# # This file is part of pysnmp software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof # License: http://snmplabs.com/pysnmp/license.html # from pyasn1.compat.octets import null from pysnmp import error from pysnmp.entity import config __all__ = [ 'CommunityData', 'UsmUserData', 'USM_AUTH_NONE', 'USM_AUTH_HMAC96_MD5', 'USM_AUTH_HMAC96_SHA', 'USM_AUTH_HMAC128_SHA224', 'USM_AUTH_HMAC192_SHA256', 'USM_AUTH_HMAC256_SHA384', 'USM_AUTH_HMAC384_SHA512', 'USM_PRIV_NONE', 'USM_PRIV_CBC56_DES', 'USM_PRIV_CBC168_3DES', 'USM_PRIV_CFB128_AES', 'USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES', 'USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES', 'USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES_BLUMENTHAL', 'USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES_BLUMENTHAL', 'USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE', 'USM_KEY_TYPE_MASTER', 'USM_KEY_TYPE_LOCALIZED' ] USM_AUTH_NONE = config.USM_AUTH_NONE """No Authentication Protocol""" USM_AUTH_HMAC96_MD5 = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC96_MD5 """The HMAC-MD5-96 Digest Authentication Protocol (:RFC:`3414#section-6`)""" USM_AUTH_HMAC96_SHA = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC96_SHA """The HMAC-SHA-96 Digest Authentication Protocol AKA SHA-1 (:RFC:`3414#section-7`)""" USM_AUTH_HMAC128_SHA224 = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC128_SHA224 """The HMAC-SHA-2 Digest Authentication Protocols (:RFC:`7860`)""" USM_AUTH_HMAC192_SHA256 = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC192_SHA256 """The HMAC-SHA-2 Digest Authentication Protocols (:RFC:`7860`)""" USM_AUTH_HMAC256_SHA384 = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC256_SHA384 """The HMAC-SHA-2 Digest Authentication Protocols (:RFC:`7860`)""" USM_AUTH_HMAC384_SHA512 = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC384_SHA512 """The HMAC-SHA-2 Digest Authentication Protocols (:RFC:`7860`)""" USM_PRIV_NONE = config.USM_PRIV_NONE """No Privacy Protocol""" USM_PRIV_CBC56_DES = config.USM_PRIV_CBC56_DES """The CBC56-DES Symmetric Encryption Protocol (:RFC:`3414#section-8`)""" USM_PRIV_CBC168_3DES = config.USM_PRIV_CBC168_3DES """The 3DES-EDE Symmetric Encryption Protocol (`draft-reeder-snmpv3-usm-3desede-00 \ `_)""" USM_PRIV_CFB128_AES = config.USM_PRIV_CFB128_AES """The CFB128-AES-128 Symmetric Encryption Protocol (:RFC:`3826#section-3`)""" USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES = config.USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES """The CFB128-AES-192 Symmetric Encryption Protocol (`draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-04 \ `_) \ with Reeder key localization""" USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES = config.USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES """The CFB128-AES-256 Symmetric Encryption Protocol (`draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-04 \ `_) \ with Reeder key localization""" USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES_BLUMENTHAL = config.USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES_BLUMENTHAL """The CFB128-AES-192 Symmetric Encryption Protocol (`draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-04 \ `_)""" USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES_BLUMENTHAL = config.USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES_BLUMENTHAL """The CFB128-AES-256 Symmetric Encryption Protocol (`draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-04 \ `_)""" # USM key types (PYSNMP-USM-MIB::pysnmpUsmKeyType) USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE = config.USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE """USM key material type - plain-text pass phrase (:RFC:`3414#section-2.6`)""" USM_KEY_TYPE_MASTER = config.USM_KEY_TYPE_MASTER """USM key material type - hashed pass-phrase AKA master key (:RFC:`3414#section-2.6`)""" USM_KEY_TYPE_LOCALIZED = config.USM_KEY_TYPE_LOCALIZED """USM key material type - hashed pass-phrase hashed with Context SNMP Engine ID \ (:RFC:`3414#section-2.6`)""" class CommunityData(object): """Creates SNMP v1/v2c configuration entry. This object can be used by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore.AsyncCommandGenerator` or :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore.AsyncNotificationOriginator` and their derivatives for adding new entries to Local Configuration Datastore (LCD) managed by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.SnmpEngine` class instance. See :RFC:`2576#section-5.3` for more information on the *SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpCommunityTable*. Parameters ---------- communityIndex: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` Unique index value of a row in snmpCommunityTable. If it is the only positional parameter, it is treated as a *communityName*. communityName: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` SNMP v1/v2c community string. mpModel: :py:class:`int` SNMP message processing model AKA SNMP version. Known SNMP versions are: * `0` - for SNMP v1 * `1` - for SNMP v2c (default) contextEngineId: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` Indicates the location of the context in which management information is accessed when using the community string specified by the above communityName. contextName: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` The context in which management information is accessed when using the above communityName. tag: :py:class:`str` Arbitrary string that specifies a set of transport endpoints from which a command responder application will accept management requests with given *communityName* or to which notification originator application will send notifications when targets are specified by a tag value(s). The other way to look at the *tag* feature is that it can make specific *communityName* only valid for certain targets. The other use-case is when multiple distinct SNMP peers share the same *communityName* -- binding each instance of *communityName* to transport endpoint lets you distinguish SNMP peers from each other (e.g. resolving *communityName* into proper *securityName*). For more technical information