path: root/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb b/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 7818e1c4b0..0000000000
--- a/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-# General purpose C++ code generation.
-require 'amqpgen'
-require 'set'
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-/// This file was automatically generated from the AMQP specification.
-/// Do not edit.
-CppKeywords =["and", "and_eq", "asm", "auto", "bitand",
- "bitor", "bool", "break", "case", "catch", "char",
- "class", "compl", "const", "const_cast", "continue",
- "default", "delete", "do", "DomainInfo", "double",
- "dynamic_cast", "else", "enum", "explicit", "extern",
- "false", "float", "for", "friend", "goto", "if",
- "inline", "int", "long", "mutable", "namespace", "new",
- "not", "not_eq", "operator", "or", "or_eq", "private",
- "protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast",
- "return", "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static",
- "static_cast", "struct", "switch", "template", "this",
- "throw", "true", "try", "typedef", "typeid",
- "typename", "union", "unsigned", "using", "virtual",
- "void", "volatile", "wchar_t", "while", "xor",
- "xor_eq"])
-# Names that need a trailing "_" to avoid clashes.
-CppMangle =["string"])
-class String
- def cppsafe() CppMangle.include?(self) ? self+"_" : self; end
- def amqp2cpp()
- path=split(".")
- name=path.pop
- return name.typename if path.empty?
-! { |n| n.nsname }
- return (path << name.caps.cppsafe).join("::")
- end
- def typename() caps.cppsafe; end
- def nsname() bars.cppsafe; end
- def constname() shout.cppsafe; end
- def funcname() lcaps.cppsafe; end
- def varname() lcaps.cppsafe; end
-# preview: Hold information about a C++ type.
-# new mapping does not use CppType,
-# Each amqp type corresponds exactly by dotted name
-# to a type, domain or struct, which in turns
-# corresponds by name to a C++ type or typedef.
-# (see String.amqp2cpp)
-class CppType
- def initialize(name) @name=@param=@ret=name; end
- attr_reader :name, :param, :ret, :code
- def retref() @ret="#{name}&"; self; end
- def retcref() @ret="const #{name}&"; self; end
- def passcref() @param="const #{name}&"; self; end
- def code(str) @code=str; self; end
- def defval(str) @defval=str; self; end
- def encoded() @code end
- def ret_by_val() @name; end
- def encode(value, buffer)
- @code ? "#{buffer}.put#{@code}(#{value});" : "#{value}.encode(#{buffer});"
- end
- def decode(value,buffer)
- if @code
- if /&$/===param then
- "#{buffer}.get#{@code}(#{value});"
- else
- "#{value} = #{buffer}.get#{@code}();"
- end
- else
- "#{value}.decode(#{buffer});"
- end
- end
- def default_value()
- return @defval ||= "#{name}()"
- end
- def to_s() name; end;
-class AmqpRoot
- # preview; map 0-10 types to preview code generator types
- @@typemap = {
- "bit"=>"bool").code("Octet").defval("false"),
- "boolean"=>"bool").code("Octet").defval("false"),
- "uint8"=>"uint8_t").code("Octet").defval("0"),
- "uint16"=>"uint16_t").code("Short").defval("0"),
- "uint32"=>"uint32_t").code("Long").defval("0"),
- "uint64"=>"uint64_t").code("LongLong").defval("0"),
- "datetime"=>"uint64_t").code("LongLong").defval("0"),
- "str8"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("ShortString"),
- "str16"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("MediumString"),
- "str32"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("LongString"),
- "vbin8"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("ShortString"),
- "vbin16"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("MediumString"),
- "vbin32"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("LongString"),
- "map"=>"FieldTable").passcref.retcref,
- "array"=>"Array").passcref.retcref,
- "sequence-no"=>"SequenceNumber").passcref,
- "sequence-set"=>"SequenceSet").passcref.retcref,
- "struct32"=>"string").passcref.retcref.code("LongString"),
- "uuid"=>"Uuid").passcref.retcref,
- "byte-ranges"=>"ByteRanges").passcref.retcref
- }
- # preview: map amqp types to preview cpp types.
