path: root/docs/source
diff options
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33 files changed, 1592 insertions, 0 deletions
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+.. include:: ../../CHANGES.txt
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# PySNMP documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 27 23:15:54 2015.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
+# containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+import sys
+import os
+import shlex
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
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+ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
+ 'sphinx.ext.napoleon',
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+ 'sphinx.ext.todo'
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+templates_path = ['.templates']
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+# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
+# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The encoding of source files.
+#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'contents'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'PySNMP'
+copyright = u'2015, Ilya Etingof <>'
+author = u'Ilya Etingof <>'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+version = '4.3'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = '4.3'
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
+# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
+language = None
+# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
+# non-false value, then it is used:
+#today = ''
+# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
+#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+exclude_patterns = []
+# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
+# documents.
+#default_role = None
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+#add_function_parentheses = True
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+#add_module_names = True
+# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
+# output. They are ignored by default.
+#show_authors = False
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
+#modindex_common_prefix = []
+# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
+#keep_warnings = False
+# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
+todo_include_todos = True
+# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+#html_theme = 'alabaster'
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
+# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
+# documentation.
+#html_theme_options = {}
+# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
+#html_theme_path = []
+# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
+# "<project> v<release> documentation".
+#html_title = None
+# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
+#html_short_title = None
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
+# of the sidebar.
+#html_logo = None
+# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
+# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
+# pixels large.
+#html_favicon = None
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_static_path = ['.static']
+# Custom CSS theme
+html_style = 'css/rtdimproved.css'
+# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
+# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
+# directly to the root of the documentation.
+#html_extra_path = []
+# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
+# using the given strftime format.
+#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
+# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
+# typographically correct entities.
+#html_use_smartypants = True
+# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
+#html_sidebars = {}
+# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
+# template names.
+#html_additional_pages = {}
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#html_domain_indices = True
+# If false, no index is generated.
+#html_use_index = True
+# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
+#html_split_index = False
+# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
+html_show_sourcelink = False
+# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+html_show_sphinx = False
+# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+#html_show_copyright = True
+# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
+# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
+#html_use_opensearch = ''
+# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
+#html_file_suffix = None
+# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
+# Sphinx supports the following languages:
+# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja'
+# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr'
+#html_search_language = 'en'
+# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
+# Now only 'ja' uses this config value
+#html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}
+# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that
+# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
+#html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'PySNMPdoc'
+# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
+latex_elements = {
+# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+#'papersize': 'letterpaper',
+# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+#'pointsize': '10pt',
+# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+#'preamble': '',
+# Latex figure (float) alignment
+#'figure_align': 'htbp',
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title,
+# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
+latex_documents = [
+ (master_doc, 'PySNMP.tex', u'PySNMP Documentation',
+ u'Ilya Etingof \\textless{}\\textgreater{}', 'manual'),
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+#latex_logo = None
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
+#latex_use_parts = False
+# If true, show page references after internal links.
+#latex_show_pagerefs = False
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+#latex_show_urls = False
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#latex_domain_indices = True
+# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
+# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+man_pages = [
+ (master_doc, 'pysnmp', u'PySNMP Documentation',
+ [author], 1)
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+#man_show_urls = False
+# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+# dir menu entry, description, category)
+texinfo_documents = [
+ (master_doc, 'PySNMP', u'PySNMP Documentation',
+ author, 'PySNMP', 'One line description of project.',
+ 'Miscellaneous'),
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#texinfo_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
+#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
+# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
+#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
+# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
+intersphinx_mapping = { 'python': ('', None),
+ 'pysmi': ('', None) }
+# this merges constructor docstring with class docstring
+autoclass_content = 'both'
+# Napoleon settings
+napoleon_google_docstring = False
+napoleon_numpy_docstring = True
+napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False
+napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True
+napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples = False
+napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes = False
+napoleon_use_admonition_for_references = False
+napoleon_use_ivar = False
+napoleon_use_param = False
+napoleon_use_rtype = False
diff --git a/docs/source/contents.rst b/docs/source/contents.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17fcc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/contents.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+SNMP library for Python
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+PySNMP is a cross-platform, pure-`Python <>`_
+`SNMP <>`_
+engine implementation. It features fully-functional SNMP engine capable
+to act in Agent/Manager/Proxy roles, talking SNMP v1/v2c/v3 protocol
+versions over IPv4/IPv6 and other network transports.
+Despite its name, SNMP is not a really simple protocol. For instance its
+third version introduces complex and open-ended security framework,
+multilingual capabilities, remote configuration and other features.
