.. _types-chapter: ========== Data Types ========== The statsd_ server supports a number of different data types, and performs different aggregation on each of them. The three main types are *counters*, *timers*, and *gauges*. The statsd server collects and aggregates in 30 second intervals before flushing to Graphite_. Graphite usually stores the most recent data in 1-minute averaged buckets, so when you're looking at a graph, for each stat you are typically seing the average value over that minute. .. _counter-type: Counters ======== *Counters* are the most basic and default type. They are treated as a count of a type of event per second, and are, in Graphite_, typically averaged over one minute. That is, when looking at a graph, you are usually seeing the average number of events per second during a one-minute period. The statsd server collects counters under the ``stats`` prefix. Counters are managed with the :ref:`incr` and :ref:`decr` methods of ``StatsClient``:: from statsd import StatsClient statsd = StatsClient() statsd.incr('some.event') You can increment a counter by more than one by passing a second parameter:: statsd.incr('some.other.event', 10) You can also use the ``rate`` parameter to produce sampled data. The statsd server will take the sample rate into account, and the ``StatsClient`` will only send data ``rate`` percent of the time. This can help the statsd server stay responsive with extremely busy applications. ``rate`` is a float between 0 and 1:: # Increment this counter 10% of the time. statsd.incr('some.third.event', rate=0.1) Because the statsd server is aware of the sampling, it will still show you the true average rate per second. You can also decrement counters. The ``decr`` method takes the same arguments as ``incr``:: statsd.decr('some.other.event') # Decrease the counter by 5, 15% sample. statsd.decr('some.third.event', 5, rate=0.15) .. _timer-type: Timers ====== *Timers* are meant to track how long something took. They are an invaluable tool for tracking application performance. The statsd server collects all timers under the ``stats.timers`` prefix, and will calculate the lower bound, mean, 90th percentile, upper bound, and count of each timer for each period (by the time you see it in Graphite, that's usually per minute). * The *lower bound* is the lowest value statsd saw for that stat during that time period. * The *mean* is the average of all values statsd saw for that stat during that time period. * The *90th percentile* is a value *x* such that 90% of all the values statsd saw for that stat during that time period are below *x*, and 10% are above. This is a great number to try to optimize. * The *upper bound* is the highest value statsd saw for that stat during that time period. * The *count* is the number of timings statsd saw for that stat during that time period. It is not averaged. The statsd server only operates in millisecond timings. Everything should be converted to milliseconds. The ``rate`` parameter will sample the data being sent to the statsd server, but in this case it doesn't make sense for the statsd server to take it into account (except possibly for the *count* value, but then it would be lying about how much data it averaged). See the :ref:`timing documentation ` for more detail on using timers with Statsd. .. _gauge-type: Gauges ====== *Gauges* are a constant data type. They are not subject to averaging, and they don't change unless you change them. That is, once you set a gauge value, it will be a flat line on the graph until you change it again. Gauges are useful for things that are already averaged, or don't need to reset periodically. System load, for example, could be graphed with a gauge. You might use ``incr`` to count the number of logins to a system, but a gauge to track how many active WebSocket connections you have. The statsd server collects gauges under the ``stats.gauges`` prefix. The :ref:`gauge` method also support the ``rate`` parameter to sample data back to the statsd server, but use it with care, especially with gauges that may not be updated very often. Gauge Deltas ------------ Gauges may be *updated* (as opposed to *set*) by setting the ``delta`` keyword argument to ``True``. For example:: statsd.gauge('foo', 70) # Set the 'foo' gauge to 70. statsd.gauge('foo', 1, delta=True) # Set 'foo' to 71. statsd.gauge('foo', -3, delta=True) # Set 'foo' to 68. .. note:: Support for gauge deltas was added to the server in 3eecd18_. You will need to be running at least that version for the ``delta`` kwarg to have any effect. .. _set-type: Sets ====== *Sets* count the number of unique values passed to a key. For example, you could count the number of users accessing your system using: statsd.set('users', userid) If that method is called multiple times with the same userid in the same sample period, that userid will only be counted once. .. _statsd: https://github.com/etsy/statsd .. _Graphite: http://graphite.readthedocs.org .. _3eecd18: https://github.com/etsy/statsd/commit/3eecd18