- def lookup_cpptype(t) t = @@typemap[t] and return t end
-class AmqpElement
- # convert my amqp type_ attribute to a C++ type.
- def amqp2cpp()
- return "ArrayDomain<#{array_type(name).amqp2cpp}> " if type_=="array"
- return type_.amqp2cpp
- end
- # Does this object have a type-like child named name?
- def typechild(name)
- child = domain(name) if respond_to? :domain
- child = struct(name) if not child and respond_to? :struct
- child = type_(name) if not child and respond_to? :type_
- child
- end
- # dotted name to a type object
- def dotted_typechild(name)
- names=name.split('.')
- context = self
- while context and names.size > 1
- context = context.child_named(names.shift)
- end
- return context.typechild(names[0]) if context
- end
- # preview mapping - type_ attribute to C++ type
- def lookup_cpptype(name)
- if t = root.lookup_cpptype(name) then return t
- elsif c = containing_class.typechild(name) then return c.cpptype
- elsif c= root.dotted_typechild(name) then return c.cpptype
- else raise "Cannot resolve type-name #{name} from #{self}"
- end
- end
- def containing_class()
- return self if is_a? AmqpClass
- return parent && parent.containing_class
- end
-class AmqpField
- def struct?()
- c=containing_class
- c.struct(type_)
- end
- def cpptype() lookup_cpptype(type_) or raise "no cpptype #{type_} for field #{self}" end
- def cppname() name.lcaps.cppsafe; end
- def bit?() type_ == "bit"; end
- def signature() cpptype.param+" "+cppname; end
- def fqtypename()
- unless type_.index(".")
- c=containing_class
- return c.domain(type_).fqtypename if c.domain(type_)
- return c.struct(type_).fqclassname if c.struct(type_)
- end
- return amqp2cpp
- end
- def paramtype()
- /^(int|uint|char|boolean|bit)/ === type_ ? fqtypename : "const #{fqtypename}&"
- end
- def param_default() "=#{fqtypename}()" end
- # Default value is normally the C++ default but over-ridden in specific cases
- def default_value()
- defval = cpptype.default_value;
- if name == "accept-mode" and == "transfer" then defval = "1"; end
- return defval
- end
-class AmqpMethod
- def cppname() name.lcaps.cppsafe; end
- def param_names() { |f| f.cppname }; end
- def signature() { |f| f.signature }; end
- def classname(); end
- def body_name()
- classname().caps+name.caps+"Body"
- end
- def cpp_pack_type() root.lookup_cpptype("uint16") end
-module AmqpHasFields
- def parameters(with_default=nil)
- { |f|
- "#{f.paramtype} #{f.cppname}_#{f.param_default if with_default}"
- }
- end
- def unused_parameters() { |f| "#{f.paramtype} /*#{f.cppname}_*/"} end
- def arguments() { |f| "#{f.cppname}_"} end
- def values() { |f| "#{f.cppname}"} end
- def initializers() { |f| "#{f.cppname}(#{f.cppname}_)"} end
-class AmqpAction
- def classname() name.typename; end
- def funcname() + name.caps; end
- def fqclassname()"::"+classname; end
- def full_code() (containing_class.code.hex << 8)+code.hex; end
- include AmqpHasFields
-class AmqpType
- def cpptype() root.lookup_cpptype(name) end # preview
- def typename() name.typename; end # new mapping
- def fixed?() fixed_width; end
-class AmqpCommand < AmqpAction
- def base() "Command"; end
-class AmqpControl < AmqpAction
- def base() "Control"; end
-class AmqpClass
- def cppname() name.caps; end # preview
- def nsname() name.nsname; end
-class AmqpDomain
- # preview
- def cpptype() lookup_cpptype(type_) end
- def cppname() name.caps; end
- # new mapping
- def fqtypename()
- return containing_class.nsname+"::"+name.typename if containing_class
- name.typename
- end
-class AmqpResult
- # preview
- def cpptype()
- if type_ then lookup_cpptype(type_)
- else"Result").passcref
- end
- end
-class AmqpStruct
- include AmqpHasFields
- @@pack_types={ "1"=>"uint8", "2"=>"uint16", "4"=>"uint32"}
- def cpp_pack_type() # preview
- root.lookup_cpptype(@@pack_types[pack])
- end
- def cpptype() end
- #def cppname() containing_class.cppname+name.caps; end
- def cppname()
- if parent.kind_of? AmqpResult
- else
- name.caps
- end
- end
- def fqclassname() containing_class.nsname+"::"+name.typename; end
- def classname() name.typename; end
- def full_code() (containing_class.code.hex << 8)+code.hex; end
-class CppGen < Generator
- def initialize(outdir, *specs)
- super(outdir,*specs)
- # need to sort classes for dependencies
- @actions=[] # Stack of end-scope actions
- end
- # Write a header file.
