# # This file is part of pysnmp software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof # License: http://snmplabs.com/pysnmp/license.html # import sys import traceback import functools from pysnmp import nextid from pysnmp.proto import rfc1905 from pysnmp.smi import error from pysnmp import debug __all__ = ['AbstractMibInstrumController', 'MibInstrumController'] class AbstractMibInstrumController(object): def readMibObjects(self, *varBinds, **context): raise error.NoSuchInstanceError(idx=0) def readNextMibObjects(self, *varBinds, **context): raise error.EndOfMibViewError(idx=0) def writeMibObjects(self, *varBinds, **context): raise error.NoSuchObjectError(idx=0) class MibInstrumController(AbstractMibInstrumController): STATUS_OK = 'ok' STATUS_ERROR = 'err' STATE_START = 'start' STATE_STOP = 'stop' STATE_ANY = '*' # These states are actually methods of the MIB objects STATE_READ_TEST = 'readTest' STATE_READ_GET = 'readGet' STATE_READ_TEST_NEXT = 'readTestNext' STATE_READ_GET_NEXT = 'readGetNext' STATE_WRITE_TEST = 'writeTest' STATE_WRITE_COMMIT = 'writeCommit' STATE_WRITE_CLEANUP = 'writeCleanup' STATE_WRITE_UNDO = 'writeUndo' fsmReadVar = { # (state, status) -> newState (STATE_START, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_TEST, (STATE_READ_TEST, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_GET, (STATE_READ_GET, STATUS_OK): STATE_STOP, (STATE_ANY, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_STOP } fsmReadNextVar = { # (state, status) -> newState (STATE_START, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_TEST_NEXT, (STATE_READ_TEST_NEXT, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_GET_NEXT, (STATE_READ_GET_NEXT, STATUS_OK): STATE_STOP, (STATE_ANY, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_STOP } fsmWriteVar = { # (state, status) -> newState (STATE_START, STATUS_OK): STATE_WRITE_TEST, (STATE_WRITE_TEST, STATUS_OK): STATE_WRITE_COMMIT, (STATE_WRITE_COMMIT, STATUS_OK): STATE_WRITE_CLEANUP, (STATE_WRITE_CLEANUP, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_TEST, # Do read after successful write (STATE_READ_TEST, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_GET, (STATE_READ_GET, STATUS_OK): STATE_STOP, # Error handling (STATE_WRITE_TEST, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_WRITE_CLEANUP, (STATE_WRITE_COMMIT, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_WRITE_UNDO, (STATE_WRITE_UNDO, STATUS_OK): STATE_READ_TEST, # Ignore read errors (removed columns) (STATE_READ_TEST, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_STOP, (STATE_READ_GET, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_STOP, (STATE_ANY, STATUS_ERROR): STATE_STOP } def __init__(self, mibBuilder): self.mibBuilder = mibBuilder self.lastBuildId = -1 self.lastBuildSyms = {} def getMibBuilder(self): return self.mibBuilder def __indexMib(self): """Rebuild a tree from MIB objects found at currently loaded modules. If currently existing tree is out of date, walk over all Managed Objects and Instances to structure Management Instrumentation objects into a tree of the following layout: MibTree | +----MibScalar | | | +-----MibScalarInstance | +----MibTable | +----MibTableRow | +-------MibTableColumn | +------MibScalarInstance(s) Notes ----- Only Managed Objects (i.e. `OBJECT-TYPE`) get indexed here, various MIB definitions and constants can't be SNMP managed so we drop them. """ if self.lastBuildId == self.mibBuilder.lastBuildId: return (MibScalarInstance, MibScalar, MibTableColumn, MibTableRow, MibTable) = self.mibBuilder.importSymbols( 'SNMPv2-SMI', 'MibScalarInstance', 'MibScalar', 'MibTableColumn', 'MibTableRow', 'MibTable' ) mibTree, = self.mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-SMI', 'iso') scalars = {} instances = {} tables = {} rows = {} cols = {} # Sort by module name to give user a chance to slip-in # custom MIB modules (that would be sorted out first) mibSymbols = list(self.mibBuilder.mibSymbols.items()) mibSymbols.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for modName, mibMod in mibSymbols: for symObj in mibMod.values(): if isinstance(symObj, MibTable): tables[symObj.name] = symObj elif isinstance(symObj, MibTableRow): rows[symObj.name] = symObj elif isinstance(symObj, MibTableColumn): cols[symObj.name] = symObj elif isinstance(symObj, MibScalarInstance): instances[symObj.name] = symObj elif isinstance(symObj, MibScalar): scalars[symObj.name] = symObj # Detach items from each other for symName, parentName in self.lastBuildSyms.items(): if parentName in scalars: scalars[parentName].unregisterSubtrees(symName) elif parentName in cols: cols[parentName].unregisterSubtrees(symName) elif parentName in rows: rows[parentName].unregisterSubtrees(symName) else: mibTree.unregisterSubtrees(symName) lastBuildSyms = {} # Attach Managed Objects Instances to Managed Objects for inst in instances.values(): if inst.typeName in scalars: scalars[inst.typeName].registerSubtrees(inst) elif inst.typeName in cols: cols[inst.typeName].registerSubtrees(inst) else: raise error.SmiError( 'Orphan MIB scalar instance %r at %r' % (inst, self) ) lastBuildSyms[inst.name] = inst.typeName # Attach Table Columns to Table Rows for col in cols.values(): rowName = col.name[:-1] # XXX if rowName in rows: rows[rowName].registerSubtrees(col) else: raise error.SmiError( 'Orphan MIB table column %r at %r' % (col, self) ) lastBuildSyms[col.name] = rowName # Attach Table Rows to MIB tree for row in rows.values(): mibTree.registerSubtrees(row) lastBuildSyms[row.name] = mibTree.name # Attach Tables to MIB tree for table in tables.values(): mibTree.registerSubtrees(table) lastBuildSyms[table.name] = mibTree.name # Attach Scalars to MIB tree for scalar in scalars.values(): mibTree.registerSubtrees(scalar) lastBuildSyms[scalar.name] = mibTree.name self.lastBuildSyms = lastBuildSyms self.lastBuildId = self.mibBuilder.lastBuildId debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger('__indexMib: rebuilt') def flipFlopFsm(self, fsmTable, *varBinds, **context): """Read, modify, create or remove Managed Objects Instances. Given one or more py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType`, recursively transitions corresponding Managed Objects Instances through the Finite State Machine (FSM) states till it reaches its final stop state. Parameters ---------- fsmTable: :py:class:`dict` A map of (`state`, `status`) -> `state` representing FSM transition matrix. See :py:class:`RowStatus` for FSM transition logic. varBinds: :py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects representing Managed Objects Instances to work with. Other Parameters ---------------- \*\*context: Query parameters: * `cbFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to pass the new value of the Managed Object Instance or an error. * `acFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to authorize access to the requested Managed Object Instance. If not supplied, no access control will be performed. Notes ----- The callback functions (e.g. `cbFun`, `acFun`) have the same signature as this method where `varBind` contains the new Managed Object Instance value. In case of errors, the `errors` key in the `context` dict will contain a sequence of `dict` objects describing one or more errors that occur. Such error `dict` will have the `error`, `idx` and `state` keys providing the details concerning the error, for which variable-binding and in what state the system has failed. """ count = [0] cbFun = context.get('cbFun') def _cbFun(varBind, **context): idx = context.pop('idx', None) err = context.pop('error', None) if err: # Move other errors into the errors sequence errors = context['errors'] errors.append( {'error': err, 'idx': idx, 'varbind': varBind, 'state': context['state']} ) context['status'] = self.STATUS_ERROR if idx is None: if cbFun: cbFun((), **context) return _varBinds = context['varBinds'] _varBinds[idx] = varBind count[0] += 1 debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger( '_cbFun: var-bind %d, processed %d, expected %d' % ( idx, count[0], len(varBinds))) if count[0] < len(varBinds): return debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger( '_cbFun: finished, output var-binds %r' % (_varBinds,)) self.flipFlopFsm(fsmTable, *varBinds, **dict(context, cbFun=cbFun)) debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger('flipFlopFsm: input var-binds %r' % (varBinds,)) mibTree, = self.mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-SMI', 'iso') try: state = context['state'] status = context['status'] instances = context['instances'] errors = context['errors'] _varBinds = context['varBinds'] except KeyError: state, status = self.STATE_START, self.STATUS_OK instances = {} errors = [] _varBinds = list(varBinds) self.__indexMib() debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger( 'flipFlopFsm: current state %s, status %s' % (state, status)) try: newState = fsmTable[(state, status)] except KeyError: try: newState = fsmTable[(self.STATE_ANY, status)] except KeyError: raise error.SmiError('Unresolved FSM state %s, %s' % (state, status)) debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger( 'flipFlopFsm: state %s status %s -> transitioned into state %s' % (state, status, newState)) state = newState if state == self.STATE_STOP: context.pop('state', None) context.pop('status', None) context.pop('instances', None) context.pop('varBinds', None) if cbFun: cbFun(_varBinds, **context) return # the case of no var-binds if not varBinds: _cbFun(None, **context) return actionFun = getattr(mibTree, state, None) if not actionFun: raise error.SmiError( 'Unsupported state handler %s at %s' % (state, self) ) for idx, varBind in enumerate(varBinds): actionFun(varBind, **dict(context, cbFun=_cbFun, state=state, status=status, idx=idx, total=len(varBinds), instances=instances, errors=errors, varBinds=_varBinds, nextName=None)) debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger( 'flipFlopFsm: func %s initiated for %r' % (actionFun, varBind)) @staticmethod def _defaultErrorHandler(varBinds, **context): """Raise exception on any error if user callback is missing""" errors = context.get('errors') if errors: error = errors[-1] raise error['error'] def readMibObjects(self, *varBinds, **context): """Read Managed Objects Instances. Given one or more py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects, read all or none of the referenced Managed Objects Instances. Parameters ---------- varBinds: :py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects representing Managed Objects Instances to read. Other Parameters ---------------- \*\*context: Query parameters: * `cbFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to pass the new value of the Managed Object Instance or an error. If not