+PySNMP implementation closely follows intricate system details and features
+bringing most possible power and flexibility to its users.
+Current PySNMP stable version is 4.3.0. It runs with Python 2.4 through 3.5
+and is recommended for new applications as well as for migration from older,
+now obsolete, PySNMP releases. All site documentation and examples are written
+for the 4.3.0 and later versions in mind. Older materials are still
+available under the obsolete section.
+Besides the libraries, a set of pure-Python command-line tools are shipped
+along with the system. Those tools mimic the interface and behaviour of
+popular Net-SNMP snmpget/snmpset/snmpwalk utilities. They may be useful
+in a cross-platform situations as well as a testing and prototyping
+instrument for pysnmp users.
+PySNMP software is free and open-source. It's being distributed under a
+liberal BSD-style license. PySNMP development has been initially sponsored
+by a `PSF <>`_ grant.
+Quick start
+You already know something about SNMP and have no courage to dive into
+this implementation? Try out quick start page!
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /quick-start
+This is so boring to read... Now imagine how boring it was to write this! ;-)
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /snmp-overview
+ /docs/contents
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /examples/contents
+Best way is usually to
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # pip install pysnmp
+If that does not work for you for some reason, you might need to read the
+following page.
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /download
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /faq
+We fanatically document all fixes, changes and new features in changelog.
+There you could also download the latest unreleased pysnmp tarball
+containing the latest fixes and improvements.
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ /changelog
+Our development plans and new features we consider for eventual implementation
+are collected in the following section.
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /development
+.. include:: ../../LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/development.rst b/docs/source/development.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abe9cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/development.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Further development
+Although PySNMP is already a mature software and it is being used at many
+places, the ultimate goal of the project is to implement most of the useful
+features that SNMP standards can offer. What follows is a list of most
+prominent missing features that PySNMP developers are planning to put their
+hands on in the future.
+PySNMP library
+#. Built-in MIB parser. PySNMP uses a data model of its own to work with
+ information contained in MIB files. To convert ASN.1-based MIB texts
+ into Python modules, an off-line, third-party tool is employed. As it
+ turns out, this approach has two major drawback: one is that PySNMP
+ users may need to pre-process MIB texts to use them with their
+ PySNMP-based applications. Another is that LibSMI's Python driver
+ seems to miss some information carried by MIBs. Thus the solution would
+ be to write another MIB parser and code generator which would produce
+ PySNMP compliant Python code right from MIB text files all by itself.
+ **Done:** see `PySMI project <>`_ in conjuction with the latest PySNMP codebase.
+#. Reverse MIB index. The variable-bindings received by the system whilst
+ in Manager role could be post-processed using the information kept in
+ MIB files to include human-friendly OIDs names, tables indices and
+ values representation. However, there is currently no provisioning in
+ the PySNMP system for locating and loading up MIB files containing
+ additional information on arbitrary OIDs. So the idea is to maintain
+ an OID-to-MIB index to let PySNMP load relevant MIB automatically on
+ demand.
+#. Stream sockets support. Currently, PySNMP transport subsystem only
+ supports datagram-type network sockets. That covers UDP-over-IPv4 and
+ UDP-over-IPv6. However, SNMP engine can potentially run over
+ stream-oriented protocols what would let it support TCP-over-IPv4,
+ TCP-over-IPv6 and SSL/TSL transports. Neither of these is currently
+ implemented with PySNMP.
+#. AgentX implementation. We anticipate many uses of this. For instance,
+ having AgentX protocol support in pure-Python would let us write AgentX
+ modules in pure-Python and attach them to high-performance Net-SNMP
+ Agent. Or we could build and maintain a fully-featured, stand-alone
+ PySNMP-based Agent so that users would write their own AgentX extensions
+ what would comprise a complete SNMP Agent solution at lesser effort.
+#. A DBMS-based SMI. Currently implemented SMI takes shape of live Python
+ objects that let user hook up his own handler on any existing Managed
+ Object Instance. That's flexible and working approach in many cases,
+ however sometimes, for instance when Management Instrumentation is
+ inherently DBMS-based, it may be more efficient to move the entire
+ SMI/MIB subsystem into a database. PySNMP engine would talk to it
+ through its simple and well defined SMI API.
+Stand-alone PySNMP-based tools
+#. SNMP Proxy Forwarder. That would be a stand-alone, application-level
+ proxy service supporting all SNMP versions, multiple network transports,
+ Command and Notification SNMP message types. Its anticipated features
+ include extensive configuration facilities, fine-graned access
+ control and logging.
