#!/usr/bin/env python #module for serial IO for POSIX compatible systems, like Linux #see __init__.py # #(C) 2001 Chris Liechti # this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt # #parts based on code from Grant B. Edwards : # ftp://ftp.visi.com/users/grante/python/PosixSerial.py # references: http://www.easysw.com/~mike/serial/serial.html import sys, os, fcntl, termios, struct, string, select import serialutil VERSION = string.split("$Revision: 1.2 $")[1] #extract CVS version PARITY_NONE, PARITY_EVEN, PARITY_ODD = range(3) STOPBITS_ONE, STOPBITS_TWO = (1, 2) FIVEBITS, SIXBITS, SEVENBITS, EIGHTBITS = (5,6,7,8) #Do check the Python version as some constants have moved. if (sys.hexversion < 0x020100f0): import TERMIOS else: TERMIOS = termios if (sys.hexversion < 0x020200f0): import FCNTL else: FCNTL = fcntl #try to detect the os so that a device can be selected... plat = string.lower(sys.platform) if plat[:5] == 'linux': #Linux (confirmed) def device(port): return '/dev/ttyS%d' % port elif plat == 'openbsd3': #BSD (confirmed) def device(port): return '/dev/ttyp%d' % port elif plat[:3] == 'bsd' or \ plat[:6] == 'netbsd' or \ plat[:7] == 'freebsd' or \ plat[:7] == 'openbsd' or \ plat[:6] == 'darwin': #BSD (confirmed for freebsd4: cuaa%d) def device(port): return '/dev/cuaa%d' % port elif plat[:4] == 'irix': #IRIX® (not tested) def device(port): return '/dev/ttyf%d' % port elif plat[:2] == 'hp': #HP-UX (not tested) def device(port): return '/dev/tty%dp0' % (port+1) elif plat[:5] == 'sunos': #Solaris®/SunOS® (not tested) def device(port): return '/dev/tty%c' % (ord('a')+port) elif plat[:3] == 'dgux': #Digital UNIX® (not tested) def device(port): return '/dev/tty0%d' % (port+1) else: #platform detection has failed... info = "sys.platform = %r\nos.name = %r\nserialposix.py version = %s" % (sys.platform, os.name, VERSION) print """send this information to the author of this module: %s also add the device name of the serial port and where the counting starts for the first serial port. e.g. 'first serial port: /dev/ttyS0' and with a bit luck you can get this module running... """ raise Exception, "this module does not run on this platform, sorry." #whats up with "aix", "beos", "sco", .... #they should work, just need to know the device names. #"cygwin" has a POSIX emulation but does not seem to have a /dev/ttyxx structure? # construct dictionaries for baud rate lookups baudEnumToInt = {} baudIntToEnum = {} for rate in (0,50,75,110,134,150,200,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600, 19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,460800,500000,576000,921600, 1000000,1152000,1500000,2000000,2500000,3000000,3500000,4000000 ): try: i = eval('TERMIOS.B'+str(rate)) baudEnumToInt[i]=rate baudIntToEnum[rate] = i except: pass #load some constants for late use if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'TIOCMGET'): #if this const is here the others will be to (hopefully) TIOCMGET = TERMIOS.TIOCMGET TIOCMBIS = TERMIOS.TIOCMBIS TIOCMBIC = TERMIOS.TIOCMBIC TIOCMSET = TERMIOS.TIOCMSET TIOCM_LE = TERMIOS.TIOCM_LE TIOCM_DTR = TERMIOS.TIOCM_DTR TIOCM_RTS = TERMIOS.TIOCM_RTS TIOCM_ST = TERMIOS.TIOCM_ST TIOCM_SR = TERMIOS.TIOCM_SR TIOCM_CTS = TERMIOS.TIOCM_CTS TIOCM_CAR = TERMIOS.TIOCM_CAR TIOCM_RNG = TERMIOS.TIOCM_RNG TIOCM_DSR = TERMIOS.TIOCM_DSR TIOCM_CD = TERMIOS.TIOCM_CD TIOCM_RI = TERMIOS.TIOCM_RI TIOCM_OUT1 = TERMIOS.TIOCM_OUT1 TIOCM_OUT2 = TERMIOS.TIOCM_OUT2 else: #workaround for older python versions TIOCMGET = 0x5415 TIOCMBIS = 0x5416 TIOCMBIC = 0x5417 TIOCMSET = 0x5418 TIOCM_LE = 0x001 TIOCM_DTR = 0x002 TIOCM_RTS = 0x004 TIOCM_ST = 0x008 TIOCM_SR = 0x010 TIOCM_CTS = 0x020 TIOCM_CAR = 0x040 TIOCM_RNG = 0x080 TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 TIOCM_CD = TIOCM_CAR TIOCM_RI = TIOCM_RNG TIOCM_OUT1 = 0x2000 TIOCM_OUT2 = 0x4000 TIOCM_zero_str = struct.pack('I', 0) TIOCM_RTS_str = struct.pack('I', TIOCM_RTS) TIOCM_DTR_str = struct.pack('I', TIOCM_DTR) portNotOpenError = ValueError('port not open') class Serial(serialutil.FileLike): def __init__(self, port, #number of device, numbering starts at #zero. if everything fails, the user #can specify a device string, note #that this isn't portable anymore baudrate=9600, #baudrate bytesize=EIGHTBITS, #number of databits parity=PARITY_NONE, #enable parity checking stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE, #number of stopbits timeout=None, #set a timeout value, None for waiting forever xonxoff=0, #enable software flow control rtscts=0, #enable RTS/CTS flow control ): """init comm port""" self.fd = None self.timeout = timeout vmin = vtime = 0 #timeout is done via select #open if type(port) == type(''): #strings are taken directly self.portstr = port else: self.portstr = device(port) #numbers are transformed to a os dependant string self.fd = os.open(self.portstr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_NOCTTY|os.O_NONBLOCK) fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, FCNTL.F_SETFL, 0) #set blocking self.__tcgetattr() #read current settings #set up raw mode / no echo / binary self.cflag = self.cflag | (TERMIOS.CLOCAL|TERMIOS.CREAD) self.lflag = self.lflag & ~(TERMIOS.ICANON|TERMIOS.ECHO|TERMIOS.ECHOE|TERMIOS.ECHOK|TERMIOS.ECHONL| TERMIOS.ECHOCTL|TERMIOS.ECHOPRT|TERMIOS.ECHOKE|TERMIOS.ISIG|TERMIOS.IEXTEN) self.oflag = self.oflag & ~(TERMIOS.OPOST) if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'IUCLC'): self.iflag = self.iflag & ~(TERMIOS.INLCR|TERMIOS.IGNCR|TERMIOS.ICRNL|TERMIOS.IUCLC|TERMIOS.IGNBRK) else: self.iflag = self.iflag & ~(TERMIOS.INLCR|TERMIOS.IGNCR|TERMIOS.ICRNL|TERMIOS.IGNBRK) #setup baudrate try: self.ispeed = self.ospeed = baudIntToEnum[baudrate] except: raise ValueError,'invalid baud rate: %s' % baudrate #setup char len self.cflag = self.cflag & ~TERMIOS.CSIZE if bytesize == 8: self.cflag = self.cflag | TERMIOS.CS8 elif bytesize == 7: self.cflag = self.cflag | TERMIOS.CS7 elif bytesize == 6: self.cflag = self.cflag | TERMIOS.CS6 elif bytesize == 5: self.cflag = self.cflag | TERMIOS.CS5 else: raise ValueError,'invalid char len: '+str(clen) #setup stopbits if stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE: self.cflag = self.cflag & ~(TERMIOS.CSTOPB) elif stopbits == STOPBITS_TWO: self.cflag = self.cflag | (TERMIOS.CSTOPB) else: raise ValueError,'invalid stopit specification:'+str(stopbits) #setup parity self.iflag = self.iflag & ~(TERMIOS.INPCK|TERMIOS.ISTRIP) if parity == PARITY_NONE: self.cflag = self.cflag & ~(TERMIOS.PARENB|TERMIOS.PARODD) elif parity == PARITY_EVEN: self.cflag = self.cflag & ~(TERMIOS.PARODD) self.cflag = self.cflag | (TERMIOS.PARENB) elif parity == PARITY_ODD: self.cflag = self.cflag | (TERMIOS.PARENB|TERMIOS.PARODD) else: raise ValueError,'invalid parity: '+str(par) #setup flow control #xonxoff if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'IXANY'): if xonxoff: self.iflag = self.iflag | (TERMIOS.IXON|TERMIOS.IXOFF|TERMIOS.IXANY) else: self.iflag = self.iflag & ~(TERMIOS.IXON|TERMIOS.IXOFF|TERMIOS.IXANY) else: if xonxoff: self.iflag = self.iflag | (TERMIOS.IXON|TERMIOS.IXOFF) else: self.iflag = self.iflag & ~(TERMIOS.IXON|TERMIOS.IXOFF) #rtscts if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'CRTSCTS'): if rtscts: self.cflag = self.cflag | (TERMIOS.CRTSCTS) else: self.cflag = self.cflag & ~(TERMIOS.CRTSCTS) #buffer #vmin "minimal number of characters to be read. = for non blocking" if vmin<0 or vmin>255: raise ValueError,'invalid vmin: '+str(vmin) self.cc[TERMIOS.VMIN] = vmin #vtime if vtime<0 or vtime>255: raise ValueError,'invalid vtime: '+str(vtime) self.cc[TERMIOS.VTIME] = vtime #activate settings self.