of the directories here. Defaults to only the root. :type search_path: list of strings, :class:`pathlib.Path` objects, or something that implements a similar interface (useful for custom pseudo filesystems) """ # TODO perhaps polite to automatically cast any string paths to Path? # but have to be careful since the api explicitly allows dummy objects. if root is None: self.root = None else: self.root = root.resolve() self.search_path = tuple( self.normalize_path(path) for path in search_path ) self.extensions = [] if namespace is not None: self.extensions.append(NamespaceAdapterExtension(namespace)) for extension in extensions: if isinstance(extension, Extension): self.extensions.append(extension) elif (isinstance(extension, type) and issubclass(extension, Extension)): self.extensions.append(extension()) elif isinstance(extension, Namespace): self.extensions.append( NamespaceAdapterExtension(extension)) else: raise TypeError( "Expected an Extension or Namespace, got: {0!r}" .format(extension) ) if import_static_css: self.dynamic_extensions = ('.scss', '.sass', '.css') self.static_extensions = () else: self.dynamic_extensions = ('.scss', '.sass') self.static_extensions = ('.css',) self.output_style = output_style self.generate_source_map = generate_source_map self.live_errors = live_errors self.warn_unused_imports = warn_unused_imports self.ignore_parse_errors = ignore_parse_errors self.loops_have_own_scopes = loops_have_own_scopes self.undefined_variables_fatal = undefined_variables_fatal self.super_selector = super_selector def normalize_path(self, path): if isinstance(path, six.string_types): path = Path(path) if path.is_absolute(): return path if self.root is None: raise IOError("Can't make absolute path when root is None") return self.root / path def make_compilation(self): return Compilation(self) def call_and_catch_errors(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """Call the given function with the given arguments. If it succeeds, return its return value. If it raises a :class:`scss.errors.SassError` and `live_errors` is turned on, return CSS containing a traceback and error message. """ try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except SassError as e: if self.live_errors: # TODO should this setting also capture and display warnings? return e.to_css() else: raise def compile(self, *filenames): # TODO this doesn't spit out the compilation itself, so if you want to # get something out besides just the output, you have to copy this # method. that sucks. # TODO i think the right thing is to get all the constructors out of # SourceFile, since it's really the compiler that knows the import # paths and should be consulted about this. reconsider all this (but # preserve it for now, SIGH) once importers are a thing compilation = self.make_compilation() for filename in filenames: # TODO maybe SourceFile should not be exposed to the end user, and # instead Compilation should have methods for add_string etc. that # can call normalize_path. # TODO it's not possible to inject custom files into the # /compiler/ as persistent across compiles, nor to provide "fake" # imports. do we want the former? is the latter better suited to # an extension? source = SourceFile.from_filename(self.normalize_path(filename)) compilation.add_source(source) return self.call_and_catch_errors( def compile_sources(self, *sources): # TODO this api is not the best please don't use it. this all needs to # be vastly simplified, still, somehow. compilation = self.make_compilation() for source in sources: compilation.add_source(source) return self.call_and_catch_errors( def compile_string(self, string): source = SourceFile.from_string(string) compilation = self.make_compilation() compilation.add_source(source) return self.call_and_catch_errors( def compile_file(filename, compiler_class=Compiler, **kwargs): """Compile a single file (provided as a :class:`pathlib.Path`), and return a string of CSS. Keyword arguments are passed along to the underlying `Compiler`. Note that the search path is set to the file's containing directory by default, unless you explicitly pass a ``search_path`` kwarg. :param filename: Path to the file to compile. :type filename: str, bytes, or :class:`pathlib.Path` """ filename = Path(filename) if 'search_path' not in kwargs: kwargs['search_path'] = [filename.parent.resolve()] compiler = compiler_class(**kwargs) return compiler.compile(filename) def compile_string(string, compiler_class=Compiler, **kwargs): """Compile a single string, and return a string of CSS. Keyword arguments are passed along to the underlying `Compiler`. """ compiler = compiler_class(**kwargs) return compiler.compile_string(string) class Compilation(object): """A single run of a compiler.""" def __init__(self, compiler): self.compiler = compiler self.ignore_parse_errors = compiler.ignore_parse_errors # TODO this needs a write barrier, so assignment can't overwrite what's # in the original namespaces # TODO or maybe the extensions themselves should take care of that, so # it IS possible to overwrite from within sass, but only per-instance? self.root_namespace = Namespace.derive_from(*( ext.namespace for ext in compiler.extensions if ext.namespace )) self.sources = [] self.source_index = {} self.dependency_map = defaultdict(frozenset) self.rules = [] def should_scope_loop_in_rule(self, rule): """Return True iff a looping construct (@each, @for, @while, @if) should get its own scope, as is standard Sass behavior. """ return rule.legacy_compiler_options.get( 'control_scoping', self.compiler.loops_have_own_scopes) def add_source(self, source): if source.key in self.source_index: return self.source_index[source.key] self.sources.append(source) self.source_index[source.key] = source return source def run(self): # this will compile and manage rule: child objects inside of a node self.parse_children() # this will manage @extends self.rules = self.apply_extends(self.rules) rules_by_file, css_files = self.parse_properties() all_rules = 0 all_selectors = 0 exceeded = '' final_cont = '' files = len(css_files) for source_file in css_files: rules = rules_by_file[source_file] fcont, total_rules, total_selectors = self.create_css(rules) all_rules += total_rules all_selectors += total_selectors # TODO i would love for the output of this function to be something # useful for producing stats, so this stuff can live on the Scss # class only if not exceeded and all_selectors > 4095: exceeded = " (IE exceeded!)" log.error("Maximum number of supported selectors in Internet Explorer (4095) exceeded!") if files > 1 and self.compiler.generate_source_map: final_cont += "/* %s %s generated from '%s' add up to a total of %s %s accumulated%s */\n" % ( total_selectors, 'selector' if total_selectors == 1 else 'selectors', source_file.path, all_selectors, 'selector' if all_selectors == 1 else 'selectors', exceeded) final_cont += fcont return final_cont def parse_selectors(self, raw_selectors): """ Parses out the old xCSS "foo extends bar" syntax. Returns a 2-tuple: a set of selectors, and a set of extended selectors. """ # Fix tabs and spaces in selectors raw_selectors = _spaces_re.sub(' ', raw_selectors) parts = _xcss_extends_re.split(raw_selectors, 1) # handle old xCSS extends if len(parts) > 1: unparsed_selectors, unsplit_parents = parts # Multiple `extends` are delimited by `&` unparsed_parents = unsplit_parents.split('&') else: unparsed_selectors, = parts unparsed_parents = () selectors = Selector.parse_many(unparsed_selectors) parents = [Selector.parse_one(parent) for parent in unparsed_parents] return selectors, parents # @print_timing(3) def parse_children(self, scope=None): children = [] root_namespace = self.root_namespace for source_file in self.sources: rule = SassRule( source_file=source_file, lineno=1, unparsed_contents=source_file.contents, namespace=root_namespace, ) self.rules.append(rule) children.append(rule) for rule in children: self.manage_children(rule, scope) self._warn_unused_imports(self.rules[0]) def _warn_unused_imports(self, rule): if not rule.legacy_compiler_options.get( 'warn_unused', self.compiler.warn_unused_imports): return for name, file_and_line in rule.namespace.unused_imports(): log.warn("Unused @import: '%s' (%s)", name, file_and_line) def _make_calculator(self, namespace): return Calculator( namespace, ignore_parse_errors=self.ignore_parse_errors, undefined_variables_fatal=self.compiler.undefined_variables_fatal, ) # @print_timing(4) def manage_children(self, rule, scope): try: self._manage_children_impl(rule, scope) except SassBaseError as e: e.add_rule(rule) raise except Exception as e: raise SassError(e, rule=rule) def _manage_children_impl(self, rule, scope): calculator = self._make_calculator(rule.namespace) for c_lineno, c_property, c_codestr in locate_blocks(rule.unparsed_contents): block = UnparsedBlock(rule, c_lineno, c_property, c_codestr) #################################################################### # At (@) blocks if block.is_atrule: # TODO particularly wild idea: allow extensions to handle # unrecognized blocks, and get the pyscss stuff out of the # core? even move the core stuff into the core extension? code = block.directive code = '_at_' + code.lower().replace(' ', '_')[1:] try: method = getattr(self, code) except AttributeError: if block.unparsed_contents is None:, None)) elif scope is None: # needs to have no scope to crawl down the nested rules self._nest_at_rules(rule, scope, block) else: method(calculator, rule, scope, block) #################################################################### # Properties elif block.unparsed_contents is None: self._get_properties(rule, scope, block) # Nested properties elif block.is_scope: if block.header.unscoped_value: # Possibly deal with default unscoped value self._get_properties(rule, scope, block) rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents subscope = (scope or '') + block.header.scope + '-' self.manage_children(rule, subscope) #################################################################### # Nested rules elif scope is None: # needs to have no scope to crawl down the nested rules self._nest_rules(rule, scope, block) def _at_warn(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @warn """ value = calculator.calculate(block.argument) log.warn(repr(value)) def _at_print(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @print """ value = calculator.calculate(block.argument) sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % value) def _at_raw(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @raw """ value = calculator.calculate(block.argument) sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % repr(value)) def _at_dump_context(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @dump_context """ sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % repr(rule.namespace._variables)) def _at_dump_functions(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @dump_functions """ sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % repr(rule.namespace._functions)) def _at_dump_mixins(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @dump_mixins """ sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % repr(rule.namespace._mixins)) def _at_dump_imports(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @dump_imports """ sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % repr(rule.namespace._imports)) def _at_dump_options(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @dump_options """ sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % repr(rule.options)) def _at_debug(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @debug """ setting = block.argument.strip() if setting.lower() in ('1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on'): setting = True elif setting.lower() in ('0', 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', 'undefined'): setting = False self.ignore_parse_errors = setting"Debug mode is %s", 'On' if self.ignore_parse_errors else 'Off') def _at_pdb(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @pdb """ try: import ipdb as pdb except ImportError: import pdb pdb.set_trace() def _at_extend(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @extend """ from scss.selector import Selector selectors = calculator.apply_vars(block.argument) rule.extends_selectors.extend(Selector.parse_many(selectors)) def _at_return(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @return """ # TODO should assert this only happens within a @function ret = calculator.calculate(block.argument) raise SassReturn(ret) # @print_timing(10) def _at_option(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @option """ # TODO This only actually supports "style" (which only really makes # sense as the first thing in a single input file) or "warn_unused" # (which only makes sense at file level /at best/). Explore either # replacing this with a better mechanism or dropping it entirely. # Note also that all rules share the same underlying legacy option # dict, so the rules aren't even lexically scoped like you might think, # and @importing a file can change the compiler! That seems totally # wrong. for option in block.argument.split(','): key, colon, value = option.partition(':') key = key.strip().lower().replace('-', '_') value = value.strip().lower() if value in ('1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on'): value = True elif value in ('0', 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', 'undefined'): value = False elif not colon: value = True if key == 'compress': warn_deprecated( rule, "The 'compress' @option is deprecated. " "Please use 'style' instead." ) key = 'style' value = 'compressed' if value else 'legacy' if key in ('short_colors', 'reverse_colors'): warn_deprecated( rule, "The '{0}' @option no longer has any effect." .format(key), ) return elif key == 'style': try: OutputStyle[value] except KeyError: raise SassError("No such output style: {0}".format(value)) elif key in ('warn_unused', 'control_scoping'): # TODO deprecate control_scoping? or add it to compiler? if not isinstance(value, bool): raise SassError("The '{0}' @option requires a bool, not {1!r}".format(key, value)) else: raise SassError("Unknown @option: {0}".format(key)) rule.legacy_compiler_options[key] = value def _get_funct_def(self, rule, calculator, argument): funct, lpar, argstr = argument.partition('(') funct = calculator.do_glob_math(funct) funct = normalize_var(funct.strip()) argstr = argstr.strip() # Parse arguments with the argspec rule if lpar: if not argstr.endswith(')'): raise SyntaxError("Expected ')', found end of line for %s (%s)" % (funct, rule.file_and_line)) argstr = argstr[:-1].strip() else: # Whoops, no parens at all. That's like calling with no arguments. argstr = '' argspec_node = calculator.parse_expression(argstr, target='goal_argspec') return funct, argspec_node def _populate_namespace_from_call(self, name, callee_namespace, mixin, args, kwargs): # Mutation protection args = list(args) kwargs = OrderedDict(kwargs) #m_params = mixin[0] #m_defaults = mixin[1] #m_codestr = mixin[2] pristine_callee_namespace = mixin[3] callee_argspec = mixin[4] import_key = mixin[5] callee_calculator = self._make_calculator(callee_namespace) # Populate the mixin/function's namespace with its arguments for var_name, node in callee_argspec.iter_def_argspec(): if args: # If there are positional arguments left, use the first value = args.pop(0) elif var_name in kwargs: # Try keyword arguments value = kwargs.pop(var_name) elif node is not None: # OK, try the default argument. Using callee_calculator means # that default values of arguments can refer to earlier # arguments' values; yes, that is how Sass works. value = node.evaluate(callee_calculator, divide=True) else: # TODO this should raise value = Undefined() callee_namespace.set_variable(var_name, value, local_only=True) if callee_argspec.slurp: # Slurpy var gets whatever is left # TODO should preserve the order of extra kwargs sass_kwargs = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): sass_kwargs.append((String(key[1:]), value)) callee_namespace.set_variable(, Arglist(args, sass_kwargs)) args = [] kwargs = {} elif callee_argspec.inject: # Callee namespace gets all the extra kwargs whether declared or # not for var_name, value in kwargs.items(): callee_namespace.set_variable(var_name, value, local_only=True) kwargs = {} # TODO would be nice to say where the mixin/function came from if kwargs: raise NameError("%s has no such argument %s" % (name, kwargs.keys()[0])) if args: raise NameError("%s received extra arguments: %r" % (name, args)) pristine_callee_namespace.use_import(import_key) return callee_namespace # @print_timing(10) def _at_function(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @mixin and @function """ if not block.argument: raise SyntaxError("%s requires a function name (%s)" % (block.directive, rule.file_and_line)) funct, argspec_node = self._get_funct_def(rule, calculator, block.argument) defaults = {} new_params = [] for var_name, default in argspec_node.iter_def_argspec(): new_params.append(var_name) if default is not None: defaults[var_name] = default # TODO a function or mixin is re-parsed every time it's called; there's # no AST for anything but expressions :( mixin = [rule.source_file, block.lineno, block.unparsed_contents, rule.namespace, argspec_node, rule.source_file] if block.directive == '@function': def _call(mixin): def __call(namespace, *args, **kwargs): source_file = mixin[0] lineno = mixin[1] m_codestr = mixin[2] pristine_callee_namespace = mixin[3] callee_namespace = pristine_callee_namespace.derive() # TODO CallOp converts Sass names to Python names, so we # have to convert them back to Sass names. would be nice # to avoid this back-and-forth somehow kwargs = OrderedDict( (normalize_var('$' + key), value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()) self._populate_namespace_from_call( "Function {0}".format(funct), callee_namespace, mixin, args, kwargs) _rule = SassRule( source_file=source_file, lineno=lineno, unparsed_contents=m_codestr, namespace=callee_namespace, # rule import_key=rule.import_key, legacy_compiler_options=rule.legacy_compiler_options, options=rule.options,, extends_selectors=rule.extends_selectors, ancestry=rule.ancestry, nested=rule.nested, ) # TODO supposed to throw an error if there's a slurpy arg # but keywords() is never called on it try: self.manage_children(_rule, scope) except SassReturn as e: return e.retval else: return Null() return __call _mixin = _call(mixin) _mixin.mixin = mixin mixin = _mixin if block.directive == '@mixin': add = rule.namespace.set_mixin elif block.directive == '@function': add = rule.namespace.set_function # Register the mixin for every possible arity it takes if argspec_node.slurp or argspec_node.inject: add(funct, None, mixin) else: while len(new_params): add(funct, len(new_params), mixin) param = new_params.pop() if param not in defaults: break if not new_params: add(funct, 0, mixin) _at_mixin = _at_function # @print_timing(10) def _at_include(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @include, for @mixins """ caller_namespace = rule.namespace caller_calculator = self._make_calculator(caller_namespace) funct, caller_argspec = self._get_funct_def(rule, caller_calculator, block.argument) # Render the passed arguments, using the caller's namespace args, kwargs = caller_argspec.evaluate_call_args(caller_calculator) argc = len(args) + len(kwargs) try: mixin = caller_namespace.mixin(funct, argc) except KeyError: try: # TODO maybe? don't do this, once '...' works # Fallback to single parameter: mixin = caller_namespace.mixin(funct, 1) except KeyError: log.error("Mixin not found: %s:%d (%s)", funct, argc, rule.file_and_line, extra={'stack': True}) return else: args = [List(args, use_comma=True)] # TODO what happens to kwargs? source_file = mixin[0] lineno = mixin[1] m_codestr = mixin[2] pristine_callee_namespace = mixin[3] callee_argspec = mixin[4] if caller_argspec.inject and callee_argspec.inject: # DEVIATION: Pass the ENTIRE local namespace to the mixin (yikes) callee_namespace = Namespace.derive_from( caller_namespace, pristine_callee_namespace) else: callee_namespace = pristine_callee_namespace.derive() self._populate_namespace_from_call( "Mixin {0}".format(funct), callee_namespace, mixin, args, kwargs) _rule = SassRule( # These must be file and line in which the @include occurs source_file=rule.source_file, lineno=rule.lineno, # These must be file and line in which the @mixin was defined from_source_file=source_file, from_lineno=lineno, unparsed_contents=m_codestr, namespace=callee_namespace, # rule import_key=rule.import_key, legacy_compiler_options=rule.legacy_compiler_options, options=rule.options,, extends_selectors=rule.extends_selectors, ancestry=rule.ancestry, nested=rule.nested, ) _rule.options['@content'] = block.unparsed_contents self.manage_children(_rule, scope) # @print_timing(10) def _at_content(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @content """ if '@content' not in rule.options: log.error("Content string not found for @content (%s)", rule.file_and_line) rule.unparsed_contents = rule.options.pop('@content', '') self.manage_children(rule, scope) # @print_timing(10) def _at_import(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @import Load and import mixins and functions and rules """ # TODO it would be neat to opt into warning that you're using # values/functions from a file you didn't explicitly import # TODO base-level directives, like @mixin or @charset, aren't allowed # to be @imported into a nested block # TODO i'm not sure we disallow them nested in the first place # TODO @import is disallowed within mixins, control directives # TODO @import doesn't take a block -- that's probably an issue with a # lot of our directives # TODO if there's any #{}-interpolation in the AST, this should become # a CSS import (though in practice Ruby only even evaluates it in url() # -- in a string it's literal!) sass_paths = calculator.evaluate_expression(block.argument) css_imports = [] for sass_path in sass_paths: # These are the rules for when an @import is interpreted as a CSS # import: if ( # If it's a url() isinstance(sass_path, Url) or # If it's not a string (including `"foo" screen`, a List) not isinstance(sass_path, String) or # If the filename begins with an http protocol sass_path.value.startswith(('http://', 'https://')) or # If the filename ends with .css sass_path.value.endswith(self.compiler.static_extensions)): css_imports.append(sass_path.render(compress=False)) continue # Should be left with a plain String name = sass_path.value source = None for extension in self.compiler.extensions: source = extension.handle_import(name, self, rule) if source: break else: # Didn't find anything! raise SassImportError(name, self.compiler, rule=rule) source = self.add_source(source) if rule.namespace.has_import(source): # If already imported in this scope, skip # TODO this might not be right -- consider if you @import a # file at top level, then @import it inside a selector block! continue _rule = SassRule( source_file=source, lineno=block.lineno, unparsed_contents=source.contents, # rule legacy_compiler_options=rule.legacy_compiler_options, options=rule.options,, extends_selectors=rule.extends_selectors, ancestry=rule.ancestry, namespace=rule.namespace, ) rule.namespace.add_import(source, rule) self.manage_children(_rule, scope) # Create a new @import rule for each import determined to be CSS for import_ in css_imports: # TODO this seems extremely janky (surely we should create an # actual new Rule), but the CSS rendering doesn't understand how to # print rules without blocks # TODO if this ever creates a new Rule, shuffle stuff around so # this is still hoisted to the top'@import ' + import_, None)) # @print_timing(10) def _at_if(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @if and @else if """ # "@if" indicates whether any kind of `if` since the last `@else` has # succeeded, in which case `@else if` should be skipped if block.directive != '@if': if '@if' not in rule.options: raise SyntaxError("@else with no @if (%s)" % (rule.file_and_line,)) if rule.options['@if']: # Last @if succeeded; stop here return condition = calculator.calculate(block.argument) if condition: inner_rule = rule.copy() inner_rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents if not self.should_scope_loop_in_rule(inner_rule): # DEVIATION: Allow not creating a new namespace inner_rule.namespace = rule.namespace self.manage_children(inner_rule, scope) rule.options['@if'] = condition _at_else_if = _at_if # @print_timing(10) def _at_else(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @else """ if '@if' not in rule.options: log.error("@else with no @if (%s)", rule.file_and_line) val = rule.options.pop('@if', True) if not val: inner_rule = rule.copy() inner_rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents inner_rule.namespace = rule.namespace # DEVIATION: Commenting this line gives the Sass bahavior inner_rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents self.manage_children(inner_rule, scope) # @print_timing(10) def _at_for(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @for """ var, _, name = block.argument.partition(' from ') frm, _, through = name.partition(' through ') if through: inclusive = True else: inclusive = False frm, _, through = frm.partition(' to ') frm = calculator.calculate(frm) through = calculator.calculate(through) try: frm = int(float(frm)) through = int(float(through)) except ValueError: return if frm > through: # DEVIATION: allow reversed '@for .. from .. through' (same as enumerate() and range()) frm, through = through, frm rev = reversed else: rev = lambda x: x var = var.strip() var = calculator.do_glob_math(var) var = normalize_var(var) inner_rule = rule.copy() inner_rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents if not self.should_scope_loop_in_rule(inner_rule): # DEVIATION: Allow not creating a new namespace inner_rule.namespace = rule.namespace if inclusive: through += 1 for i in rev(range(frm, through)): inner_rule.namespace.set_variable(var, Number(i)) self.manage_children(inner_rule, scope) # @print_timing(10) def _at_each(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @each """ varstring, _, valuestring = block.argument.partition(' in ') values = calculator.calculate(valuestring) if not values: return varlist = [ normalize_var(calculator.do_glob_math(var.strip())) # TODO use list parsing here for var in varstring.split(",") ] # `@each $foo, in $bar` unpacks, but `@each $foo in $bar` does not! unpack = len(varlist) > 1 if not varlist[-1]: varlist.pop() inner_rule = rule.copy() inner_rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents if not self.should_scope_loop_in_rule(inner_rule): # DEVIATION: Allow not creating a new namespace inner_rule.namespace = rule.namespace for v in List.from_maybe(values): if unpack: v = List.from_maybe(v) for i, var in enumerate(varlist): if i >= len(v): value = Null() else: value = v[i] inner_rule.namespace.set_variable(var, value) else: inner_rule.namespace.set_variable(varlist[0], v) self.manage_children(inner_rule, scope) # @print_timing(10) def _at_while(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @while """ first_condition = condition = calculator.calculate(block.argument) while condition: inner_rule = rule.copy() inner_rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents if not self.should_scope_loop_in_rule(inner_rule): # DEVIATION: Allow not creating a new namespace inner_rule.namespace = rule.namespace self.manage_children(inner_rule, scope) condition = calculator.calculate(block.argument) rule.options['@if'] = first_condition # @print_timing(10) def _at_variables(self, calculator, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @variables and @vars """ warn_deprecated( rule, "@variables and @vars are deprecated. " "Just assign variables at top-level.") _rule = rule.copy() _rule.unparsed_contents = block.unparsed_contents _rule.namespace = rule.namespace = [] self.manage_children(_rule, scope) _at_vars = _at_variables # @print_timing(10) def _get_properties(self, rule, scope, block): """ Implements properties and variables extraction and assignment """ prop, raw_value = (_prop_split_re.split(block.prop, 1) + [None])[:2] if raw_value is not None: raw_value = raw_value.strip() try: is_var = (block.prop[len(prop)] == '=') except IndexError: is_var = False if is_var: warn_deprecated(rule, "Assignment with = is deprecated; use :.") calculator = self._make_calculator(rule.namespace) prop = prop.strip() prop = calculator.do_glob_math(prop) if not prop: return _prop = (scope or '') + prop if is_var or prop.startswith('$') and raw_value is not None: # Pop off any flags: !default, !global is_default = False is_global = True # eventually sass will default this to false while True: splits = raw_value.rsplit(None, 1) if len(splits) < 2 or not splits[1].startswith('!'): break raw_value, flag = splits if flag == '!default': is_default = True elif flag == '!global': is_global = True else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized flag: {0}".format(flag)) # Variable assignment _prop = normalize_var(_prop) try: existing_value = rule.namespace.variable(_prop) except KeyError: existing_value = None is_defined = existing_value is not None and not existing_value.is_null if is_default and is_defined: pass else: if is_defined and prop.startswith('$') and prop[1].isupper(): log.warn("Constant %r redefined", prop) # Variable assignment is an expression, so it always performs # real division value = calculator.calculate(raw_value, divide=True) rule.namespace.set_variable( _prop, value, local_only=not is_global) else: # Regular property destined for output _prop = calculator.apply_vars(_prop) if raw_value is None: value = None else: value = calculator.calculate(raw_value) if value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): # TODO kill this branch pass else: style = rule.legacy_compiler_options.get( 'style', self.compiler.output_style) compress = style == 'compressed' value = value.render(compress=compress), value)) # @print_timing(10) def _nest_at_rules(self, rule, scope, block): """ Implements @-blocks """ # TODO handle @charset, probably? # Interpolate the current block # TODO this seems like it should be done in the block header. and more # generally? calculator = self._make_calculator(rule.namespace) if block.header.argument: # TODO is this correct? do ALL at-rules ALWAYS allow both vars and # interpolation? node = calculator.parse_vars_and_interpolations( block.header.argument) block.header.argument = node.evaluate(calculator).render() # TODO merge into RuleAncestry new_ancestry = list(rule.ancestry.headers) if block.directive == '@media' and new_ancestry: for i, header in reversed(list(enumerate(new_ancestry))): if header.is_selector: continue elif header.directive == '@media': new_ancestry[i] = BlockAtRuleHeader( '@media', "%s and %s" % (header.argument, block.argument)) break else: new_ancestry.insert(i, block.header) else: new_ancestry.insert(0, block.header) else: new_ancestry.append(block.header) rule.descendants += 1 new_rule = SassRule( source_file=rule.source_file, import_key=rule.import_key, lineno=block.lineno, num_header_lines=block.header.num_lines, unparsed_contents=block.unparsed_contents, legacy_compiler_options=rule.legacy_compiler_options, options=rule.options.copy(), #properties #extends_selectors