"""Support for Sass's namespacing rules.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import inspect import logging import six from scss.types import Undefined from scss.types import Value log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def normalize_var(name): assert isinstance(name, six.string_types) return name.replace('_', '-') class Scope(object): """Implements Sass variable scoping. Similar to `ChainMap`, except that assigning a new value will replace an existing value, not mask it. """ def __init__(self, maps=()): maps = list(maps) self.maps = [dict()] + maps def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%s) at 0x%x>" % (type(self).__name__, ', '.join(repr(map) for map in self.maps), id(self)) def __getitem__(self, key): for map in self.maps: if key in map: return map[key] raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.set(key, value) def __contains__(self, key): for map in self.maps: if key in map: return True return False def keys(self): # For mapping interface keys = set() for map in self.maps: keys.update(map.keys()) return list(keys) def set(self, key, value, force_local=False): if not force_local: for map in self.maps: if key in map: if isinstance(map[key], Undefined): break map[key] = value return self.maps[0][key] = value def new_child(self): return type(self)(self.maps) class VariableScope(Scope): pass class FunctionScope(Scope): def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%s) at 0x%x>" % (type(self).__name__, ', '.join('[%s]' % ', '.join('%s:%s' % (f, n) for f, n in sorted(map.keys())) for map in self.maps), id(self)) class MixinScope(Scope): def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%s) at 0x%x>" % (type(self).__name__, ', '.join('[%s]' % ', '.join('%s:%s' % (f, n) for f, n in sorted(map.keys())) for map in self.maps), id(self)) class ImportScope(Scope): pass class Namespace(object): """...""" _mutable = True def __init__(self, variables=None, functions=None, mixins=None, mutable=True): self._mutable = mutable if variables is None: self._variables = VariableScope() else: # TODO parse into sass values once that's a thing, or require them # all to be self._variables = VariableScope([variables]) if functions is None: self._functions = FunctionScope() else: self._functions = FunctionScope([functions._functions]) self._mixins = MixinScope() self._imports = ImportScope() def _assert_mutable(self): if not self._mutable: raise AttributeError("This Namespace instance is immutable") @classmethod def derive_from(cls, *others): self = cls() if len(others) == 1: self._variables = others[0]._variables.new_child() self._functions = others[0]._functions.new_child() self._mixins = others[0]._mixins.new_child() self._imports = others[0]._imports.new_child() else: # Note that this will create a 2-dimensional scope where each of # these scopes is checked first in order. TODO is this right? self._variables = VariableScope(other._variables for other in others) self._functions = FunctionScope(other._functions for other in others) self._mixins = MixinScope(other._mixins for other in others) self._imports = ImportScope(other._imports for other in others) return self def derive(self): """Return a new child namespace. All existing variables are still readable and writeable, but any new variables will only exist within a new scope. """ return type(self).derive_from(self) def declare(self, function): """Insert a Python function into this Namespace, detecting its name and argument count automatically. """ self._auto_register_function(function, function.__name__) return function def declare_alias(self, name): """Insert a Python function into this Namespace with an explicitly-given name, but detect its argument count automatically. """ def decorator(f): self._auto_register_function(f, name) return f return decorator def declare_internal(self, function): """Like declare(), but the registered function will also receive the current namespace as its first argument. Useful for functions that inspect the state of the compilation, like ``variable-exists()``. Probably not so useful for anything else. """ function._pyscss_needs_namespace = True self._auto_register_function(function, function.__name__, 1) return function def _auto_register_function(self, function, name, ignore_args=0): name = name.replace('_', '-').rstrip('-') argspec = inspect.getargspec(function) if argspec.varargs or argspec.keywords: # Accepts some arbitrary number of arguments arities = [None] else: # Accepts a fixed range of arguments if argspec.defaults: num_optional = len(argspec.defaults) else: num_optional = 0 num_args = len(argspec.args) - ignore_args arities = range(num_args - num_optional, num_args + 1) for arity in arities: self.set_function(name, arity, function) @property def variables(self): return dict((k, self._variables[k]) for k in self._variables.keys()) def variable(self, name, throw=False): name = normalize_var(name) return self._variables[name] def set_variable(self, name, value, local_only=False): self._assert_mutable() name = normalize_var(name) if not isinstance(value, Value): raise TypeError("Expected a Sass type, while setting %s got %r" % (name, value,)) self._variables.set(name, value, force_local=local_only) def has_import(self, source): return source.path in self._imports def add_import(self, source, parent_rule): self._assert_mutable() self._imports[source.path] = [ 0, parent_rule.source_file.path, parent_rule.file_and_line, ] def use_import(self, import_key): self._assert_mutable() if import_key and import_key in self._imports: imports = self._imports[import_key] imports[0] += 1 self.use_import(imports[1]) def unused_imports(self): unused = [] for import_key in self._imports.keys(): imports = self._imports[import_key] if not imports[0]: unused.append((import_key[0], imports[2])) return unused def _get_callable(self, chainmap, name, arity): name = normalize_var(name) if arity is not None: # With explicit arity, try the particular arity before falling back # to the general case (None) try: return chainmap[name, arity] except KeyError: pass return chainmap[name, None] def _set_callable(self, chainmap, name, arity, cb): name = normalize_var(name) chainmap[name, arity] = cb def mixin(self, name, arity): return self._get_callable(self._mixins, name, arity) def set_mixin(self, name, arity, cb): self._assert_mutable() self._set_callable(self._mixins, name, arity, cb) def function(self, name, arity): return self._get_callable(self._functions, name, arity) def set_function(self, name, arity, cb): self._assert_mutable() self._set_callable(self._functions, name, arity, cb)