on SNMP configuration tags please refer to :RFC:`3413#section-4.1.1` and :RFC:`2576#section-5.3` (e.g. the *snmpCommunityTransportTag* object). See also: :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.UdpTransportTarget` Warnings -------- If the same *communityIndex* value is supplied repeatedly with different *communityName* (or other parameters), the later call supersedes all previous calls. Make sure not to configure duplicate *communityName* values unless they have distinct *mpModel* and/or *tag* fields. This will make *communityName* based database lookup ambiguous. Examples -------- >>> from pysnmp.hlapi import CommunityData >>> CommunityData('public') CommunityData(communityIndex='s1410706889', communityName=, mpModel=1, contextEngineId=None, contextName='', tag='') >>> CommunityData('public', 'public') CommunityData(communityIndex='public', communityName=, mpModel=1, contextEngineId=None, contextName='', tag='') >>> """ mpModel = 1 # Default is SMIv2 securityModel = mpModel + 1 securityLevel = 'noAuthNoPriv' contextName = null tag = null def __init__(self, communityIndex, communityName=None, mpModel=None, contextEngineId=None, contextName=None, tag=None, securityName=None): if mpModel is not None: self.mpModel = mpModel self.securityModel = mpModel + 1 self.contextEngineId = contextEngineId if contextName is not None: self.contextName = contextName if tag is not None: self.tag = tag # a single arg is considered as a community name if communityName is None: communityName, communityIndex = communityIndex, None self.communityName = communityName # Autogenerate communityIndex if not specified if communityIndex is None: self.securityName = 's%s' % hash( (self.communityName, self.mpModel, self.contextEngineId, self.contextName, self.tag)) self.communityIndex = self.securityName else: self.communityIndex = communityIndex if securityName is None: self.securityName = communityIndex else: self.securityName = securityName def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('%s is not hashable' % self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return ('%s(communityIndex=%r, communityName=, mpModel=%r, ' 'contextEngineId=%r, contextName=%r, tag=%r, securityName=' '%r)') % (self.__class__.__name__, self.communityIndex, self.mpModel, self.contextEngineId, self.contextName, self.tag, self.securityName) def clone(self, communityIndex=None, communityName=None, mpModel=None, contextEngineId=None, contextName=None, tag=None, securityName=None): # a single arg is considered as a community name if communityName is None: communityName, communityIndex = communityIndex, None return self.__class__( communityIndex, communityName is None and self.communityName or communityName, mpModel is None and self.mpModel or mpModel, contextEngineId is None and self.contextEngineId or contextEngineId, contextName is None and self.contextName or contextName, tag is None and self.tag or tag, securityName is None and self.securityName or securityName) class UsmUserData(object): """Creates SNMP v3 User Security Model (USM) configuration entry. This object can be used by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore.AsyncCommandGenerator` or :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore.AsyncNotificationOriginator` and their derivatives for adding new entries to Local Configuration Datastore (LCD) managed by :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.SnmpEngine` class instance. See :RFC:`3414#section-5` for more information on the *SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB::usmUserTable*. Parameters ---------- userName: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` A human readable string representing the name of the SNMP USM user. Other Parameters ---------------- authKey: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` Initial value of the secret authentication key. If not set, :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmNoAuthProtocol` is implied. If set and no *authProtocol* is specified, :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol` takes effect. privKey: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` Initial value of the secret encryption key. If not set, :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmNoPrivProtocol` is implied. If set and no *privProtocol* is specified, :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmDESPrivProtocol` takes effect. authProtocol: :py:class:`tuple`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.ObjectIdentifier` An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. Supported authentication protocol identifiers are: * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmNoAuthProtocol` (default is *authKey* not given) * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol` (default if *authKey* is given) * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMAC128SHA224AuthProtocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMAC192SHA256AuthProtocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMAC256SHA384AuthProtocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmHMAC384SHA512AuthProtocol` securityEngineId: :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` The snmpEngineID of the authoritative SNMP engine to which a dateRequest message is to be sent. Will be automatically discovered from peer if not given, unless localized keys are used. In the latter case *securityEngineId* must be specified. See :RFC:`3414#section-2.5.1` for technical explanation. securityName: :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.OctetString` Together with the snmpEngineID it identifies a row in the *SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB::usmUserTable* that is to be used for securing the message. See :RFC:`3414#section-2.5.1` for technical explanation. privProtocol: :py:class:`tuple`, :py:class:`~pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.ObjectIdentifier` An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this USM user be encrypted, and if so, the type of encryption protocol which is used. Supported encryption protocol identifiers are: * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmNoPrivProtocol` (default