+ **Done:** see `SNMP Proxy Forwarder <>`_.
+#. SNMP Trap Receiver. We see this application as a simple yet flexible
+ SNMP TRAP collector. It would listen on network sockets of different
+ types receiving SNMP TRAP/INFORM notifications over any SNMP version
+ and putting all the details into a database and possibly triggering
+ external events.
+#. Database backend for SNMP Simulator. We have already built a tool for
+ simulating SNMP Agents based on a snapshot of their Management
+ Instrumentation state. Current implementation uses a plain-text file
+ for keeping and possibly managing the snapshot. Many users of the
+ Simulator software requested a value variation feature to be supported
+ so that simulated Agents would look live, not static. We consider this
+ variation and also dependencies features would be best implemented as
+ a relational database application. So we are planning to put some more
+ efforts into the Simulator project as time permits.
+ **Done:** since `snmpsim-0.2.4 <>`_
+If you need some particular feature - please,
+`drop us a note <>`_ . Once we
+see a greater demand in particular area, we would re-arrange our
+development resources to meet it sooner.
+You could greater speed up the development of particular feature by
+sponsoring it. Please get back to us to discuss details.
+Contributions to the PySNMP source code is greatly appreciated as well.
+We require contributed code to run with Python 2.4 through the latest
+Python version (which is 3.3 at the time of this writing). Contributed
+code will be redistributed under the terms of the same
+`license <>`_ as PySNMP is.
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+Library reference
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+As dealing with
+many features may overwhelm developers who aim at a quick and trivial task,
+PySNMP employs a layered architecture approach where the topmost programming
+API tries to be as simple as possible to allow immediate solutions for most
+common use cases. For instance it will let you perform SNMP GET/SET/WALK
+operations by pasting code snippets from this web-site right into your
+Python interactive session.
+.. toctree::
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/contents
+At the basic level, PySNMP offers a complete set of Standard SNMP
+Applications to give you maximum flexibility with integration of SNMP
+facilities into other applications, building special purpose SNMP Agents,
+TRAP collectors, Proxy entities and all kinds of SNMP-related things.
+Many user applications are built within some input/output framework.
+PySNMP offers native bindings to some of these framework.
+.. toctree::
+.. /docs/v3arch/asyncore/contents
+.. /docs/v3arch/asyncio/contents
+.. /docs/v3arch/trollius/contents
+.. /docs/v3arch/twisted/contents
+At the other end of the complexity spectrum, PySNMP offers packet-level
+ASN.1 data structures that let you build, parse and analyze SNMP messages
+travelling over network. This extremely low-level programming interface is
+explained by the SNMPv1/v2c example scripts. If your goal is to conduct
+experiments on the protocol level or optimize for highest possible
+performance - this is a way to go.
+.. toctree::
+.. /docs/v1arch/asyncore/contents
+.. comment::
+ MIB support
+ -----------
+ SNMP suite of standards defines a data model for objects being managed
+ (known as `SMI <>`_),
+ it takes shape of `MIB <>`_
+ files semi-formally listing and describing capabilities of a SNMP-managed
+ system. In PySNMP, MIB files are converted into Python code objects which
+ could be loaded and executed at run-time by both SNMP Manager (for purposes
+ of data presentation to human beings) and SNMP Agents (as a gateway to
+ backend systems like DBMS).
+ MIB conversion is handled automatically by `PySMI <>`_
+ library. Large collection of original MIB files is maintained at
+ `our MIB repository <>`_ .
+ .. toctree::
+ .. /docs/smi/contents
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/smi/contents.rst b/docs/source/docs/smi/contents.rst
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+++ b/docs/source/docs/smi/contents.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Oneliner MIB lookup service
+PySNMP MIB architecture
+MIB types and objects
+MIB Builder
+MIB View Controller
+MIB Instrumentation Controller
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/smi/mib-notification-types.rst b/docs/source/docs/smi/mib-notification-types.rst
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+MIB notification types
+ASN.1 macro definition -- NOTIFICATION-TYPE conveys MIB variables to
+be gathered and reported in SNMP Notification. The
+:py:mod:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902` module implements :RFC:`1902#section-2`
+macro definiitons.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autoclass:: pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.NotificationType
+ :members:
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/smi/mib-variables.rst b/docs/source/docs/smi/mib-variables.rst
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+++ b/docs/source/docs/smi/mib-variables.rst
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+MIB Variables
+SNMP MIB variable is identified by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) and is
+accompanied by a value belonging to one of SNMP types (:RFC:`1902#section-2`).
+This pair is collectively called a variable-binding in SNMP parlance.
