""" GET over IPv6 +++++++++++++ Send SNMP GET request using the following options: * with SNMPv3 with user 'usr-md5-des', MD5 auth and DES privacy protocols * over IPv6/UDP * to an Agent at [::1]:161 * for three OIDs in string form Functionally similar to: | $ snmpget -v3 -l authPriv -u usr-md5-des -A authkey1 -X privkey1 udp6:[::1]:161 """# from pysnmp.hlapi import * errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next( getCmd(SnmpEngine(), UsmUserData('usr-md5-des', 'authkey1', 'privkey1'), Udp6TransportTarget(('::1', 161)), ContextData(), ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('')), ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('')), ObjectType(ObjectIdentity(''))) ) if errorIndication: print(errorIndication) elif errorStatus: print('%s at %s' % (errorStatus.prettyPrint(), errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex) - 1][0] or '?')) else: for varBind in varBinds: print(' = '.join([x.prettyPrint() for x in varBind]))