pytest-runner ============= Setup scripts can use pytest-runner to add test support for pytest runner. Recommended usage ----------------- - Add 'pytest-runner' to your 'setup_requires'. Pin to '>=1.0,<2.0dev' (or similar) to avoid pulling in incompatible versions. - Include 'pytest' and any other testing requirements to 'tests_require'. - Invoke tests with ` ptr`. Alternate usage --------------- - Include the file `` in your repo. - Add these lines to your execfile('') setup_params = PyTest.install(dict(...)) setuptools.setup(**setup_params) Where '...' are your normal keyword parameters to setup(). - Invoke your tests with test. Changes ------- 1.1 ~~~ * Added support for --addopts to pass any arguments through to py.test. * Deprecated support for --junitxml. Use --addopts instead. --junitxml will be removed in 2.0. 1.0 ~~~ Initial implementation.