+The :py:mod:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902` module implements :RFC:`1902#section-2`
+MACRO definiitons.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autoclass:: pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectIdentity
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType
+ :members:
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+Packet-level SNMP with Asyncore
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+Standard SNMP Apps with Asyncore
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/contents.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/contents.rst
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+Synchronous Notification Originator
+Functions dscribed in this section return generators that perform
+blocking SNMP queries. See :RFC:`3413#section-3.2` for more information
+on the Notification Originator Applications.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/notification
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/notification.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/notification.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Notification Originator
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autofunction:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.ntforg.sendNotification
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+High-level SNMP
+There are a handful of most basic SNMP Applications defined by RFC3413 and
+called Standard Applications. Those implementing Manager side of the system
+(:RFC:`3411#section-`) are Command Generator (initiating GET, SET,
+GETNEXT, GETBULK operations) and Notification Receiver (handling arrived
+notifications). On Agent side (:RFC:`3411#section-`) there are
+Command Responder (handling GET, SET, GETNEXT, GETBULK operations) and
+Notification Originator (issuing TRAP and INFORM notifications). In
+PySNMP Standard Applications are implemented on top of SNMPv3 framework.
+There're two kinds of high-level programming interfaces to Standard SNMP
+Applications: synchronous and asynchronous. They are similar in terms of
+call signatures but differ in behaviour. Synchronous calls block the whole
+application till requested operation is finished. Asynchronous interface
+breaks its synchronous version apart - at first required data are prepared
+and put on the outgoing queue. The the application is free to deal with
+other tasks till pending message is sent out (by I/O dispacher) and
+response is arrived. At that point a previously supplied callback function
+will be invoked and response data will be passed along.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/contents
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/contents
+The asynchronous version is best suited for massively parallel SNMP
+messaging possibly handling other I/O activities in the same time. The
+synchronous version is advised to employ for singular and blocking
+operations as well as for rapid prototyping.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/async.rst
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/async.rst
+SNMP security configuration is conveyed to SNMP engine via
+and :py:class:`~pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.UsmUserData`
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/security-configuration
+Type of network transport SNMP engine uses along with transport
+options is summarized by
+container classes:
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/transport-configuration
+SNMP engine may serve several instances of the same MIB within
+possibly multiple SNMP entities. SNMP context is a method to
+unambiguously identify a collection of MIB variables behind
+SNMP engine.
+See :RFC:`3411#section-3.3.1` for details.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/snmp-context
+MIB variables represent a collection of managed objects,
+residing in MIBs. Command Generator applications refer
+to MIB variables and their values using
+:py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectType` and
+:py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.ObjectIdentity` classes.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/smi/mib-variables
+SNMP Notifications are enumerated and imply including certain
+set of MIB variables.
+Notification Originator applications refer to MIBs for MIB notifications
+that are represented by
+:py:class:`~pysnmp.smi.rfc1902.NotificationType` class instances.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/smi/mib-notification-types
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/bulkcmd.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/bulkcmd.rst
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+++ b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/bulkcmd.rst
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+GETBULK Command Generator
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autofunction:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.cmdgen.bulkCmd
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/contents.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/contents.rst
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+Synchronous Command Generator
+Functions dscribed in this section return generators that perform
+blocking SNMP queries. See :RFC:`3413#section-3.1` for more information
+on the Command Generator Applications.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/getcmd
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/setcmd
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/nextcmd
+ /docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/bulkcmd
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/getcmd.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/getcmd.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+GET Command Generator
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autofunction:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.cmdgen.getCmd
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/nextcmd.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/nextcmd.rst
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+GETNEXT Command Generator
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autofunction:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.cmdgen.nextCmd
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/setcmd.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/setcmd.rst
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+SET Command Generator
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autofunction:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.cmdgen.setCmd
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+Security Parameters
+Calls to oneliner Applications API consume Security Parameters
+configuration object on input. The shortcut classes described in
+this section convey configuration information to SNMP engine's
+Local Configuration Datastore (:RFC:`2271#section-3.4.2`).
+Once committed to LCD, SNMP engine saves its configuration for
+the lifetime of SNMP engine object.
+Security Parameters object is Security Model specific.