ancestry=RuleAncestry(new_ancestry), namespace=rule.namespace.derive(), nested=rule.nested + 1, ) self.rules.append(new_rule) rule.namespace.use_import(rule.source_file) self.manage_children(new_rule, scope) self._warn_unused_imports(new_rule) # @print_timing(10) def _nest_rules(self, rule, scope, block): """ Implements Nested CSS rules """ calculator = self._make_calculator(rule.namespace) raw_selectors = calculator.do_glob_math(block.prop) # DEVIATION: ruby sass doesn't support bare variables in selectors raw_selectors = calculator.apply_vars(raw_selectors) c_selectors, c_parents = self.parse_selectors(raw_selectors) if c_parents: warn_deprecated( rule, "The XCSS 'a extends b' syntax is deprecated. " "Use 'a { @extend b; }' instead." ) new_ancestry = rule.ancestry.with_nested_selectors(c_selectors) rule.descendants += 1 new_rule = SassRule( source_file=rule.source_file, import_key=rule.import_key, lineno=block.lineno, num_header_lines=block.header.num_lines, unparsed_contents=block.unparsed_contents, legacy_compiler_options=rule.legacy_compiler_options, options=rule.options.copy(), #properties extends_selectors=c_parents, ancestry=new_ancestry, namespace=rule.namespace.derive(), nested=rule.nested + 1, ) self.rules.append(new_rule) rule.namespace.use_import(rule.source_file) self.manage_children(new_rule, scope) self._warn_unused_imports(new_rule) # @print_timing(3) def apply_extends(self, rules): """Run through the given rules and translate all the pending @extends declarations into real selectors on parent rules. The list is modified in-place and also sorted in dependency order. """ # Game plan: for each rule that has an @extend, add its selectors to # every rule that matches that @extend. # First, rig a way to find arbitrary selectors quickly. Most selectors # revolve around elements, classes, and IDs, so parse those out and use # them as a rough key. Ignore order and duplication for now. key_to_selectors = defaultdict(set) selector_to_rules = defaultdict(set) rule_selector_order = {} order = 0 for rule in rules: for selector in rule.selectors: for key in selector.lookup_key(): key_to_selectors[key].add(selector) selector_to_rules[selector].add(rule) rule_selector_order[rule, selector] = order order += 1 # Now go through all the rules with an @extends and find their parent # rules. for rule in rules: for selector in rule.extends_selectors: # This is a little dirty. intersection isn't a class method. # Don't think about it too much. candidates = set.intersection(*( key_to_selectors[key] for key in selector.lookup_key())) extendable_selectors = [ candidate for candidate in candidates if candidate.is_superset_of(selector)] if not extendable_selectors: # TODO implement !optional warn_deprecated( rule, "Can't find any matching rules to extend {0!r} -- this" "will be fatal in 2.0, unless !optional is specified!" .format(selector.render())) continue # Armed with a set of selectors that this rule can extend, do # some substitution and modify the appropriate parent rules. # One tricky bit: it's possible we're extending two selectors # that both exist in the same parent rule, in which case we # want to extend in the order the original selectors appear in # that rule. known_parents = [] for extendable_selector in extendable_selectors: parent_rules = selector_to_rules[extendable_selector] for parent_rule in parent_rules: if parent_rule is rule: # Don't extend oneself continue known_parents.append( (parent_rule, extendable_selector)) # This will put our parents back in their original order known_parents.sort(key=rule_selector_order.__getitem__) for parent_rule, extendable_selector in known_parents: more_parent_selectors = [] for rule_selector in rule.selectors: more_parent_selectors.extend( extendable_selector.substitute( selector, rule_selector)) for parent in more_parent_selectors: # Update indices, in case later rules try to extend # this one for key in parent.lookup_key(): key_to_selectors[key].add(parent) selector_to_rules[parent].add(parent_rule) rule_selector_order[parent_rule, parent] = order order += 1 parent_rule.ancestry = ( parent_rule.ancestry.with_more_selectors( more_parent_selectors)) # Remove placeholder-only rules return [rule for rule in rules if not rule.is_pure_placeholder] # @print_timing(3) def parse_properties(self): css_files = [] seen_files = set() rules_by_file = {} for rule in self.rules: source_file = rule.source_file rules_by_file.setdefault(source_file, []).append(rule) if rule.is_empty: continue if source_file not in seen_files: seen_files.add(source_file) css_files.append(source_file) return rules_by_file, css_files # @print_timing(3) def create_css(self, rules): """ Generate the final CSS string """ style = rules[0].legacy_compiler_options.get( 'style', self.compiler.output_style) debug_info = self.compiler.generate_source_map if style == 'legacy': sc, sp, tb, nst, srnl, nl, rnl, lnl, dbg = True, ' ', ' ', False, '', '\n', '\n', '\n', debug_info elif style == 'compressed': sc, sp, tb, nst, srnl, nl, rnl, lnl, dbg = False, '', '', False, '', '', '', '', False elif style == 'compact': sc, sp, tb, nst, srnl, nl, rnl, lnl, dbg = True, ' ', '', False, '\n', ' ', '\n', ' ', debug_info elif style == 'expanded': sc, sp, tb, nst, srnl, nl, rnl, lnl, dbg = True, ' ', ' ', False, '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', debug_info else: # if style == 'nested': sc, sp, tb, nst, srnl, nl, rnl, lnl, dbg = True, ' ', ' ', True, '\n', '\n', '\n', ' ', debug_info return self._create_css(rules, sc, sp, tb, nst, srnl, nl, rnl, lnl, dbg) def _textwrap(self, txt, width=70): if not hasattr(self, '_textwrap_wordsep_re'): self._textwrap_wordsep_re = re.compile(r'(?