Revision 4.1.5a --------------- - UNSTABLE ALPHA RELEASE. - SNMP SET Application support completed - Minor, though backward incompatible, changes to one-liner API Revision 4.1.4a --------------- - UNSTABLE ALPHA RELEASE. - SHA-based authentication fixed and privacy implemented - ...oneliner.cmdgen.UsmUserData constructor now takes authProtocol and privProtocol parameters in a backward incompatible manner. Revision 4.1.3a --------------- - UNSTABLE ALPHA RELEASE. - rfc3413 applications API changes (related to callback function behaviour). - TransportDispatcher now provides "jobs" interface to clients for better control of dispatcher's execution. - Many minor fixes. Revision 4.1.2a --------------- - UNSTABLE ALPHA RELEASE. - Top-level application classes renamed into longer, self descripting names for clarity. - CommandResponder & NotificationOriginator applications now uses stand-alone SnmpContext for application registration. - Many minor fixes (inspired by testing on WinXP) Revision 4.1.1a --------------- - UNSTABLE ALPHA RELEASE. - SNMPv3 code first published - SNMP engine and applications implemented on library level - Major re-design towards SNMPv3-style API. Release 4.0.2a -------------- - Adopted to slightly changed asyncore API (as shipped with python 2,4) Release 4.0.1a -------------- - Minor bug/typo fixes, mostly in example/ scripts. Release 4.0.0a -------------- - UNSTABLE EARLY ALPHA RELEASE. - Major re-design and re-implementation. - Rudimental API versioning implemented to let incompatible package branches to co-exist within the same Python installation. - SMI framework designed and implemented. This framework provides 1) various access to MIB data 2) a way to implement custom MIB instrumentation objects. There's also a tool for building SMI classes from libsmi(3) output (smidump -f python). - ASN.1 subtyping machinery implemented. Now dynamic ASN.1 instances subtyping and quering becomes available. Previously, this has been done through Python classes inheritance what proved to be a wrong concept. - ASN.1 codecs framework re-designed and re-implemented aimed at a more consistent design and better performance. Highlights include abstract codec interface and serialized data caching (at encoder). - Asn1Item constraints machinery re-implemented based on Mike C. Fletcher's design and code. Now various constrains are implemented as stand-alone objects serving interested Asn1Object derivatives through some abstract protocol (that's probably the Decorator design pattern). - ASN.1 tagging facility re-implemented along the client-server design pattern. Besides this seems to be a more appropriate design, it allows an easier way for dynamic subtyping.