Quick start =========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Once you downloaded and installed PySNMP library on your Linux/Windows/OS-X system, you should be able to solve the very basic SNMP task right from your Python prompt - fetch some data from a remote SNMP Agent (you'd need at least version 4.3.0 to run code from this page). Fetch SNMP variable ------------------- So just cut&paste the following code right into your Python prompt. The code will performs SNMP GET operation for a sysDescr.0 object at a publically available SNMP Agent at **demo.snmplabs.com**: .. literalinclude:: /../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/manager/cmdgen/get-v1.py :start-after: """# :language: python :download:`Download` script. If everything works as it should you will get: .. code-block:: python ... SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr."0" = SunOS zeus.snmplabs.com 4.1.3_U1 1 sun4m >>> on your console. Send SNMP TRAP -------------- To send a trivial TRAP message to your local Notification Receiver just cut&paste the following code into your interactive Python session: .. literalinclude:: /../../examples/v3arch/asyncore/oneliner/agent/ntforg/trap-v2c-with-mib-lookup.py :start-after: """# :language: python :download:`Download` script. For more sophisticated examples and uses cases please refer to the examples and documentation pages.