#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of pySerial - Cross platform serial port support for Python # (C) 2016 Chris Liechti # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause """\ Tests for utility functions of serualutil. """ import os import unittest import serial class Test_util(unittest.TestCase): """Test serial utility functions""" def test_to_bytes(self): self.assertEqual(serial.to_bytes([1, 2, 3]), b'\x01\x02\x03') self.assertEqual(serial.to_bytes(b'\x01\x02\x03'), b'\x01\x02\x03') self.assertEqual(serial.to_bytes(bytearray([1,2,3])), b'\x01\x02\x03') # unicode is not supported test. use decode() instead of u'' syntax to be # compatible to Python 3.x < 3.4 self.assertRaises(TypeError, serial.to_bytes, b'hello'.decode('utf-8')) def test_iterbytes(self): self.assertEqual(list(serial.iterbytes(b'\x01\x02\x03')), [b'\x01', b'\x02', b'\x03']) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.stdout.write(__doc__) sys.argv[1:] = ['-v'] # When this module is executed from the command-line, it runs all its tests unittest.main()