+:py:class:`~pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.UsmUserData` class
+serves SNMPv3 User-Based Security Model configuration, while
+class is used for Community-Based Security Model of SNMPv1/SNMPv2c.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autoclass:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.CommunityData(communityIndex, communityName=None, mpModel=1, contextEngineId=None, contextName='', tag='')
+.. autoclass:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.UsmUserData(userName, authKey=None, privKey=None, authProtocol=usmNoAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmNoPrivProtocol, securityEngineId=None)
+Identification of Authentication and Privacy Protocols is done
+via constant OIDs:
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmNoAuthProtocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmNoPrivProtocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmDESPrivProtocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmAesCfb128Protocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmAesCfb192Protocol
+.. autodata:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.usmAesCfb256Protocol
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/snmp-context.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/snmp-context.rst
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+++ b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/snmp-context.rst
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+SNMP Context
+Calls to oneliner Applications API consume SNMP Context
+configuration object on input. The shortcut class described in
+this section convey this MIB instance identification information
+to SNMP PDU for further communication to peer SNMP engine
+.. note::
+ SNMP context is only defined within SNMPv3 framework. For SNMPv1/v2c
+ architecture integration :RFC:`2576#section-5.1` introduces
+ interoperability aid which is available through
+ :py:class:`~pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.auth.CommunityData`.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autoclass:: pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner.ctx.ContextData
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/transport-configuration.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/transport-configuration.rst
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+++ b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/transport-configuration.rst
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+Transport configuration
+Calls to oneliner Applications API consume Transport configuration
+object on input. The following shortcut classes convey configuration
+information to SNMP engine's Local Configuration Datastore
+(:RFC:`2271#section-3.4.2`) as well as to underlying socket API. Once committed
+to LCD, SNMP engine saves its configuration for the lifetime of SNMP
+engine object.
+Transport configuration is specific to Transport domain -
+class represents remote network endpoint of a UDP-over-IPv4 transport,
+is specific to UDP-over-IPv6 communication.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+.. autoclass::
+.. autoclass::
diff --git a/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asynio/contents.rst b/docs/source/docs/v3arch/asynio/contents.rst
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+Standard SNMP Apps with Asyncio
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+Standard SNMP Apps with Trollius
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+Standard SNMP Apps with Twisted
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+Download PySNMP
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+The PySNMP software is provided under terms and conditions of BSD-style
+license, and can be freely downloaded from Source Forge
+`download servers <>`_ or
+`PyPI <>`_.
+Please, note that there are frequently release candidate versions (marked rc)
+also available for download. These are potentially less stable in terms of
+implementation and public interfaces. However they are first to contain
+fixes to the issues, discovered in latest stable branch.
+But the simplest way to obtain PySNMP is to run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ easy_install pysnmp
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ pip install pysnmp
+Those Python package managers will download PySNMP along with all its
+dependencies and install them all on your system.
+In case you do not have the easy_install command on your system but still
+would like to use the on-line package installation method, please install
+`setuptools <>`_ package by
+downloading and running `ez_setup.pz <>`_ bootstrap:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # wget
+ # python
+In case you are installing PySNMP on an off-line system, the following
+packages need to be downloaded and installed for PySNMP to become
+* `PyASN1 <>`_,
+ used for handling ASN.1 objects
+* `PySNMP <>`_,
+ SNMP engine implementation
+Optional, but recommended:
+* `PyCrypto <>`_,
+ used by SNMPv3 crypto features (Windows users need
+ `precompiled version <>`_)
+* `PySMI <>`_ for automatic
+ MIB download and compilation. That helps visualizing more SNMP objects
+* `Ply <>`_, parser generator
+ required by PySMI
+The installation procedure for all the above packages is as follows
+(on UNIX-based systems):
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ tar zxf package-X.X.X.tar.gz
+ $ cd package-X.X.X
+ # python install
+ # cd ..
+ # rm -rf package-X.X.X
+In case of any issues, please `let us know <>`_ so we could try to help out.
diff --git a/docs/source/faq.rst b/docs/source/faq.rst
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+Here we have an ever-growing list of frequently asked questions regarding
+PySNMP usage issues. If you got an issue that you think is worth noting
+here, please `drop us a note <>`_.
+Keep in mind that some the answers below may not be universally applicable
+to any PySNMP revision.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :glob:
+ /faq/*
diff --git a/docs/source/quick-start.rst b/docs/source/quick-start.rst
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+Quick start
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+Once you downloaded and installed PySNMP library on your Linux/Windows/OS-X
+system, you should be able to solve the very basic SNMP task right from
+your Python prompt - fetch some data from a remote SNMP Agent (you'd need
+at least version 4.3.0 to run code from this page).
+Fetch SNMP variable
+So just cut&paste the following code right into your Python prompt. The
+code will performs SNMP GET operation for a sysDescr.0 object at a
+publically available SNMP Agent at ****:
+.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/
+ :start-after: """#
+ :language: python
+:download:`Download</../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/>` script.
