path: root/pystache/
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1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pystache/ b/pystache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1621d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pystache/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+Defines a Context class to represent mustache(5)'s notion of context.
+class NotFound(object): pass
+# We use this private global variable as a return value to represent a key
+# not being found on lookup. This lets us distinguish between the case
+# of a key's value being None with the case of a key not being found --
+# without having to rely on exceptions (e.g. KeyError) for flow control.
+_NOT_FOUND = NotFound()
+# TODO: share code with template.check_callable().
+def _is_callable(obj):
+ return hasattr(obj, '__call__')
+def _get_value(item, key):
+ """
+ Retrieve a key's value from an item.
+ Returns _NOT_FOUND if the key does not exist.
+ The Context.get() docstring documents this function's intended behavior.
+ """
+ if isinstance(item, dict):
+ # Then we consider the argument a "hash" for the purposes of the spec.
+ #
+ # We do a membership test to avoid using exceptions for flow control
+ # (e.g. catching KeyError).
+ if key in item:
+ return item[key]
+ elif type(item).__module__ != '__builtin__':
+ # Then we consider the argument an "object" for the purposes of
+ # the spec.
+ #
+ # The elif test above lets us avoid treating instances of built-in
+ # types like integers and strings as objects (cf. issue #81).
+ # Instances of user-defined classes on the other hand, for example,
+ # are considered objects by the test above.
+ if hasattr(item, key):
+ attr = getattr(item, key)
+ if _is_callable(attr):
+ return attr()
+ return attr
+ return _NOT_FOUND
+class Context(object):
+ """
+ Provides dictionary-like access to a stack of zero or more items.
+ Instances of this class are meant to act as the rendering context
+ when rendering Mustache templates in accordance with mustache(5)
+ and the Mustache spec.
+ Instances encapsulate a private stack of hashes, objects, and built-in
+ type instances. Querying the stack for the value of a key queries
+ the items in the stack in order from last-added objects to first
+ (last in, first out).
+ Caution: this class does not currently support recursive nesting in
+ that items in the stack cannot themselves be Context instances.
+ See the docstrings of the methods of this class for more details.
+ """
+ # We reserve keyword arguments for future options (e.g. a "strict=True"
+ # option for enabling a strict mode).
+ def __init__(self, *items):
+ """
+ Construct an instance, and initialize the private stack.
+ The *items arguments are the items with which to populate the
+ initial stack. Items in the argument list are added to the
+ stack in order so that, in particular, items at the end of
+ the argument list are queried first when querying the stack.
+ Caution: items should not themselves be Context instances, as
+ recursive nesting does not behave as one might expect.
+ """
+ self._stack = list(items)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Return a string representation of the instance.
+ For example--
+ >>> context = Context({'alpha': 'abc'}, {'numeric': 123})
+ >>> repr(context)
+ "Context({'alpha': 'abc'}, {'numeric': 123})"
+ """
+ return "%s%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, tuple(self._stack))
+ @staticmethod
+ def create(*context, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Build a Context instance from a sequence of context-like items.
+ This factory-style method is more general than the Context class's
+ constructor in that, unlike the constructor, the argument list
+ can itself contain Context instances.
+ Here is an example illustrating various aspects of this method:
+ >>> obj1 = {'animal': 'cat', 'vegetable': 'carrot', 'mineral': 'copper'}
+ >>> obj2 = Context({'vegetable': 'spinach', 'mineral': 'silver'})
+ >>>
+ >>> context = Context.create(obj1, None, obj2, mineral='gold')
+ >>>
+ >>> context.get('animal')
+ 'cat'
+ >>> context.get('vegetable')
+ 'spinach'
+ >>> context.get('mineral')
+ 'gold'
+ Arguments:
+ *context: zero or more dictionaries, Context instances, or objects
+ with which to populate the initial context stack. None
+ arguments will be skipped. Items in the *context list are
+ added to the stack in order so that later items in the argument
+ list take precedence over earlier items. This behavior is the
+ same as the constructor's.
+ **kwargs: additional key-value data to add to the context stack.
+ As these arguments appear after all items in the *context list,
+ in the case of key conflicts these values take precedence over
+ all items in the *context list. This behavior is the same as
+ the constructor's.
+ """
+ items = context
+ context = Context()
+ for item in items:
+ if item is None:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(item, Context):
+ context._stack.extend(item._stack)
+ else:
+ context.push(item)
+ if kwargs:
+ context.push(kwargs)
+ return context
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """
+ Query the stack for the given key, and return the resulting value.
+ This method queries items in the stack in order from last-added
+ objects to first (last in, first out). The value returned is
+ the value of the key in the first item that contains the key.
+ If the key is not found in any item in the stack, then the default
+ value is returned. The default value defaults to None.
+ When speaking about returning values from a context, the Mustache
+ spec distinguishes between two types of context stack elements:
+ hashes and objects.
+ In accordance with the spec, this method queries items in the
+ stack for a key in the following way. For the purposes of querying,
+ each item is classified into one of the following three mutually
+ exclusive categories: a hash, an object, or neither:
+ (1) Hash: if the item's type is a subclass of dict, then the item
+ is considered a hash (in the terminology of the spec), and
+ the key's value is the dictionary value of the key. If the
+ dictionary doesn't contain the key, the key is not found.
+ (2) Object: if the item isn't a hash and isn't an instance of a
+ built-in type, then the item is considered an object (again
+ using the language of the spec). In this case, the method
+ looks for an attribute with the same name as the key. If an
+ attribute with that name exists, the value of the attribute is
+ returned. If the attribute is callable, however (i.e. if the
+ attribute is a method), then the attribute is called with no
+ arguments and instead that value returned. If there is no
+ attribute with the same name as the key, then the key is
+ considered not found.
+ (3) Neither: if the item is neither a hash nor an object, then
+ the key is considered not found.
+ *Caution*:
+ Callables are handled differently depending on whether they are
+ dictionary values, as in (1) above, or attributes, as in (2).
+ The former are returned as-is, while the latter are first
+ called and that value returned.
+ Here is an example to illustrate:
+ >>> def greet():
+ ... return "Hi Bob!"
+ >>>
+ >>> class Greeter(object):
+ ... greet = None
+ >>>
+ >>> dct = {'greet': greet}
+ >>> obj = Greeter()
+ >>> obj.greet = greet
+ >>>
+ >>> dct['greet'] is obj.greet
+ True
+ >>> Context(dct).get('greet') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ <function greet at 0x...>
+ >>> Context(obj).get('greet')
+ 'Hi Bob!'
+ TODO: explain the rationale for this difference in treatment.
+ """
+ for obj in reversed(self._stack):
+ val = _get_value(obj, key)
+ if val is _NOT_FOUND:
+ continue
+ # Otherwise, the key was found.
+ return val
+ # Otherwise, no item in the stack contained the key.
+ return default
+ def push(self, item):
+ """
+ Push an item onto the stack.
+ """
+ self._stack.append(item)
+ def pop(self):
+ """
+ Pop an item off of the stack, and return it.
+ """
+ return self._stack.pop()
+ def top(self):
+ """
+ Return the item last added to the stack.
+ """
+ return self._stack[-1]
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Return a copy of this instance.
+ """
+ return Context(*self._stack)