path: root/pyserial/examples/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyserial/examples/')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/pyserial/examples/ b/pyserial/examples/
index 33723d1..c2dd827 100644
--- a/pyserial/examples/
+++ b/pyserial/examples/
@@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ NEWLINE_LF = 1
class TerminalSetup:
+ """Placeholder for various terminal settings. Used to pass the
+ options to the TerminalSettingsDialog."""
def __init__(self):
self.echo = False
self.unprintable = False
self.newline = NEWLINE_CRLF
class TerminalSettingsDialog(wxDialog):
- """Simple dialog with common terminal settings like echo, newline mode"""
+ """Simple dialog with common terminal settings like echo, newline mode."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.settings = kwds['settings']
@@ -76,12 +78,14 @@ class TerminalSettingsDialog(wxDialog):
EVT_BUTTON(self, self.button_cancel.GetId(), self.OnCancel)
def OnOK(self, events):
+ """Update data wil new values and close dialog."""
self.settings.echo = self.checkbox_echo.GetValue()
self.settings.unprintable = self.checkbox_unprintable.GetValue()
self.settings.newline = self.radio_box_newline.GetSelection()
def OnCancel(self, events):
+ """Do not update data but close dialog."""
# end of class TerminalSettingsDialog
@@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.serial = serial.Serial()
self.serial.timeout = 0.5 #make sure that the alive flag can be checked from time to time
- self.settings = TerminalSetup()
+ self.settings = TerminalSetup() #placeholder for the settings
self.thread = None
# begin wxGlade: TerminalFrame.__init__
kwds["style"] = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
@@ -113,21 +117,24 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_EXIT, "&Exit", "", wxITEM_NORMAL)
self.frame_terminal_menubar.Append(wxglade_tmp_menu, "&File")
# Menu Bar end
- self.frame_terminal_statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(1)
# end wxGlade
- self.__attach_events()
+ self.__attach_events() #register events
self.OnPortSettings(None) #call setup dialog on startup, opens port
+ if not self.alive:
+ self.Close()
def StartThread(self):
+ """Start the receiver thread"""
self.alive = True
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.ComPortThread)
def StopThread(self):
+ """Stop the receiver thread, wait util it's finished."""
if self.thread is not None:
self.alive = False #set termination flag for thread
self.thread.join() #wait until thread has finished
@@ -137,11 +144,6 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
# begin wxGlade: TerminalFrame.__set_properties
self.SetTitle("Serial Terminal")
self.SetSize((546, 383))
- self.frame_terminal_statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-1])
- # statusbar fields
- frame_terminal_statusbar_fields = ["frame_terminal_statusbar"]
- for i in range(len(frame_terminal_statusbar_fields)):
- self.frame_terminal_statusbar.SetStatusText(frame_terminal_statusbar_fields[i], i)
# end wxGlade
def __do_layout(self):
@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
# end wxGlade
def __attach_events(self):
+ #register events at the controls
EVT_MENU(self, ID_CLEAR, self.OnClear)
EVT_MENU(self, ID_SAVEAS, self.OnSaveAs)
EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT, self.OnExit)
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
def OnClose(self, event):
- """Called on application shutdown"""
+ """Called on application shutdown."""
self.StopThread() #stop reader thread
self.serial.close() #cleanup
self.Destroy() #close windows, exit app
@@ -193,17 +196,45 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
"""Clear contents of output window."""
- def OnPortSettings(self, event):
- self.StopThread()
- self.serial.close()
- dialog_serial_cfg = wxSerialConfigDialog.SerialConfigDialog(None, -1, "",
- show=wxSerialConfigDialog.SHOW_BAUDRATE|wxSerialConfigDialog.SHOW_FORMAT|wxSerialConfigDialog.SHOW_FLOW,
- serial=self.serial
- )
- result = dialog_serial_cfg.ShowModal()
- dialog_serial_cfg.Destroy()
- self.StartThread()
+ def OnPortSettings(self, event=None):
+ """Show the portsettings dialog. The reader thread is stopped for the
+ settings change."""
+ if event is not None: #will be none iwhencalled on startup
+ self.StopThread()
+ self.serial.close()
+ ok = False
+ while not ok:
+ dialog_serial_cfg = wxSerialConfigDialog.SerialConfigDialog(None, -1, "",
+ show=wxSerialConfigDialog.SHOW_BAUDRATE|wxSerialConfigDialog.SHOW_FORMAT|wxSerialConfigDialog.SHOW_FLOW,
+ serial=self.serial
+ )
+ result = dialog_serial_cfg.ShowModal()
+ dialog_serial_cfg.Destroy()
+ #open port if not called on startup, open it on startup and OK too
+ if result == wxID_OK or event is not None:
+ try:
+ except serial.SerialException, e:
+ dlg = wxMessageDialog(None, str(e), "Serial Port Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR)
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ else:
+ self.StartThread()
+ self.SetTitle("Serial Terminal on %s [%s, %s%s%s%s%s]" % (
+ self.serial.portstr,
+ self.serial.baudrate,
+ self.serial.bytesize,
+ self.serial.parity,
+ self.serial.stopbits,
+ self.serial.rtscts and ' RTS/CTS' or '',
+ self.serial.xonxoff and ' Xon/Xoff' or '',
+ )
+ )
+ ok = True
+ else:
+ #on startup, dialog aborted
+ self.alive = False
+ ok = True
def OnTermSettings(self, event):
"""Menu point Terminal Settings. Show the settings dialog
@@ -231,14 +262,18 @@ class TerminalFrame(wxFrame):
if self.settings.echo: #do echo if needed
self.serial.write(char) #send the charcater
+ else:
+ print "Extra Key:", code
def OnSerialRead(self, text):
+ """Handle input from the serial port."""
if self.settings.unprintable:
text = ''.join([(c >= ' ') and c or '<%d>' % ord(c) for c in text])
def ComPortThread(self):
- """Thread that handles the incomming traffic"""
+ """Thread that handles the incomming traffic. Does the basic input
+ transformation (newlines) and passes the data to OnSerialRead."""
while self.alive: #loop while this flag is true
text = #read one, with timout
if text: #check if not timeout