+If everything works as it should you will get:
+.. code-block:: python
+ ...
+ SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr."0" = SunOS 4.1.3_U1 1 sun4m
+ >>>
+on your console.
+To send a trivial TRAP message to your local Notification Receiver
+just cut&paste the following code into your interactive Python session:
+.. literalinclude:: /../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/
+ :start-after: """#
+ :language: python
+:download:`Download</../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/>` script.
+For more sophisticated examples and uses cases please refer to the examples
+and documentation pages.
diff --git a/docs/source/snmp-overview.rst b/docs/source/snmp-overview.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+SNMP overview
+As networks become more complex, in terms of device population, topology
+and distances, it has been getting more and more important for network
+administrators to have some easy and convenient way for controlling all
+pieces of the whole network.
+Basic features of a network management system include device information
+retrieval and device remote control. Former often takes shape of gathering
+device operation statistics, while latter can be seen in device remote
+configuration facilities.
+For any information to be exchanged between entities, some agreement on
+information format and transmission procedure needs to be settled
+beforehand. This is what is conventionally called a Protocol.
+Large networks nowdays, may host thousands of different devices. To benefit
+network manager's interoperability and simplicity, any device on the
+network should carry out most common and important management operations in
+a well known, unified way. Therefore, an important feature of a network
+management system would be a Convention on management information naming
+and presentation.
+Sometimes, management operations should be performed on large number of
+managed devices. For a network manager to complete such a management round
+in a reasonably short period of time, an important feature of a network
+management software would be Performance.
+Some of network devices may run on severely limited resources what invokes
+another property of a proper network management facility: Low resource
+In practice, the latter requirement translates into low CPU cycles and
+memory footprint for management software aboard device being managed.
+As networking becomes a more crucial part of our daily lives, security
+issues have become more apparent. As a side note, even Internet
+technologies, having military roots, did not pay much attention to security
+initially. So, the last key feature of network management appears to be
+Data passed back and forth through the course of management operations
+should be at least authentic and sometimes hidden from possible observers.
+All these problems were approached many times through about three decades
+of networking history. Some solutions collapsed over time for one reason or
+another, while others, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),
+evolve into an industry standard.
+SNMP management architecture
+The SNMP management model includes three distinct entities -- Agent,
+Manager and Proxy talking to each other over network.
+Agent entity is basically a software running somewhere in a networked
+device and having the following distinguishing properties:
+* SNMP protocol support
+* Access to managed device's internals
+The latter feature is a source of management information for Agent, as well
+as a target for remote control operations.
+Modern SNMP standards suggest splitting Agent functionality on two parts.
+Such Agents may run SNMP for local processes called Subagents, which
+interface with managed devices internals. Communication between Master
+Agent and its Subagents is performed using a simplified version of original
+SNMP protocol, known as AgentX, which is designed to run only within a
+single host.
+Manager entity is usually an application used by humans (or daemons) for
+performing various network management tasks, such as device statistics
+retrieval or remote control.
+Sometimes, Agents and Managers may run peer-to-peer within a single entity
+that is called Proxy. Proxies can often be seen in application-level
+firewalling or may serve as SNMP protocol translators between otherwise
+SNMP version-incompatible Managers and Agents.
+For Manager to request Agent for an operation on a particular part of
+managed device, some convention on device's components naming is needed.
+Once some components are identified, Manager and Agent would have to agree
+upon possible components' states and their semantics.
+SNMP approach to both problems is to represent each component of a device
+as a named object, similar to named variables seen in programming
+languages, and state of a component maps to a value associated with this
+imaginary variable. These are called Managed Objects in SNMP.
+For representing a group of similar components of a device, such as network
+interfaces, Managed Objects can be organized into a so-called conceptual
+Manager talks to Agent by sending it messages of several types. Message
+type implies certain action to be taken. For example, GET message instructs
+Agent to report back values of Managed Objects whose names are indicated in
+There's also a way for Agent to notify Manager of an event occurred to
+Agent. This is done through so-called Trap messages. Trap message also
+carries Managed Objects and possibly Values, but besides that it has an ID
+of event in form of integer number or a Managed Object.
+For naming Managed Objects, SNMP uses the concept of Object Identifier. As
+an example of Managed Object, represents human-readable
+name of a device where Agent is running.
+Managed Objects values are always instances of ASN.1 types (such as
+Integer) or SNMP-specific subtypes (such as IpAddress). As in programming
+languages, type has an effect of restricting possible set of states Managed
+Object may ever enter.
