path: root/serial/
diff options
authorRobert Smallshire <>2016-06-14 08:55:07 +0200
committerRobert Smallshire <>2016-06-14 08:55:07 +0200
commit494cb49837e794ec525e26b198da0e9467c4678b (patch)
tree9a5b5f5b2d1ddfc67cd12697a44a2c5038c539fd /serial/
parent05f6e0e24b4f3c1e26700fbaf84c75637b0bc240 (diff)
Removes serial/ This submodule is relocated to the pyserial-asyncio package.
Diffstat (limited to 'serial/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 428 deletions
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8173897..0000000
--- a/serial/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Experimental implementation of asyncio support.
-# This file is part of pySerial.
-# (C) 2015 Chris Liechti <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-Support asyncio with serial ports. EXPERIMENTAL
-Posix platforms only, Python 3.4+ only.
-Windows event loops can not wait for serial ports with the current
-implementation. It should be possible to get that working though.
-import asyncio
-import serial
-class SerialTransport(asyncio.Transport):
- """An asyncio transport model of a serial communication channel.
- A transport class is an abstraction of a communication channel.
- This allows protocol implementations to be developed against the
- transport abstraction without needing to know the details of the
- underlying channel, such as whether it is a pipe, a socket, or
- indeed a serial port.
- You generally won’t instantiate a transport yourself; instead, you
- will call `create_serial_connection` which will create the
- transport and try to initiate the underlying communication channel,
- calling you back when it succeeds.
- """
- def __init__(self, loop, protocol, serial_instance):
- super().__init__()
- self._loop = loop
- self._protocol = protocol
- self._serial = serial_instance
- self._closing = False
- self._protocol_paused = False
- self._max_read_size = 1024
- self._write_buffer = []
- self._set_write_buffer_limits()
- self._has_reader = False
- self._has_writer = False
- # XXX how to support url handlers too
- # Asynchronous I/O requires non-blocking devices
- self._serial.timeout = 0
- self._serial.write_timeout = 0
- # These two callbacks will be enqueued in a FIFO queue by asyncio
- loop.call_soon(protocol.connection_made, self)
- loop.call_soon(self._ensure_reader)
- @property
- def serial(self):
- """The underlying Serial instance."""
- return self._serial
- def __repr__(self):
- return '{self.__class__.__name__}({self._loop}, {self._protocol}, {self.serial})'.format(self=self)
- def is_closing(self):
- """Return True if the transport is closing or closed."""
- return self._closing
- def close(self):
- """Close the transport gracefully.
- Any buffered data will be written asynchronously. No more data
- will be received and further writes will be silently ignored.
- After all buffered data is flushed, the protocol's
- connection_lost() method will be called with None as its
- argument.
- """
- if not self._closing:
- self._close(None)
- def _read_ready(self):
- try:
- data =
- except serial.SerialException as e:
- self._close(exc=e)
- else:
- if data:
- self._protocol.data_received(data)
- def write(self, data):
- """Write some data to the transport.
- This method does not block; it buffers the data and arranges
- for it to be sent out asynchronously. Writes made after the
- transport has been closed will be ignored."""
- if self._closing:
- return
- if self.get_write_buffer_size() == 0:
- # Attempt to send it right away first
- try:
- n = self._serial.write(data)
- except serial.SerialException as exc:
- self._fatal_error(exc, 'Fatal write error on serial transport')
- return
- if n == len(data):
- return # Whole request satisfied
- assert n > 0
- data = data[n:]
- self._ensure_writer()
- self._write_buffer.append(data)
- self._maybe_pause_protocol()
- def can_write_eof(self):
- """Serial ports do not support the concept of end-of-file.
- Always returns False.
- """
- return False
- def pause_reading(self):
- """Pause the receiving end of the transport.
- No data will be passed to the protocol’s data_received() method
- until resume_reading() is called.
- """
- self._remove_reader()
- def resume_reading(self):
- """Resume the receiving end of the transport.
- Incoming data will be passed to the protocol's data_received()
- method until pause_reading() is called.
- """
- self._ensure_reader()
- def set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
- """Set the high- and low-water limits for write flow control.
