""" Spoof IPv4 source address +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Send SNMP GET request from a non-local IP address: * with SNMPv2c, community 'public' * over IPv4/UDP * to an Agent at * from a non-local, spoofed IP (root and Python 3.3+ required) * for OIDs in string form This script performs similar to the following Net-SNMP command: | $ snmpget -v2c -c public -ObentU But unlike the above command, this script issues SNMP request from a non-default, non-local IP address. It is indeed possible to originate SNMP traffic from any valid local IP addresses. It could be a secondary IP interface, for instance. Superuser privileges are only required to send spoofed packets. Alternatively, sending from local interface could also be achieved by binding to it (via openClientMode() parameter). Agent would respond to the IP address you used as a source. So this script could only get a response if that source address is somehow routed to the host this script is running on. Otherwise it just times out. """# from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dispatch import AsyncoreDispatcher from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dgram import udp from pysnmp.proto import api from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder, decoder from time import time # Send request message to this address transportAddress = udp.UdpTransportAddress(('', 161)) # Send request message from this non-local (!) IP address transportAddress.setLocalAddress(('', 0)) # Protocol version to use # pMod = api.protoModules[api.protoVersion1] pMod = api.protoModules[api.protoVersion2c] # Build PDU reqPDU = pMod.GetRequestPDU() pMod.apiPDU.setDefaults(reqPDU) pMod.apiPDU.setVarBinds( reqPDU, (('', pMod.Null('')), ('', pMod.Null(''))) ) # Build message reqMsg = pMod.Message() pMod.apiMessage.setDefaults(reqMsg) pMod.apiMessage.setCommunity(reqMsg, 'public') pMod.apiMessage.setPDU(reqMsg, reqPDU) startedAt = time() class StopWaiting(Exception): pass def cbTimerFun(timeNow): if timeNow - startedAt > 3: raise StopWaiting() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal def cbRecvFun(transportDispatcher, transportDomain, transportAddress, wholeMsg, reqPDU=reqPDU): while wholeMsg: rspMsg, wholeMsg = decoder.decode(wholeMsg, asn1Spec=pMod.Message()) rspPDU = pMod.apiMessage.getPDU(rspMsg) # Match response to request if pMod.apiPDU.getRequestID(reqPDU) == pMod.apiPDU.getRequestID(rspPDU): # Check for SNMP errors reported errorStatus = pMod.apiPDU.getErrorStatus(rspPDU) if errorStatus: print(errorStatus.prettyPrint()) else: for oid, val in pMod.apiPDU.getVarBinds(rspPDU): print('%s = %s' % (oid.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint())) transportDispatcher.jobFinished(1) return wholeMsg transportDispatcher = AsyncoreDispatcher() transportDispatcher.registerRecvCbFun(cbRecvFun) transportDispatcher.registerTimerCbFun(cbTimerFun) # Initialize UDP/IPv4 transport udpSocketTransport = udp.UdpSocketTransport().openClientMode() # Use sendmsg()/recvmsg() for socket communication (required for # IP source spoofing functionality) udpSocketTransport.enablePktInfo() # Enable IP source spoofing (requires root privileges) udpSocketTransport.enableTransparent() transportDispatcher.registerTransport(udp.domainName, udpSocketTransport) # Pass message to dispatcher transportDispatcher.sendMessage( encoder.encode(reqMsg), udp.domainName, transportAddress ) # We might never receive any response as we sent request with fake source IP transportDispatcher.jobStarted(1) # Dispatcher will finish as all jobs counter reaches zero try: transportDispatcher.runDispatcher() except StopWaiting: transportDispatcher.closeDispatcher() else: raise