# SNMP variables MIB resolution from pysnmp.smi import builder, view, rfc1902, error # MIB Builder manages pysnmp MIBs mibBuilder = builder.MibBuilder() # MIB View Controller implements various queries to loaded MIBs mibView = view.MibViewController(mibBuilder) # Obtain MIB object information by MIB object name mibVar = rfc1902.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'ifInOctets', 1) # Optionally attach PySMI MIB compiler to MIB Builder that would # create pysnmp MIBs on demand from ASN.1 sources downloaded from # a web site. try: mibVar.addMibCompiler('http://mibs.snmplabs.com/asn1/') except error.SmiError: print('WARNING: not using MIB compiler (PySMI not installed)') mibVar.resolveWithMib(mibView) print(mibVar.prettyPrint(), tuple(mibVar), str(mibVar)) # Obtain MIB object information by its [sequence] OID mibVar = rfc1902.ObjectIdentity(tuple(mibVar)).resolveWithMib(mibView) print(mibVar.prettyPrint(), tuple(mibVar), str(mibVar)) # Obtain MIB object information by its [string] OID mibVar = rfc1902.ObjectIdentity(str(mibVar)).resolveWithMib(mibView) print(mibVar.prettyPrint(), tuple(mibVar), str(mibVar)) # Create an OID-value pair (called variable-binding in SNMP) varBind = rfc1902.ObjectType( rfc1902.ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysObjectID', 0), '' ).resolveWithMib(mibView) print(varBind[0].prettyPrint(), varBind[1].__class__.__name__, varBind[1].prettyPrint()) # Create just OID varBind = rfc1902.ObjectType( rfc1902.ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysObjectID', 0) ).resolveWithMib(mibView) print(varBind[0].prettyPrint(), varBind[1].__class__.__name__, varBind[1].prettyPrint()) # Create var-binds from MIB notification object (without OBJECTS clause) varBinds = rfc1902.NotificationType( rfc1902.ObjectIdentity('SNMPv2-MIB', 'coldStart') ).resolveWithMib(mibView) print([ '%s = %s(%s)' % (x[0].prettyPrint(), x[1].__class__.__name__, x[1].prettyPrint()) for x in varBinds]) # Create var-binds from MIB notification object (with OBJECTS clause) varBinds = rfc1902.NotificationType( rfc1902.ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'linkUp'), instanceIndex = (1,), objects= { ('IF-MIB', 'ifOperStatus'): 'down' } ).resolveWithMib(mibView) print(varBinds.prettyPrint())