+Whenever SNMP entities talk to each other, they refer to Managed Objects
+whose semantics (and value type) must be known in advance by both parties.
+SNMP Agent may be seen as a primary source of information on Managed
+Objects, as they are implemented by Agent. In this model, Manager should
+have a map of Managed Objects contained within each Agent to talk to.
+SNMP standard introduces a set of ASN.1 language constructs (such as ASN.1
+subtypes and MACROs) which is called Structure of Management Information
+(SMI). Collections of related Managed Objects described in terms of SMI
+comprise Management Information Base (MIB) modules.
+Commonly used Managed Objects form core MIBs that become part of SNMP
+standard. The rest of MIBs are normally created by vendors who build SNMP
+Agents into their products.
+More often then not, Manager implementations could parse MIB files and use
+Managed Objects information for names resolution, value type determination,
+pretty printing and so on. This feature is known as MIB parser support.
+The history of SNMP
+First SNMP version dates back to 1988 when a set of IETF RFC's were first
+published (`RFC1065 <>`_ ,
+`RFC1066 <>`_ ,
+`RFC1067 <>`_ ).
+These documents describe protocol operations (in terms of message syntax
+and semantics), SMI and a few core MIBs. The first version appears to
+be lightweight and easy to implement.
+Although, its poor security became notorious over years *(Security?
+Not My Problem!)*, because cleartext password used for authentication (AKA
+Community String) is extremely easy to eavesdrop and replay, even after
+almost 20 years, slightly refined standard (
+`RFC1155 <>`_ ,
+`RFC1157 <>`_ ,
+`RFC1212 <>`_ )
+still seems to be the most frequent encounter in modern SNMP devices.
+In effort to fix security issues of SNMPv1 and to make protocol faster for
+operations on large number of Managed Objects, SNMP Working Group at IETF
+came up with SNMPv2. This new protocol offers bulk transfers of Managed
+Objects information (by means of new, GETBULK message payload), improved
+security and re-worked SMI. But its new party-based security system turned
+out to be too complicated. In the end, security part of SNMPv2 has been
+dropped in favor of community-based authentication system used in SNMPv1.
+The result of this compromise is known as SNMPv2c (where "c" stands for
+community) and is still widely supported without being a standard (
+`RFC1902 <>`_,
+`RFC1903 <>`_,
+`RFC1904 <>`_,
+`RFC1905 <>`_,
+`RFC1906 <>`_,
+`RFC1907 <>`_,
+`RFC1908 <>`_ ).
+The other compromise targeted at offering greater security than SNMPv1,
+without falling into complexities of SNMPv2, has been attempted by
+replacing SNMPv2 party-based security system with newly developed
+user-based security model. This variant of protocol is known as SNMPv2u.
+Although neither widely implemented nor standardized, User Based Security
+Model (USM) of SNMPv2u got eventually adopted as one of possibly many
+SNMPv3 security models.
+As of this writing, SNMPv3 is current standard for SNMP. Although it's
+based heavily on previous SNMP specifications, SNMPv3 offers many
+innovations but also brings significant complexity. Additions to version 3
+are mostly about protocol operations. SMI part of standard is inherited
+intact from SNMPv2.
+SNMPv3 system is designed as a framework that consists of a core, known as
+Message and PDU Dispatcher, and several abstract subsystems: Message
+Processing Subsystem (MP), responsible for SNMP message handling, Transport
+Dispatcher, used for carrying over messages, and Security Subsystem, which
+deals with message authentication and encryption issues. The framework
+defines subsystems interfaces to let feature-specific modules to be plugged
+into SNMPv3 core thus forming particular feature-set of SNMP system.
+Typical use of this modularity feature could be seen in multiprotocol
+systems -- legacy SNMP protocols are implemented as version-specific MP and
+security modules. Native SNMPv3 functionality relies upon v3 message
+processing and User-Based Security modules.
+Besides highly detailed SNMP system specification, SNMPv3 standard also
+defines a typical set of SNMP applications and their behavior. These
+applications are Manager, Agent and Proxy (
+`RFC3411 <>`_,
+`RFC3412 <>`_,
+`RFC3413 <>`_,
+`RFC3414 <>`_,
+`RFC3415 <>`_,
+`RFC3416 <>`_,
+`RFC3417 <>`_,
+`RFC3418 <>`_ ).
