from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from pathlib import Path import six from scss.calculator import Calculator from scss.compiler import Compiler import scss.config as config from scss.extension.bootstrap import BootstrapExtension from scss.extension.core import CoreExtension from scss.extension.compass import CompassExtension from scss.extension.extra import ExtraExtension from scss.extension.fonts import FontsExtension from scss.namespace import Namespace from scss.scss_meta import ( BUILD_INFO, PROJECT, VERSION, REVISION, URL, AUTHOR, AUTHOR_EMAIL, LICENSE, ) from scss.source import SourceFile from scss.types import String _default_scss_vars = { '$BUILD-INFO': String.unquoted(BUILD_INFO), '$PROJECT': String.unquoted(PROJECT), '$VERSION': String.unquoted(VERSION), '$REVISION': String.unquoted(REVISION), '$URL': String.unquoted(URL), '$AUTHOR': String.unquoted(AUTHOR), '$AUTHOR-EMAIL': String.unquoted(AUTHOR_EMAIL), '$LICENSE': String.unquoted(LICENSE), # unsafe chars will be hidden as vars '$--doubleslash': String.unquoted('//'), '$--bigcopen': String.unquoted('/*'), '$--bigcclose': String.unquoted('*/'), '$--doubledot': String.unquoted(':'), '$--semicolon': String.unquoted(';'), '$--curlybracketopen': String.unquoted('{'), '$--curlybracketclosed': String.unquoted('}'), } # TODO using this should spew an actual deprecation warning class Scss(object): """Original programmatic interface to the compiler. This class is now DEPRECATED. See :mod:`scss.compiler` for the replacement. """ def __init__( self, scss_vars=None, scss_opts=None, scss_files=None, super_selector='', live_errors=False, library=None, func_registry=None, search_paths=None): self.super_selector = super_selector self._scss_vars = {} if scss_vars: calculator = Calculator() for var_name, value in scss_vars.items(): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): scss_value = calculator.evaluate_expression(value) if scss_value is None: # TODO warning? scss_value = String.unquoted(value) else: scss_value = value self._scss_vars[var_name] = scss_value self._scss_opts = scss_opts or {} self._scss_files = scss_files self._library = func_registry or library self._search_paths = search_paths # If true, swallow compile errors and embed them in the output instead self.live_errors = live_errors def compile( self, scss_string=None, scss_file=None, source_files=None, super_selector=None, filename=None, is_sass=None, line_numbers=True, import_static_css=False): """Compile Sass to CSS. Returns a single CSS string. This method is DEPRECATED; see :mod:`scss.compiler` instead. """ # Derive our root namespace self.scss_vars = _default_scss_vars.copy() if self._scss_vars is not None: self.scss_vars.update(self._scss_vars) root_namespace = Namespace( variables=self.scss_vars, functions=self._library, ) # Figure out search paths. Fall back from provided explicitly to # defined globally to just searching the current directory search_paths = ['.'] if self._search_paths is not None: assert not isinstance(self._search_paths, six.string_types), \ "`search_paths` should be an iterable, not a string" search_paths.extend(self._search_paths) else: if config.LOAD_PATHS: if isinstance(config.LOAD_PATHS, six.string_types): # Back-compat: allow comma-delimited search_paths.extend(config.LOAD_PATHS.split(',')) else: search_paths.extend(config.LOAD_PATHS) search_paths.extend(self._scss_opts.get('load_paths', [])) # Normalize a few old styles of options output_style = self._scss_opts.get('style', config.STYLE) if output_style is True: output_style = 'compressed' elif output_style is False: output_style = 'legacy' fixed_search_path = [] for path in search_paths: if isinstance(path, six.string_types): fixed_search_path.append(Path(path)) else: fixed_search_path.append(path) # Build the compiler compiler = Compiler( namespace=root_namespace, extensions=[ CoreExtension, ExtraExtension, FontsExtension, CompassExtension, BootstrapExtension, ], search_path=fixed_search_path, import_static_css=import_static_css, live_errors=self.live_errors, generate_source_map=self._scss_opts.get('debug_info', False), output_style=output_style, warn_unused_imports=self._scss_opts.get('warn_unused', False), ignore_parse_errors=config.DEBUG, loops_have_own_scopes=config.CONTROL_SCOPING, undefined_variables_fatal=config.FATAL_UNDEFINED, super_selector=super_selector or self.super_selector, ) # Gonna add the source files manually compilation = compiler.make_compilation() # Inject the files we know about # TODO how does this work with the expectation of absoluteness if source_files is not None: for source in source_files: compilation.add_source(source) elif scss_string is not None: source = SourceFile.from_string( scss_string, relpath=filename, is_sass=is_sass, ) compilation.add_source(source) elif scss_file is not None: # This is now the only way to allow forcibly overriding the # filename a source "thinks" it is with open(scss_file, 'rb') as f: source = SourceFile.from_file( f, relpath=filename or scss_file, is_sass=is_sass, ) compilation.add_source(source) # Plus the ones from the constructor if self._scss_files: for name, contents in list(self._scss_files.items()): source = SourceFile.from_string(contents, relpath=name) compilation.add_source(source) return compiler.call_and_catch_errors( # Old, old alias Compilation = compile def get_scss_constants(self): scss_vars = self.root_namespace.variables return dict( (k, v) for k, v in scss_vars.items() if k and (not k.startswith('$') or k[1].isupper()) ) def get_scss_vars(self): scss_vars = self.root_namespace.variables return dict( (k, v) for k, v in scss_vars.items() if k and not (not k.startswith('$') and k[1].isupper()) )