diff options
authorRafael H. Schloming <>2009-12-28 12:44:18 +0000
committerRafael H. Schloming <>2009-12-28 12:44:18 +0000
commit8e69433bac5c020c51432e8a28b2b4f0b96fa845 (patch)
parent6af417b0c740bc292c4a621959b83a4418432533 (diff)
updated Session docs to include address syntax
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/python/Makefile b/python/Makefile
index 7f475adc09..2c7f9b8de0 100644
--- a/python/Makefile
+++ b/python/Makefile
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ build: $(TARGETS)
@mkdir -p $(BUILD)
- PYTHONPATH=. epydoc qpid.messaging -o $(BUILD)/doc --no-private --no-sourcecode --include-log
+ PYTHONPATH=. epydoc -v qpid.messaging -o $(BUILD)/doc --no-private --no-sourcecode --include-log
install: build
install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)
diff --git a/python/qpid/ b/python/qpid/
index 4f2c190ce2..ca8483eef0 100644
--- a/python/qpid/
+++ b/python/qpid/
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ A candidate high level messaging API for python.
Areas that still need work:
- - asynchronous send
- - asynchronous error notification
- definition of the arguments for L{Session.sender} and L{Session.receiver}
- standard L{Message} properties
- L{Message} content encoding
@@ -247,8 +245,180 @@ class Session:
Sessions provide a linear context for sending and receiving
- messages, and manage various Senders and Receivers.
- """
+ L{Messages<Message>}. L{Messages<Message>} are sent and received
+ using the L{Sender.send} and L{Receiver.fetch} methods of the
+ L{Sender} and L{Receiver} objects associated with a Session.
+ Each L{Sender} and L{Receiver} is created by supplying either a
+ target or source address to the L{sender} and L{receiver} methods of
+ the Session. The address is supplied via a string syntax documented
+ below.
+ Addresses
+ =========
+ An address identifies a source or target for messages. In its
+ simplest form this is just a name. In general a target address may
+ also be used as a source address, however not all source addresses
+ may be used as a target, e.g. a source might additionally have some
+ filtering criteria that would not be present in a target.
+ A subject may optionally be specified along with the name. When an
+ address is used as a target, any subject specified in the address is
+ used as the default subject of outgoing messages for that target.
+ When an address is used as a source, any subject specified in the
+ address is pattern matched against the subject of available messages
+ as a filter for incoming messages from that source.
+ The options map contains additional information about the address
+ including:
+ - policies for automatically creating, and deleting the node to
+ which an address refers
+ - policies for asserting facts about the node to which an address
+ refers
+ - extension points that can be used for sender/receiver
+ configuration
+ Mapping to AMQP 0-10
+ --------------------
+ The name is resolved to either an exchange or a queue by querying
+ the broker.
+ The subject is set as a property on the message. Additionally, if
+ the name refers to an exchange, the routing key is set to the
+ subject.
+ Syntax
+ ------
+ The following regular expressions define the tokens used to parse
+ addresses::
+ LBRACE: \\{
+ RBRACE: \\}
+ LBRACK: \\[
+ RBRACK: \\]
+ COLON: :
+ SEMI: ;
+ SLASH: /
+ COMMA: ,
+ NUMBER: [+-]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+
+ ID: [a-zA-Z_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_])?
+ STRING: "(?:[^\\\\"]|\\\\.)*"|\'(?:[^\\\\\']|\\\\.)*\'
+ ESC: \\\\[^ux]|\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]|\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]
+ SYM: [.#*%@$^!+-]
+ WSPACE: [ \\n\\r\\t]+
+ The formal grammar for addresses is given below::
+ address = name [ "/" subject ] [ ";" options ]
+ name = ( part | quoted )+
+ subject = ( part | quoted | "/" )*
+ quoted = STRING / ESC
+ options = map
+ map = "{" ( keyval ( "," keyval )* )? "}"
+ keyval = ID ":" value
+ value = NUMBER / STRING / ID / map / list
+ list = "[" ( value ( "," value )* )? "]"
+ This grammar resuls in the following informal syntax::
+ <name> [ / <subject> ] [ ; <options> ]
+ Where options is::
+ { <key> : <value>, ... }
+ And values may be:
+ - numbers
+ - single, double, or non quoted strings
+ - maps (dictionaries)
+ - lists
+ Options
+ -------
+ The options map permits the following parameters::
+ <name> [ / <subject> ] {
+ create: <create-policy>,
+ delete: <delete-policy>,
+ assert: <assert-policy>,
+ node-properties: {
+ type: <node-type>,
+ durable: <node-durability>,
+ x-properties: {
+ bindings: ["<exchange>/<key>", ...],
+ <passthrough-key>: <passthrough-value>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ The create, delete, and assert policies specify who should perfom
+ the associated action:
+ - I{always}: the action will always be performed
+ - I{sender}: the action will only be performed by the sender
+ - I{receiver}: the action will only be performed by the receiver
+ - I{never}: the action will never be performed (this is the default)
+ The node-type is one of:
+ - I{topic}: a topic node will default to the topic exchange,
+ x-properties may be used to specify other exchange types
+ - I{queue}: this is the default node-type
+ The x-properties map permits arbitrary additional keys and values to
+ be specified. These keys and values are passed through when creating
+ a node or asserting facts about an existing node. Any passthrough
+ keys and values that do not match a standard field of the underlying
+ exchange or queue declare command will be sent in the arguments map.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ A simple name resolves to any named node, usually a queue or a
+ topic::
+ my-queue-or-topic
+ A simple name with a subject will also resolve to a node, but the
+ presence of the subject will cause a sender using this address to
+ set the subject on outgoing messages, and receivers to filter based
+ on the subject::
+ my-queue-or-topic/my-subject
+ A subject pattern can be used and will cause filtering if used by
+ the receiver. If used for a sender, the literal value gets set as
+ the subject::
+ my-queue-or-topic/my-*
+ In all the above cases, the address is resolved to an existing node.
+ If you want the node to be auto-created, then you can do the
+ following. By default nonexistent nodes are assumed to be queues::
+ my-queue; {create: always}
+ You can customize the properties of the queue::
+ my-queue; {create: always, node-properties: {durable: True}}
+ You can create a topic instead if you want::
+ my-queue; {create: always, node-properties: {type: topic}}
+ You can assert that the address resolves to a node with particular
+ properties::
+ my-transient-topic; {
+ assert: always,
+ node-properties: {
+ type: topic,
+ durable: False
+ }
+ }
+ """
def __init__(self, connection, name, transactional):
self.connection = connection