+PySNMP architecture
+PySNMP is a pure-Python SNMP engine implementation. This software deals
+with the darkest corners of SNMP specifications all in Python programming
+This paper is dedicated to PySNMP revisions 4.2.3 and up. Since PySNMP
+API's evolve over time, older revisions may provide slightly different
+interfaces than those described in this tutorial. Please refer to
+release-specific documentation for a more precise information.
+From Programmer's point of view, the layout of PySNMP software reflects
+SNMP protocol evolution. It has been written from ground up, from trivial
+SNMPv1 up to fully featured SNMPv3. Therefore, several levels of API to
+SNMP functionality are available:
+* The most ancient and low-level is SNMPv1/v2c protocol scope. Here
+ programmer is supposed to build/parse SNMP messages and their payload --
+ Protocol Data Unit (PDU), handle protocol-level errors, transport issues
+ and so on.
+ Although considered rather complex to deal with, this API probably gives
+ best performance, memory footprint and flexibility, unless MIB access
+ and/or SNMPv3 support is needed.
+* Parts of SNMPv3 standard is expressed in terms of some abstract API to SNMP
+ engine and its components. PySNMP implementation adopts this abstract API
+ to a great extent, so it's available at Programmer's disposal. As a side
+ effect, SNMP RFCs could be referenced for API semantics when programming
+ PySNMP at this level.
+ This API is much more higher-level than previous; here Programmer would
+ have to manage two major issues: setting up Local Configuration Datastore
+ (LCD) of SNMP engine and build/parse PDUs. PySNMP system is shipped
+ multi-lingual, thus at this level all SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 features
+ are available.
+* At last, the highest-level API to SNMP functionality is available through
+ the use of standard SNMPv3 applications. These applications cover the most
+ frequent needs. That's why this API is expected to be the first to start
+ with.
+ The Applications API further simplifies Programmer's job by hiding LCD
+ management issues (contrary to SNMPv3 engine level). This API could be
+ exploited in a oneliner fashion, for quick and simple prototyping.
+As for its internal structure, PySNMP consists of a handful of large,
+dedicated components. They normally take shape of classes which turn into
+linked objects at runtime. So here are the main components:
+* SNMP Engine is an object holding references to all other components of the
+ SNMP system. Typical user application has a single instance of SNMP Engine
+ class possibly shared by many SNMP Applications of all kinds. As the other
+ linked-in components tend to buildup various configuration and housekeeping
+ information in runtime, SNMP Engine object appears to be expensive to
+ configure to a usable state.
+* Transport subsystem is used for sending SNMP messages to and accepting them
+ from network. The I/O subsystem consists of an abstract Dispatcher and one
+ or more abstract Transport classes. Concrete Dispatcher implementation is
+ I/O method-specific, consider BSD sockets for example. Concrete Transport
+ classes are transport domain-specific. SNMP frequently uses UDP Transport
+ but others are also possible. Transport Dispatcher interfaces are mostly
+ used by Message And PDU Dispatcher. However, when using the
+ SNMPv1/v2c-native API (the lowest-level one), these interfaces would be
+ invoked directly.
+* Message And PDU Dispatcher is a heart of SNMP system. Its main
+ responsibilities include dispatching PDUs from SNMP Applications through
+ various subsystems all the way down to Transport Dispatcher, and passing
+ SNMP messages coming from network up to SNMP Applications. It maintains
+ logical connection with Management Instrumentation Controller which carries
+ out operations on Managed Objects, here for the purpose of LCD access.
+* Message Processing Modules handle message-level protocol operations for
+ present and possibly future versions of SNMP protocol. Most importantly,
+ these include message parsing/building and possibly invoking security
+ services whenever required. All MP Modules share standard API used by
+ Message And PDU Dispatcher.
+* Message Security Modules perform message authentication and/or encryption.
+ As of this writing, User-Based (for v3) and Community (for v1/2c) modules
+ are implemented in PySNMP. All Security Modules share standard API used by
+ Message Processing subsystem.
+* Access Control subsystem uses LCD information to authorize remote access to
+ Managed Objects. This is used when serving Agent Applications or Trap
+ receiver in Manager Applications.
+* A collection of dedicated Managed Objects Instances are used by PySNMP for
+ its internal purposes. They are collectively called Local Configuration
+ Datastore (LCD). In PySNMP, all SNMP engine configuration and statistics is
+ kept in LCD. LCD Configurator is a wrapper aimed at simplifying LCD
+ operations.
+In most cases user is expected to only deal with the high-level, oneliner
+API to all these PySNMP components. However implementing SNMP Agents,
+Proxies and some other fine features of Managers require using the Standard
+Applications API. In those cases general understanding of SNMP operations
+and SNMP Engine components would be helpful.