from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import base64 import hashlib import os import re import sys import time from functools import wraps import six from scss import config BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) def split_params(params): params = params.split(',') or [] if params: final_params = [] param = params.pop(0) try: while True: while param.count('(') != param.count(')'): try: param = param + ',' + params.pop(0) except IndexError: break final_params.append(param) param = params.pop(0) except IndexError: pass params = final_params return params def dequote(s): if s and s[0] in ('"', "'") and s[-1] == s[0]: s = s[1:-1] s = unescape(s) return s def depar(s): while s and s[0] == '(' and s[-1] == ')': s = s[1:-1] return s def to_str(num): try: render = num.render except AttributeError: pass else: return render() if isinstance(num, dict): s = sorted(num.items()) sp = num.get('_', '') return (sp + ' ').join(to_str(v) for n, v in s if n != '_') elif isinstance(num, float): num = ('%0.05f' % round(num, 5)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') return num elif isinstance(num, bool): return 'true' if num else 'false' elif num is None: return '' return six.text_type(num) def to_float(num): if isinstance(num, (float, int)): return float(num) num = to_str(num) if num and num[-1] == '%': return float(num[:-1]) / 100.0 else: return float(num) def escape(s): return re.sub(r'''(["'])''', r'\\\1', s) # do not escape '\' # Deprecated; use the unescape() from cssdefs instead def unescape(s): return re.sub(r'''\\(['"\\])''', r'\1', s) # do unescape '\' def normalize_var(var): """Sass defines `foo_bar` and `foo-bar` as being identical, both in variable names and functions/mixins. This normalizes everything to use dashes. """ return var.replace('_', '-') def make_data_url(mime_type, data): """Generate a `data:` URL from the given data and MIME type.""" return "data:{0};base64,{1}".format( mime_type, base64.b64encode(data).decode('ascii')) def make_filename_hash(key): """Convert the given key (a simple Python object) to a unique-ish hash suitable for a filename. """ key_repr = repr(key).replace(BASE_DIR, '').encode('utf8') # This is really stupid but necessary for making the repr()s be the same on # Python 2 and 3 and thus allowing the test suite to run on both. # TODO better solutions include: not using a repr, not embedding hashes in # the expected test results if sys.platform == 'win32': # this is to make sure the hash is the same on win and unix platforms key_repr = key_repr.replace(b'\\\\', b'/') key_repr = re.sub(b"\\bu'", b"'", key_repr) key_hash = hashlib.md5(key_repr).digest() return base64.b64encode(key_hash, b'__').decode('ascii').rstrip('=') ################################################################################ # Function timing decorator profiling = {} def print_timing(level=0): def _print_timing(func): if config.VERBOSITY: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if config.VERBOSITY >= level: t1 = time.time() res = func(*args, **kwargs) t2 = time.time() profiling.setdefault(func.func_name, 0) profiling[func.func_name] += (t2 - t1) return res else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper else: return func return _print_timing ################################################################################ # Profiler decorator def profile(fn): import cProfile import pstats @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): profiler = cProfile.Profile() stream = six.StringIO() profiler.enable() try: res = fn(*args, **kwargs) finally: profiler.disable() stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=stream) stats.sort_stats('time') print >>stream, "" print >>stream, "=" * 100 print >>stream, "Stats:" stats.print_stats() print >>stream, "=" * 100 print >>stream, "Callers:" stats.print_callers() print >>stream, "=" * 100 print >>stream, "Callees:" stats.print_callees() print >>sys.stderr, stream.getvalue() stream.close() return res return wrapper ################################################################################ # class tmemoize(object): """ Memoize With Timeout Usage: @tmemoize() def z(a,b): return a + b @tmemoize(timeout=5) def x(a,b): return a + b """ _caches = {} _timeouts = {} _collected = time.time() def __init__(self, timeout=60, gc=3600): self.timeout = timeout self.gc = gc def collect(self): """Clear cache of results which have timed out""" for func in self._caches: cache = {} for key in self._caches[func]: if (time.time() - self._caches[func][key][1]) < self._timeouts[func]: cache[key] = self._caches[func][key] self._caches[func] = cache def __call__(self, func): self._caches[func] = {} self._timeouts[func] = self.timeout @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args): key = args now = time.time() cache = self._caches[func] try: ret, last = cache[key] if now - last > self.timeout: raise KeyError except KeyError: ret, last = cache[key] = (func(*args), now) if now - self._collected > self.gc: self.collect() self._collected = time.time() return ret return wrapper ################################################################################ # Memoized getmtime (can accept storage) @tmemoize() def getmtime(filename, storage=None): try: if storage: d_obj = storage.modified_time(filename) return int(time.mktime(d_obj.timetuple())) else: return int(os.path.getmtime(filename)) except: pass