is *authKey* not given) * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmDESPrivProtocol` (default if *authKey* is given) * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmAesCfb128Protocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmAesCfb192Protocol` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmAesCfb256Protocol` authKeyType: :py:class:`int` Type of `authKey` material. See :RFC:`3414#section-2.6` for technical explanation. Supported key types are: * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypePassphrase` (default) * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypeMaster` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypeLocalized` If `~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypeLocalized` is used, peer SNMP engine ID discovery mechanism can't be leveraged for key localization, so *securityEngineId* must be given by local configuration. privKeyType: :py:class:`int` Type of `privKey` material. See :RFC:`3414#section-2.6` for technical explanation. Supported key types are: * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypePassphrase` (default) * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypeMaster` * :py:class:`~pysnmp.hlapi.usmKeyTypeLocalized` Examples -------- >>> from pysnmp.hlapi import UsmUserData >>> UsmUserData('testuser', authKey='authenticationkey') UsmUserData(userName='testuser', authKey=, privKey=, authProtocol=(1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2), privProtocol=(1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,1)) >>> UsmUserData('testuser', authKey='authenticationkey', privKey='encryptionkey') UsmUserData(userName='testuser', authKey=, privKey=, authProtocol=(1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2), privProtocol=(1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2)) >>> """ authKey = privKey = None authProtocol = config.USM_AUTH_NONE privProtocol = config.USM_PRIV_NONE securityLevel = 'noAuthNoPriv' securityModel = 3 mpModel = 3 contextName = null def __init__(self, userName, authKey=None, privKey=None, authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None, securityEngineId=None, securityName=None, authKeyType=USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE, privKeyType=USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE): self.userName = userName if securityName is None: self.securityName = userName else: self.securityName = securityName if authKey is not None: self.authKey = authKey if authProtocol is None: self.authProtocol = config.USM_AUTH_HMAC96_MD5 else: self.authProtocol = authProtocol if self.securityLevel != 'authPriv': self.securityLevel = 'authNoPriv' if privKey is not None: self.privKey = privKey if self.authProtocol == config.USM_AUTH_NONE: raise error.PySnmpError('Privacy implies authenticity') self.securityLevel = 'authPriv' if privProtocol is None: self.privProtocol = config.USM_PRIV_CBC56_DES else: self.privProtocol = privProtocol self.securityEngineId = securityEngineId self.authKeyType = authKeyType self.privKeyType = privKeyType def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('%s is not hashable' % self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return ('%s(userName=%r, authKey=, privKey=, ' 'authProtocol=%r, privProtocol=%r, securityEngineId=%r, ' 'securityName=%r, authKeyType=%r, privKeyType=%r)') % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.userName, self.authProtocol, self.privProtocol, self.securityEngineId is None and '' or self.securityEngineId, self.securityName, self.authKeyType, self.privKeyType ) def clone(self, userName=None, authKey=None, privKey=None, authProtocol=None, privProtocol=None, securityEngineId=None, securityName=None, authKeyType=None, privKeyType=None): return self.__class__( userName is None and self.userName or userName, authKey is None and self.authKey or authKey, privKey is None and self.privKey or privKey, authProtocol is None and self.authProtocol or authProtocol, privProtocol is None and self.privProtocol or privProtocol, securityEngineId is None and self.securityEngineId or securityEngineId, securityName is None and self.securityName or securityName, authKeyType is None and self.authKeyType or USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE, privKeyType is None and self.privKeyType or USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE ) # Backward-compatible protocol IDs usmNoAuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_NONE usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_HMAC96_MD5 usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_HMAC96_SHA usmHMAC128SHA224AuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_HMAC128_SHA224 usmHMAC192SHA256AuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_HMAC192_SHA256 usmHMAC256SHA384AuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_HMAC256_SHA384 usmHMAC384SHA512AuthProtocol = USM_AUTH_HMAC384_SHA512 usmNoPrivProtocol = USM_PRIV_NONE usmDESPrivProtocol = USM_PRIV_CBC56_DES usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol = USM_PRIV_CBC168_3DES usmAesCfb128Protocol = USM_PRIV_CFB128_AES usmAesCfb192Protocol = USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES usmAesCfb256Protocol = USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES usmAesBlumenthalCfb192Protocol = USM_PRIV_CFB192_AES_BLUMENTHAL usmAesBlumenthalCfb256Protocol = USM_PRIV_CFB256_AES_BLUMENTHAL usmKeyTypePassphrase = USM_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE usmKeyTypeMaster = USM_KEY_TYPE_MASTER usmKeyTypeLocalized = USM_KEY_TYPE_LOCALIZED __all__.extend( ['usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol', 'usmAesCfb128Protocol', 'usmAesCfb192Protocol', 'usmAesCfb256Protocol', 'usmAesBlumenthalCfb192Protocol', 'usmAesBlumenthalCfb256Protocol', 'usmDESPrivProtocol', 'usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol', 'usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol', 'usmHMAC128SHA224AuthProtocol', 'usmHMAC192SHA256AuthProtocol', 'usmHMAC256SHA384AuthProtocol', 'usmHMAC384SHA512AuthProtocol', 'usmNoAuthProtocol', 'usmNoPrivProtocol', 'usmKeyTypePassphrase', 'usmKeyTypeMaster', 'usmKeyTypeLocalized'] )