- These two values control when call the protocol’s
- pause_writing()and resume_writing() methods are called. If
- specified, the low-water limit must be less than or equal to
- the high-water limit. Neither high nor low can be negative.
- """
- self._set_write_buffer_limits(high=high, low=low)
- self._maybe_pause_protocol()
- def get_write_buffer_size(self):
- """The number of bytes in the write buffer.
- This buffer is unbounded, so the result may be larger than the
- the high water mark.
- """
- return sum(map(len, self._write_buffer))
- def write_eof(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("Serial connections do not support end-of-file")
- def abort(self):
- """Close the transport immediately.
- Pending operations will not be given opportunity to complete,
- and buffered data will be lost. No more data will be received
- and further writes will be ignored. The protocol's
- connection_lost() method will eventually be called.
- """
- self._abort(None)
- def _maybe_pause_protocol(self):
- """To be called whenever the write-buffer size increases.
- Tests the current write-buffer size against the high water
- mark configured for this transport. If the high water mark is
- exceeded, the protocol is instructed to pause_writing().
- """
- if self.get_write_buffer_size() <= self._high_water:
- return
- if not self._protocol_paused:
- self._protocol_paused = True
- try:
- self._protocol.pause_writing()
- except Exception as exc:
- self._loop.call_exception_handler({
- 'message': 'protocol.pause_writing() failed',
- 'exception': exc,
- 'transport': self,
- 'protocol': self._protocol,
- })
- def _maybe_resume_protocol(self):
- """To be called whenever the write-buffer size decreases.
- Tests the current write-buffer size against the low water
- mark configured for this transport. If the write-buffer
- size is below the low water mark, the protocol is
- instructed that is can resume_writing().
- """
- if (self._protocol_paused and
- self.get_write_buffer_size() <= self._low_water):
- self._protocol_paused = False
- try:
- self._protocol.resume_writing()
- except Exception as exc:
- self._loop.call_exception_handler({
- 'message': 'protocol.resume_writing() failed',
- 'exception': exc,
- 'transport': self,
- 'protocol': self._protocol,
- })
- def _write_ready(self):
- """Asynchronously write buffered data.
- This method is called back asynchronously as a writer
- registered with the asyncio event-loop against the
- underlying file descriptor for the serial port.
- Should the write-buffer become empty if this method
- is invoked while the transport is closing, the protocol's
- connection_lost() method will be called with None as its
- argument.
- """
- data = b''.join(self._write_buffer)
- num_bytes = len(data)
- assert data, 'Write buffer should not be empty'
- self._write_buffer.clear()
- try:
- n = self._serial.write(data)
- except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError):
- self._write_buffer.append(data)
- except serial.SerialException as exc:
- self._fatal_error(exc, 'Fatal write error on serial transport')
- else:
- if n == len(data):
- assert self._flushed()
- self._remove_writer()
- self._maybe_resume_protocol() # May cause further writes
- # _write_ready may have been invoked by the event loop
- # after the transport was closed, as part of the ongoing
- # process of flushing buffered data. If the buffer
- # is now empty, we can close the connection
- if self._closing and self._flushed():
- self._close()
- return
- assert n > 0
- data = data[n:]
- self._write_buffer.append(data) # Try again later
- self._maybe_resume_protocol()
- assert self._has_writer
- def _ensure_reader(self):
- if (not self._has_reader) and (not self._closing):
- self._loop.add_reader(self._serial.fd, self._read_ready)
- self._has_reader = True
- def _remove_reader(self):
- if self._has_reader:
- self._loop.remove_reader(self._serial.fd)
- self._has_reader = False
- def _ensure_writer(self):
- if (not self._has_writer) and (not self._closing):
- self._loop.add_writer(self._serial.fd, self._write_ready)
- self._has_writer = True
- def _remove_writer(self):
- if self._has_writer:
- self._loop.remove_writer(self._serial.fd)
- self._has_writer = False
- def _set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
- """Ensure consistent write-buffer limits."""
