.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Evaluating NOTIFICATION-TYPE ---------------------------- SNMP SMI defines notifications as a TRAP or INFORM PDU containing the indication of type (snmpTrapOID) and a set of MIB variables (Managed Objects Instances) fetched from Agent's MIB at the moment of notification. Consequently, sending specific NOTIFICATION-TYPE implies including certain set of OIDs into PDU. PySNMP offers this facility through NotificationType class. .. include:: /../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/agent/ntforg/v2c-trap-via-notification-type.py :start-after: """ :end-before: """# .. literalinclude:: /../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/agent/ntforg/v2c-trap-via-notification-type.py :start-after: """# :language: python :download:`Download` script. See also: :doc:`library reference `.