- def h_file(path, &block)
- path = (/\.h$/ === path ? path : path+".h")
- file(path) {
- gen "#ifndef #{guard}\n"
- gen "#define #{guard}\n"
- gen Copyright
- yield
- gen "#endif /*!#{guard}*/\n"
- }
- end
- # Write a .cpp file.
- def cpp_file(path, &block)
- path = (/\.cpp$/ === path ? path : path+".cpp")
- file(path) do
- gen Copyright
- yield
- end
- end
- def include(header)
- header+=".h" unless /(\.h|[">])$/===header
- header="\"#{header}\"" unless /(^<.*>$)|(^".*"$)/===header
- genl "#include #{header}"
- end
- def scope(open="{",close="}", &block)
- genl open
- indent &block
- genl close
- end
- def namespace(name, &block)
- genl
- names = name.split("::")
- names.each { |n| genl "namespace #{n} {" }
- genl "namespace {" if (names.empty?)
- genl
- yield
- genl
- genl('}'*([names.size, 1].max)+" // namespace "+name)
- genl
- end
- def struct_class(type, name, bases, &block)
- gen "#{type} #{name}"
- if (!bases.empty?)
- genl ":"
- indent { gen "#{bases.join(",\n")}" }
- end
- genl
- scope("{","};", &block)
- end
- def struct(name, *bases, &block)
- struct_class("struct", name, bases, &block);
- end
- def cpp_class(name, *bases, &block)
- struct_class("class", name, bases, &block);
- end
- def typedef(type, name) genl "typedef #{type} #{name};\n"; end
- def variant(types) "boost::variant<#{types.join(", ")}>"; end
- def variantl(types) "boost::variant<#{types.join(", \n")}>"; end
- def blank_variant(types) variant(["boost::blank"]+types); end
- def tuple(types) "boost::tuple<#{types.join(', ')}>"; end
- def public() outdent { genl "public:" } end
- def private() outdent { genl "private:" } end
- def protected() outdent { genl "protected:" } end
- # Returns [namespace, classname, filename]
- def parse_classname(full_cname)
- names=full_cname.split("::")
- return names[0..-2].join('::'), names[-1], names.join("/")
- end
- def doxygen_comment(&block)
- genl "/**"
- prefix(" * ",&block)
- genl " */"
- end
- # Generate code in namespace for each class
- def each_class_ns()
- @amqp.classes.each { |c| namespace(c.nsname) { yield c } }
- end
- def signature(ret_name, params, trailer="")
- if params.size <= 1
- genl ret_name+"(#{params})"+trailer
- else
- scope(ret_name+"(",")"+trailer) { genl params.join(",\n") }
- end
- end
- def function_decl(ret_name, params=[], trailer="")
- signature(ret_name, params, trailer+";")
- end
- def function_defn(ret_name, params=[], trailer="")
- genl
- signature(ret_name, params, trailer)
- scope() { yield }
- end
- def ctor_decl(name, params=[]) function_decl(name, params); end
- def ctor_defn(name, params=[], inits=[])
- signature(name, params, inits.empty? ? "" : " :")
- indent { gen inits.join(",\n") } if not inits.empty?
- scope() { yield }
- end
- def function_call(name, params=[], trailer="")
- gen name
- list "(",params, ")"
- gen trailer
- end
-# Fully-qualified class name
-class FqClass <,:namespace,:name,:file)
- def initialize(fqclass)
- names=fqclass.split "::"
- super(fqclass, names[0..-2].join('::'), names[-1], names.join("/"))
- end