""" SNMPv3 INFORM +++++++++++++ Send SNMP INFORM notification using the following options: * SNMPv3 * with user 'usr-md5-none', auth: MD5, priv NONE * over IPv4/UDP * using Twisted framework for network transport * to a Manager at * send INFORM notification * with TRAP ID 'warmStart' specified as an OID * include managed object information = 'system name' Functionally similar to: | $ snmpinform -v3 -l authPriv -u usr-md5-none -A authkey1 0 s 'system name' """# from twisted.internet import reactor from pysnmp.entity import engine, config from pysnmp.carrier.twisted.dgram import udp from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413 import context from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.twisted import ntforg from pysnmp.proto import rfc1902 # Create SNMP engine instance snmpEngine = engine.SnmpEngine() # SNMPv3/USM setup # Add USM user config.addV3User( snmpEngine, 'usr-md5-none', config.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, 'authkey1' ) config.addTargetParams(snmpEngine, 'my-creds', 'usr-md5-none', 'authNoPriv') # Transport setup # # Setup transport endpoint and bind it with security settings yielding # a target name. Since Notifications could be sent to multiple Managers # at once, more than one target entry may be configured (and tagged). # config.addTransport( snmpEngine, udp.domainName, udp.UdpTwistedTransport().openClientMode() ) config.addTargetAddr( snmpEngine, 'my-nms', udp.domainName, ('', 162), 'my-creds', tagList='all-my-managers' ) # Specify what kind of notification should be sent (TRAP or INFORM), # to what targets (chosen by tag) and what filter should apply to # the set of targets (selected by tag) config.addNotificationTarget( snmpEngine, 'my-notification', 'my-filter', 'all-my-managers', 'inform' ) # Allow NOTIFY access to Agent's MIB by this SNMP model (3), securityLevel # and SecurityName config.addContext(snmpEngine, '') config.addVacmUser(snmpEngine, 3, 'usr-md5-none', 'authNoPriv', (), (), (1,3,6)) # Create Notification Originator App instance. ntfOrg = ntforg.NotificationOriginator() # Create default SNMP context where contextEngineId == SnmpEngineId snmpContext = context.SnmpContext(snmpEngine) # Error/confirmation receiver def cbFun(response, *args): snmpEngine, errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = response print('Notification status - %s' % ( errorIndication and errorIndication or 'delivered' ) ) # Optionally stop Twisted reactor reactor.stop() # Build and submit notification message to dispatcher df = ntfOrg.sendVarBinds( snmpEngine, # Notification targets 'my-notification', # SNMP Context snmpContext, # contextName '', # notification name (SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart) (1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,5,1), # notification objects instance index None, # additional var-binds: ( (oid, value), ... ) [ ((1,3,6,1,2,1,1,5,0), rfc1902.OctetString('system name')) ] ) # Register error/response receiver function at deferred df.addCallback(cbFun) print('Notification is scheduled to be sent') # Run Twisted main loop reactor.run()