- if high is None:
- high = 64 * 1024 if low is None else 4 * low
- if low is None:
- low = high // 4
- if not high >= low >= 0:
- raise ValueError('high (%r) must be >= low (%r) must be >= 0' %
- (high, low))
- self._high_water = high
- self._low_water = low
- def _fatal_error(self, exc, message='Fatal error on serial transport'):
- """Report a fatal error to the event-loop and abort the transport."""
- self._loop.call_exception_handler({
- 'message': message,
- 'exception': exc,
- 'transport': self,
- 'protocol': self._protocol,
- })
- self._abort(exc)
- def _flushed(self):
- """True if the write buffer is empty, otherwise False."""
- return self.get_write_buffer_size() == 0
- def _close(self, exc=None):
- """Close the transport gracefully.
- If the write buffer is already empty, writing will be
- stopped immediately and a call to the protocol's
- connection_lost() method scheduled.
- If the write buffer is not already empty, the
- asynchronous writing will continue, and the _write_ready
- method will call this _close method again when the
- buffer has been flushed completely.
- """
- self._closing = True
- self._remove_reader()
- if self._flushed():
- self._remove_writer()
- self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost, exc)
- def _abort(self, exc):
- """Close the transport immediately.
- Pending operations will not be given opportunity to complete,
- and buffered data will be lost. No more data will be received
- and further writes will be ignored. The protocol's
- connection_lost() method will eventually be called with the
- passed exception.
- """
- self._closing = True
- self._remove_reader()
- self._remove_writer() # Pending buffered data will not be written
- self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost, exc)
- def _call_connection_lost(self, exc):
- """Close the connection.
- Informs the protocol through connection_lost() and clears
- pending buffers and closes the serial connection.
- """
- assert self._closing
- assert not self._has_writer
- assert not self._has_reader
- self._serial.flush()
- try:
- self._protocol.connection_lost(exc)
- finally:
- self._write_buffer.clear()
- self._serial.close()
- self._serial = None
- self._protocol = None
- self._loop = None
-def create_serial_connection(loop, protocol_factory, *args, **kwargs):
- ser = serial.serial_for_url(*args, **kwargs)
- protocol = protocol_factory()
- transport = SerialTransport(loop, protocol, ser)
- return (transport, protocol)
-def open_serial_connection(**kwargs):
- """A wrapper for create_serial_connection() returning a (reader,
- writer) pair.
- The reader returned is a StreamReader instance; the writer is a
- StreamWriter instance.
- The arguments are all the usual arguments to Serial(). Additional
- optional keyword arguments are loop (to set the event loop instance
- to use) and limit (to set the buffer limit passed to the
- StreamReader.
- This function is a coroutine.
- """
- # in order to avoid errors when pySerial is installed under Python 2,
- # avoid Pyhthon 3 syntax here. So do not use this function as a good
- # example!
- loop = kwargs.get('loop', asyncio.get_event_loop())
- limit = kwargs.get('limit', asyncio.streams._DEFAULT_LIMIT)
- reader = asyncio.StreamReader(limit=limit, loop=loop)
- protocol = asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol(reader, loop=loop)
- # in Python 3 we would write "yield transport, _ from c()"
- for transport, _ in create_serial_connection(
- loop=loop,
- protocol_factory=lambda: protocol,
- **kwargs):
- yield transport, _
- writer = asyncio.StreamWriter(transport, protocol, reader, loop)
- # in Python 3 we would write "return reader, writer"
- raise StopIteration(reader, writer)
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-# test
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- class Output(asyncio.Protocol):
- def connection_made(self, transport):
- self.transport = transport
- print('port opened', transport)
- transport.serial.rts = False
- transport.write(b'hello world\n')
- def data_received(self, data):
- print('data received', repr(data))
- if b'\n' in data:
- self.transport.close()
- def connection_lost(self, exc):
- print('port closed')
- asyncio.get_event_loop().stop()
- def pause_writing(self):
- print('pause writing')
- print(self.transport.get_write_buffer_size())
- def resume_writing(self):
- print(self.transport.get_write_buffer_size())
- print('resume writing')
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- coro = create_serial_connection(loop, Output, '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200)
- loop.run_until_complete(coro)
- loop.run_forever()
- loop.close()