History ======= Next Release (version TBD) -------------------------- Features: * Views and Renderers accept a custom template loader. Also, this loader can be a dictionary of partials. [cjerdonek] * Added a command-line interface. [vrde, cjerdonek] * Markupsafe can now be disabled after import. [cjerdonek] * Custom escape function can now be passed to Template constructor. [cjerdonek] * Template class can now handle non-ascii characters in non-unicode strings. Added default_encoding and decode_errors to Template constructor arguments. [cjerdonek] * Loader supports a decode_errors argument. [cjerdonek] API changes: * Template class replaced by a Renderer class. [cjerdonek] * ``Loader.load_template()`` changed to ``Loader.get()``. [cjerdonek] * Removed output_encoding options. [cjerdonek] * Removed automatic use of markupsafe, if available. [cjerdonek] Bug fixes: * Context values no longer processed as template strings. [jakearchibald] * Passing ``**kwargs`` to ``Template()`` modified the context. [cjerdonek] * Passing ``**kwargs`` to ``Template()`` with no context raised an exception. [cjerdonek] * Whitespace surrounding sections is no longer altered, in accordance with the mustache spec. [heliodor] * Fixed an issue that affected the rendering of zeroes when using certain implementations of Python (i.e. PyPy). [alex] * Extensionless template files could not be loaded. [cjerdonek] * Multline comments now permitted. [fczuardi] Misc: * Added some docstrings. [kennethreitz] 0.4.1 (2012-03-25) ------------------ * Added support for Python 2.4. [wangtz, jvantuyl] 0.4.0 (2011-01-12) ------------------ * Add support for nested contexts (within template and view) * Add support for inverted lists * Decoupled template loading 0.3.1 (2010-05-07) ------------------ * Fix package 0.3.0 (2010-05-03) ------------------ * View.template_path can now hold a list of path * Add {{& blah}} as an alias for {{{ blah }}} * Higher Order Sections * Inverted sections 0.2.0 (2010-02-15) ------------------ * Bugfix: Methods returning False or None are not rendered * Bugfix: Don't render an empty string when a tag's value is 0. [enaeseth] * Add support for using non-callables as View attributes. [joshthecoder] * Allow using View instances as attributes. [joshthecoder] * Support for Unicode and non-ASCII-encoded bytestring output. [enaeseth] * Template file encoding awareness. [enaeseth] 0.1.1 (2009-11-13) ------------------ * Ensure we're dealing with strings, always * Tests can be run by executing the test file directly 0.1.0 (2009-11-12) ------------------ * First release