<=,)\s+') self._textwrap_strings_re = re.compile(r'''(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*\1''') # First, remove commas from anything within strings (marking commas as \0): def _repl(m): ori = fin = ori.replace(',', '\0') if ori != fin: subs[fin] = ori return fin subs = {} txt = self._textwrap_strings_re.sub(_repl, txt) # Mark split points for word separators using (marking spaces with \1): txt = self._textwrap_wordsep_re.sub('\1', txt) # Replace all the strings back: for fin, ori in subs.items(): txt = txt.replace(fin, ori) # Split in chunks: chunks = txt.split('\1') # Break in lines of at most long_width width appending chunks: ln = '' lines = [] long_width = int(width * 1.2) for chunk in chunks: _ln = ln + ' ' if ln else '' _ln += chunk if len(ln) >= width or len(_ln) >= long_width: if ln: lines.append(ln) _ln = chunk ln = _ln if ln: lines.append(ln) return lines def _create_css(self, rules, sc=True, sp=' ', tb=' ', nst=True, srnl='\n', nl='\n', rnl='\n', lnl='', debug_info=False): super_selector = self.compiler.super_selector if super_selector: super_selector += ' ' skip_selectors = False prev_ancestry_headers = [] total_rules = 0 total_selectors = 0 result = '' dangling_property = False separate = False nesting = current_nesting = last_nesting = -1 if nst else 0 nesting_stack = [] for rule in rules: nested = rule.nested if nested <= 1: separate = True if nst: last_nesting = current_nesting current_nesting = nested delta_nesting = current_nesting - last_nesting if delta_nesting > 0: nesting_stack += [nesting] * delta_nesting elif delta_nesting < 0: nesting_stack = nesting_stack[:delta_nesting] nesting = nesting_stack[-1] if rule.is_empty: continue if nst: nesting += 1 ancestry = rule.ancestry ancestry_len = len(ancestry) first_mismatch = 0 for i, (old_header, new_header) in enumerate(zip(prev_ancestry_headers, ancestry.headers)): if old_header != new_header: first_mismatch = i break # When sc is False, sets of properties are printed without a # trailing semicolon. If the previous block isn't being closed, # that trailing semicolon needs adding in to separate the last # property from the next rule. if not sc and dangling_property and first_mismatch >= len(prev_ancestry_headers): result += ';' # Close blocks and outdent as necessary for i in range(len(prev_ancestry_headers), first_mismatch, -1): result += tb * (i - 1) + '}' + rnl # Open new blocks as necessary for i in range(first_mismatch, ancestry_len): header = ancestry.headers[i] if separate: if result: result += srnl separate = False if debug_info: def _print_debug_info(filename, lineno): if debug_info == 'comments': result = tb * (i + nesting) + "/* file: %s, line: %s */" % (filename, lineno) + nl else: filename = _escape_chars_re.sub(r'\\\1', filename) result = tb * (i + nesting) + "@media -sass-debug-info{filename{font-family:file\:\/\/%s}line{font-family:\\00003%s}}" % (filename, lineno) + nl return result if rule.lineno and rule.source_file: result += _print_debug_info(rule.source_file.path, rule.lineno) if rule.from_lineno and rule.from_source_file: result += _print_debug_info(rule.from_source_file.path, rule.from_lineno) if header.is_selector: header_string = header.render(sep=',' + sp, super_selector=super_selector) if nl: header_string = (nl + tb * (i + nesting)).join(self._textwrap(header_string)) else: header_string = header.render() result += tb * (i + nesting) + header_string + sp + '{' + nl total_rules += 1 if header.is_selector: total_selectors += 1 prev_ancestry_headers = ancestry.headers dangling_property = False if not skip_selectors: result += self._print_properties(, sc, sp, tb * (ancestry_len + nesting), nl, lnl) dangling_property = True # Close all remaining blocks for i in reversed(range(len(prev_ancestry_headers))): result += tb * i + '}' + rnl # Always end with a newline, even in compressed mode if not result.endswith('\n'): result += '\n' return (result, total_rules, total_selectors) def _print_properties(self, properties, sc=True, sp=' ', tb='', nl='\n', lnl=' '): result = '' last_prop_index = len(properties) - 1 for i, (name, value) in enumerate(properties): if value is None: prop = name elif value: if nl: value = (nl + tb + tb).join(self._textwrap(value)) prop = name + ':' + sp + value else: # Empty string means there's supposed to be a value but it # evaluated to nothing; skip this # TODO interacts poorly with last_prop_index continue if i == last_prop_index: if sc: result += tb + prop + ';' + lnl else: result += tb + prop + lnl else: result += tb + prop + ';' + nl return result class SassReturn(SassBaseError): """Special control-flow exception used to hop up the stack from a Sass function's ``@return``. """ def __init__(self, retval): super(SassReturn, self).__init__() self.retval = retval def __str__(self): return "Returning {0!r}".format(self.retval)