""" Implementation """ import os as _os import shlex as _shlex import contextlib as _contextlib import sys as _sys import operator as _operator import itertools as _itertools import warnings as _warnings try: # ensure that map has the same meaning on Python 2 from future_builtins import map except ImportError: pass import pkg_resources import setuptools.command.test as orig from setuptools import Distribution @_contextlib.contextmanager def _save_argv(repl=None): saved = _sys.argv[:] if repl is not None: _sys.argv[:] = repl try: yield saved finally: _sys.argv[:] = saved class CustomizedDist(Distribution): allow_hosts = None index_url = None def fetch_build_egg(self, req): """ Specialized version of Distribution.fetch_build_egg that respects respects allow_hosts and index_url. """ from setuptools.command.easy_install import easy_install dist = Distribution({'script_args': ['easy_install']}) dist.parse_config_files() opts = dist.get_option_dict('easy_install') keep = ( 'find_links', 'site_dirs', 'index_url', 'optimize', 'site_dirs', 'allow_hosts' ) for key in list(opts): if key not in keep: del opts[key] # don't use any other settings if self.dependency_links: links = self.dependency_links[:] if 'find_links' in opts: links = opts['find_links'][1].split() + links opts['find_links'] = ('setup', links) if self.allow_hosts: opts['allow_hosts'] = ('test', self.allow_hosts) if self.index_url: opts['index_url'] = ('test', self.index_url) install_dir_func = getattr(self, 'get_egg_cache_dir', _os.getcwd) install_dir = install_dir_func() cmd = easy_install( dist, args=["x"], install_dir=install_dir, exclude_scripts=True, always_copy=False, build_directory=None, editable=False, upgrade=False, multi_version=True, no_report=True, user=False ) cmd.ensure_finalized() return cmd.easy_install(req) class PyTest(orig.test): """ >>> import setuptools >>> dist = setuptools.Distribution() >>> cmd = PyTest(dist) """ user_options = [ ('extras', None, "Install (all) setuptools extras when running tests"), ('index-url=', None, "Specify an index url from which to retrieve " "dependencies"), ('allow-hosts=', None, "Whitelist of comma-separated hosts to allow " "when retrieving dependencies"), ('addopts=', None, "Additional options to be passed verbatim to the " "pytest runner") ] def initialize_options(self): self.extras = False self.index_url = None self.allow_hosts = None self.addopts = [] self.ensure_setuptools_version() @staticmethod def ensure_setuptools_version(): """ Due to the fact that pytest-runner is often required (via setup-requires directive) by toolchains that never invoke it (i.e. they're only installing the package, not testing it), instead of declaring the dependency in the package metadata, assert the requirement at run time. """ pkg_resources.require('setuptools>=27.3') def finalize_options(self): if self.addopts: self.addopts = _shlex.split(self.addopts) @staticmethod def marker_passes(marker): """ Given an environment marker, return True if the marker is valid and matches this environment. """ return ( not marker or not pkg_resources.invalid_marker(marker) and pkg_resources.evaluate_marker(marker) ) def install_dists(self, dist): """ Extend install_dists to include extras support """ return _itertools.chain( orig.test.install_dists(dist), self.install_extra_dists(dist), ) def install_extra_dists(self, dist): """ Install extras that are indicated by markers or install all extras if '--extras' is indicated. """ extras_require = dist.extras_require or {} spec_extras = ( (spec.partition(':'), reqs) for spec, reqs in extras_require.items() ) matching_extras = ( reqs for (name, sep, marker), reqs in spec_extras # include unnamed extras or all if self.extras indicated if (not name or self.extras) # never include extras that fail to pass marker eval and self.marker_passes(marker) ) results = list(map(dist.fetch_build_eggs, matching_extras)) return _itertools.chain.from_iterable(results) @staticmethod def _warn_old_setuptools(): msg = ( "pytest-runner will stop working on this version of setuptools; " "please upgrade to setuptools 30.4 or later or pin to " "pytest-runner < 5." ) ver_str = pkg_resources.get_distribution('setuptools').version ver = pkg_resources.parse_version(ver_str) if ver < pkg_resources.parse_version('30.4'): _warnings.warn(msg) def run(self): """ Override run to ensure requirements are available in this session (but don't install them anywhere). """ self._warn_old_setuptools() dist = CustomizedDist() for attr in 'allow_hosts index_url'.split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in ( 'dependency_links install_requires ' 'tests_require extras_require ' ).split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self.distribution, attr)) installed_dists = self.install_dists(dist) if self.dry_run: self.announce('skipping tests (dry run)') return paths = map(_operator.attrgetter('location'), installed_dists) with self.paths_on_pythonpath(paths): with self.project_on_sys_path(): return self.run_tests() @property def _argv(self): return ['pytest'] + self.addopts def run_tests(self): """ Invoke pytest, replacing argv. Return result code. """ with _save_argv(_sys.argv[:1] + self.addopts): result_code = __import__('pytest').main() if result_code: raise SystemExit(result_code)