provided, default function will raise exception in case of an error. * `acFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to authorize access to the requested Managed Object Instance. If not supplied, no access control will be performed. Notes ----- The signature of the callback functions (e.g. `cbFun`, `acFun`) is this: .. code-block: python def cbFun(varBinds, **context): errors = context.get(errors) if errors: print(errors[0].error) else: print(', '.join('%s = %s' % varBind for varBind in varBinds)) In case of errors, the `errors` key in the `context` dict will contain a sequence of `dict` objects describing one or more errors that occur. If a non-existing Managed Object is referenced, no error will be reported, but the values returned in the `varBinds` would be either :py:class:`NoSuchObject` (indicating non-existent Managed Object) or :py:class:`NoSuchInstance` (if Managed Object exists, but is not instantiated). """ if 'cbFun' not in context: context['cbFun'] = self._defaultErrorHandler self.flipFlopFsm(self.fsmReadVar, *varBinds, **context) def readNextMibObjects(self, *varBinds, **context): """Read Managed Objects Instances next to the given ones. Given one or more py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects, read all or none of the Managed Objects Instances next to the referenced ones. Parameters ---------- varBinds: :py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects representing Managed Objects Instances to read next to. Other Parameters ---------------- \*\*context: Query parameters: * `cbFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to pass the new value of the Managed Object Instance or an error. If not provided, default function will raise exception in case of an error. * `acFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to authorize access to the requested Managed Object Instance. If not supplied, no access control will be performed. Notes ----- The signature of the callback functions (e.g. `cbFun`, `acFun`) is this: .. code-block: python def cbFun(varBinds, **context): errors = context.get(errors) if errors: print(errors[0].error) else: print(', '.join('%s = %s' % varBind for varBind in varBinds)) In case of errors, the `errors` key in the `context` dict will contain a sequence of `dict` objects describing one or more errors that occur. If a non-existing Managed Object is referenced, no error will be reported, but the values returned in the `varBinds` would be one of: :py:class:`NoSuchObject` (indicating non-existent Managed Object) or :py:class:`NoSuchInstance` (if Managed Object exists, but is not instantiated) or :py:class:`EndOfMibView` (when the last Managed Object Instance has been read). When :py:class:`NoSuchObject` or :py:class:`NoSuchInstance` values are returned, the caller is expected to repeat the same call with some or all `varBinds` returned to progress towards the end of the implemented MIB. """ if 'cbFun' not in context: context['cbFun'] = self._defaultErrorHandler self.flipFlopFsm(self.fsmReadNextVar, *varBinds, **context) def writeMibObjects(self, *varBinds, **context): """Create, destroy or modify Managed Objects Instances. Given one or more py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects, create, destroy or modify all or none of the referenced Managed Objects Instances. If a non-existing Managed Object Instance is written, the new Managed Object Instance will be created with the value given in the `varBinds`. If existing Managed Object Instance is being written, its value is changed to the new one. Unless it's a :py:class:`RowStatus` object of a SMI table, in which case the outcome of the *write* operation depends on the :py:class:`RowStatus` transition. The whole table row could be created or destroyed or brought on/offline. When SMI table row is brought online (i.e. into the *active* state), all columns will be checked for consistency. Error will be reported and write operation will fail if inconsistency is found. Parameters ---------- varBinds: :py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` objects representing Managed Objects Instances to modify. Other Parameters ---------------- \*\*context: Query parameters: * `cbFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to pass the new value of the Managed Object Instance or an error. If not provided, default function will raise exception in case of an error. * `acFun` (callable) - user-supplied callable that is invoked to authorize access to the requested Managed Object Instance. If not supplied, no access control will be performed. Notes ----- The signature of the callback functions (e.g. `cbFun`, `acFun`) is this: .. code-block: python def cbFun(varBinds, **context): errors = context.get(errors) if errors: print(errors[0].error) else: print(', '.join('%s = %s' % varBind for varBind in varBinds)) In case of errors, the `errors` key in the `context` dict will contain a sequence of `dict` objects describing one or more errors that occur. If a non-existing Managed Object is referenced, no error will be reported, but the values returned in the `varBinds` would be one of: :py:class:`NoSuchObject` (indicating non-existent Managed Object) or :py:class:`NoSuchInstance` (if Managed Object exists, but can't be modified. """ if 'cbFun' not in context: context['cbFun'] = self._defaultErrorHandler self.flipFlopFsm(self.fsmWriteVar, *varBinds, **context)