python-systemd =============== Python module for native access to the systemd facilities. Functionality is separated into a number of modules: - systemd.journal supports sending of structured messages to the journal and reading journal files, - systemd.daemon wraps parts of libsystemd useful for writing daemons and socket activation, - systemd.id128 provides functions for querying machine and boot identifiers and a lists of message identifiers provided by systemd, - systemd.login wraps parts of libsystemd used to query logged in users and available seats and machines. Installation ============ This module should be packaged for almost all Linux distributions. Use On Fedora/RHEL/CentOS dnf install python-systemd python3-systemd On Debian/Ubuntu/Mint apt-get install python-systemd python3-systemd To build from source On Fedora 21+ with Python 2: dnf install git python-pip gcc python-devel systemd-devel pip install git+ On Fedora 21+ with Python 3: dnf install git python3-pip gcc python3-devel systemd-devel pip3 install git+ On Debian or Ubuntu with Python 2: apt-get install libsystemd-{journal,daemon,login,id128}-dev gcc python-dev pkg-config On Debian or Ubuntu with Python 3: apt-get install libsystemd-{journal,daemon,login,id128}-dev gcc python3-dev pkg-config The project is also available on pypi as `systemd-python`. Usage ===== Quick example: from systemd import journal journal.send('Hello world') journal.send('Hello, again, world', FIELD2='Greetings!', FIELD3='Guten tag') journal.send('Binary message', BINARY=b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef') There is one required argument -- the message, and additional fields can be specified as keyword arguments. Following the journald API, all names are uppercase. The journald sendv call can also be accessed directly: from systemd import journal journal.sendv('MESSAGE=Hello world') journal.sendv('MESSAGE=Hello, again, world', 'FIELD2=Greetings!', 'FIELD3=Guten tag') journal.sendv('MESSAGE=Binary message', b'BINARY=\xde\xad\xbe\xef') The two examples should give the same results in the log. Notes: * Unlike the native C version of journald's sd_journal_send(), printf-style substitution is not supported. Perform any substitution using Python's % operator or .format() capabilities first. * A ValueError is raised if sd_journald_sendv() results in an error. This might happen if there are no arguments or one of them is invalid. Documentation ============= Online documentation can be found at []( To build it locally run: make sphinx-html Or use any other builder, see `man sphinx-build` for a list. The compiled docs will be e.g. in `docs/html`. Viewing Output ============== Quick way to view output with all fields as it comes in: sudo journalctl -f --output=json Test Builds (for Development) ============================= python build_ext -i python >>> from systemd import journal >>> journal.send("Test") [![Build Status](](