# # This file is part of pysnmp software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof # License: http://snmplabs.com/pysnmp/license.html # import socket import sys from pysnmp.carrier.asyncio.dgram import udp, udp6 from pysnmp.error import PySnmpError from pysnmp.hlapi.transport import AbstractTransportTarget __all__ = ['Udp6TransportTarget', 'UdpTransportTarget'] class UdpTransportTarget(AbstractTransportTarget): """Creates UDP/IPv4 configuration entry and initialize socket API if needed. This object can be used for adding new entries to Local Configuration Datastore (LCD) managed by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.SnmpEngine` class instance. See :RFC:`1906#section-3` for more information on the UDP transport mapping. Parameters ---------- transportAddr : tuple Indicates remote address in Python :py:mod:`socket` module format which is a tuple of FQDN, port where FQDN is a string representing either hostname or IPv4 address in quad-dotted form, port is an integer. timeout : int Response timeout in seconds. retries : int Maximum number of request retries, 0 retries means just a single request. tagList : str Arbitrary string that contains a list of tag values which are used to select target addresses for a particular operation (:RFC:`3413#section-4.1.4`). Examples -------- >>> from pysnmp.hlapi.asyncio import UdpTransportTarget >>> UdpTransportTarget(('demo.snmplabs.com', 161)) UdpTransportTarget(('', 161), timeout=1, retries=5, tagList='') >>> """ TRANSPORT_DOMAIN = udp.domainName PROTO_TRANSPORT = udp.UdpAsyncioTransport def _resolveAddr(self, transportAddr): try: return socket.getaddrinfo(transportAddr[0], transportAddr[1], socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)[0][4][:2] except socket.gaierror as exc: raise PySnmpError('Bad IPv4/UDP transport address %s: %s' % ( '@'.join([str(x) for x in transportAddr]), exc)) class Udp6TransportTarget(AbstractTransportTarget): """Creates UDP/IPv6 configuration entry and initialize socket API if needed. This object can be used by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.asyncio.AsyncCommandGenerator` or :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.asyncio.AsyncNotificationOriginator` and their derevatives for adding new entries to Local Configuration Datastore (LCD) managed by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.SnmpEngine` class instance. See :RFC:`1906#section-3`, :RFC:`2851#section-4` for more information on the UDP and IPv6 transport mapping. Parameters ---------- transportAddr : tuple Indicates remote address in Python :py:mod:`socket` module format which is a tuple of FQDN, port where FQDN is a string representing either hostname or IPv6 address in one of three conventional forms (:RFC:`1924#section-3`), port is an integer. timeout : int Response timeout in seconds. retries : int Maximum number of request retries, 0 retries means just a single request. tagList : str Arbitrary string that contains a list of tag values which are used to select target addresses for a particular operation (:RFC:`3413#section-4.1.4`). Examples -------- >>> from pysnmp.hlapi.asyncio import Udp6TransportTarget >>> Udp6TransportTarget(('google.com', 161)) Udp6TransportTarget(('2a00:1450:4014:80a::100e', 161), timeout=1, retries=5, tagList='') >>> Udp6TransportTarget(('FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210', 161)) Udp6TransportTarget(('fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210', 161), timeout=1, retries=5, tagList='') >>> Udp6TransportTarget(('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A', 161)) Udp6TransportTarget(('1080::8:800:200c:417a', 161), timeout=1, retries=5, tagList='') >>> Udp6TransportTarget(('::0', 161)) Udp6TransportTarget(('::', 161), timeout=1, retries=5, tagList='') >>> Udp6TransportTarget(('::', 161)) Udp6TransportTarget(('::', 161), timeout=1, retries=5, tagList='') >>> """ TRANSPORT_DOMAIN = udp6.domainName PROTO_TRANSPORT = udp6.Udp6AsyncioTransport def _resolveAddr(self, transportAddr): try: return socket.getaddrinfo(transportAddr[0], transportAddr[1], socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)[0][4][:2] except socket.gaierror as exc: raise PySnmpError('Bad IPv6/UDP transport address %s: %s' % ( '@'.join([str(x) for x in transportAddr]), exc))