""" Bulk walk Agent MIB (SNMPv2c) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Perform SNMP GETBULK operation with the following options: * with SNMPv2c, community 'public' * over IPv4/UDP * to an Agent at demo.snmplabs.com:161 * for OID in tuple form * with non-repeaters=0 and max-repeaters=25 This script performs similar to the following Net-SNMP command: | $ snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c public -ObentU -Cn0 -Cr25 demo.snmplabs.com 1.3.6 """# from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dispatch import AsyncoreDispatcher from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dgram import udp from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder, decoder from pysnmp.proto.api import v2c from time import time # SNMP table header headVars = [v2c.ObjectIdentifier((1, 3, 6))] # Build PDU reqPDU = v2c.GetBulkRequestPDU() v2c.apiBulkPDU.setDefaults(reqPDU) v2c.apiBulkPDU.setNonRepeaters(reqPDU, 0) v2c.apiBulkPDU.setMaxRepetitions(reqPDU, 25) v2c.apiBulkPDU.setVarBinds(reqPDU, [(x, v2c.null) for x in headVars]) # Build message reqMsg = v2c.Message() v2c.apiMessage.setDefaults(reqMsg) v2c.apiMessage.setCommunity(reqMsg, 'public') v2c.apiMessage.setPDU(reqMsg, reqPDU) startedAt = time() def cbTimerFun(timeNow): if timeNow - startedAt > 3: raise Exception("Request timed out") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def cbRecvFun(transportDispatcher, transportDomain, transportAddress, wholeMsg, reqPDU=reqPDU, headVars=headVars): while wholeMsg: rspMsg, wholeMsg = decoder.decode(wholeMsg, asn1Spec=v2c.Message()) rspPDU = v2c.apiMessage.getPDU(rspMsg) # Match response to request if v2c.apiBulkPDU.getRequestID(reqPDU) == v2c.apiBulkPDU.getRequestID(rspPDU): # Format var-binds table varBindTable = v2c.apiBulkPDU.getVarBindTable(reqPDU, rspPDU) # Check for SNMP errors reported errorStatus = v2c.apiBulkPDU.getErrorStatus(rspPDU) if errorStatus and errorStatus != 2: errorIndex = v2c.apiBulkPDU.getErrorIndex(rspPDU) print('%s at %s' % (errorStatus.prettyPrint(), errorIndex and varBindTable[int(errorIndex) - 1] or '?')) transportDispatcher.jobFinished(1) break # Report SNMP table for tableRow in varBindTable: for name, val in tableRow: print('from: %s, %s = %s' % ( transportAddress, name.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint() ) ) # Stop on EOM for oid, val in varBindTable[-1]: if not isinstance(val, v2c.Null): break else: transportDispatcher.jobFinished(1) continue # Generate request for next row v2c.apiBulkPDU.setVarBinds( reqPDU, [(x, v2c.null) for x, y in varBindTable[-1]] ) v2c.apiBulkPDU.setRequestID(reqPDU, v2c.getNextRequestID()) transportDispatcher.sendMessage( encoder.encode(reqMsg), transportDomain, transportAddress ) global startedAt if time() - startedAt > 3: raise Exception('Request timed out') startedAt = time() return wholeMsg transportDispatcher = AsyncoreDispatcher() transportDispatcher.registerRecvCbFun(cbRecvFun) transportDispatcher.registerTimerCbFun(cbTimerFun) transportDispatcher.registerTransport( udp.DOMAIN_NAME, udp.UdpSocketTransport().openClientMode() ) transportDispatcher.sendMessage( encoder.encode(reqMsg), udp.DOMAIN_NAME, ('demo.snmplabs.com', 161) ) transportDispatcher.jobStarted(1) # Dispatcher will finish as job#1 counter reaches zero transportDispatcher.runDispatcher() transportDispatcher.closeDispatcher()