__tcsetattr() def __tcsetattr(self): """internal function to set port attributes""" termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, TERMIOS.TCSANOW, [self.iflag,self.oflag,self.cflag,self.lflag,self.ispeed,self.ospeed,self.cc]) def __tcgetattr(self): """internal function to get port attributes""" self.iflag,self.oflag,self.cflag,self.lflag,self.ispeed,self.ospeed,self.cc = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd) def close(self): """close port""" if self.fd: os.close(self.fd) self.fd = None def inWaiting(self): """how many character are in the input queue""" s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TERMIOS.FIONREAD, TIOCM_zero_str) return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] def write(self, data): """write a string to the port""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError t = len(data) d = data while t>0: n = os.write(self.fd, d) d = d[n:] t = t - n def read(self, size=1): """read a number of bytes from the port. the default is one (unlike files)""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError read = '' imp = None if size > 0: while len(read) < size: if self.timeout: #print "\tread(): size",size, "have", len(read) #debug ready,_,_ = select.select([self.fd],[],[], self.timeout) if not ready: break #timeout for fd in ready: if fd is self.fd: inp = os.read(self.fd, size-len(read)) else: inp = os.read(self.fd, size-len(read)) if not inp and self.timeout: break #early abort on timeout read = read + inp return read def flushInput(self): """clear input queue""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError termios.tcflush(self.fd, TERMIOS.TCIFLUSH) def flushOutput(self): """flush output""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError termios.tcflush(self.fd, TERMIOS.TCOFLUSH) def sendBreak(self): """send break signal""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError termios.tcsendbreak(self.fd, 0) def drainOutput(self): """internal - not portable!""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError termios.tcdrain(self.fd) def nonblocking(self): """internal - not portable!""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, FCNTL.F_SETFL, FCNTL.O_NONBLOCK) def getDSR(self): """read terminal status line""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str) return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_DSR def getCD(self): """read terminal status line""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str) return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_CD def getRI(self): """read terminal status line""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str) return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_RI def getCTS(self): """read terminal status line""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str) return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_CTS def setDTR(self,on=1): """set terminal status line""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError if on: fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIS, TIOCM_DTR_str) else: fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIC, TIOCM_DTR_str) def setRTS(self,on=1): """set terminal status line""" if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError if on: fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIS, TIOCM_RTS_str) else: fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIC, TIOCM_RTS_str) if __name__ == '__main__': s = Serial(0, baudrate=19200, #baudrate bytesize=EIGHTBITS, #number of databits parity=PARITY_EVEN, #enable parity checking stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE, #number of stopbits timeout=3, #set a timeout value, None for waiting forever xonxoff=0, #enable software flow control rtscts=0, #enable RTS/CTS flow control ) s.setRTS(1) s.setDTR(1) s.flushInput() s.flushOutput() s.write('hello') print repr(s.read(5)) print s.inWaiting() del s