path: root/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb b/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index d07c84e63a..0000000000
--- a/M4-RCs/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class ConstantsGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @namespace="qpid::framing"
- @dir="qpid/framing"
- end
- def constants_h()
- h_file("#{@dir}/constants") {
- namespace(@namespace) {
- # Constants for class/method names.
- scope("enum AmqpConstant {","};") {
- l=[]
- l.concat { |c| "#{}=#{c.value}" }
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- l << "#{}_CLASS_ID=#{c.code}"
- l.concat { |m|
- "#{}_#{}_METHOD_ID=#{m.code}" }
- }
- genl l.join(",\n")
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def typecode_enum(t) "TYPE_CODE_#{}" end
- def typecode_h_cpp
- path="#{@dir}/TypeCode"
- h_file(path) {
- include("<iosfwd>")
- include("\"qpid/sys/IntegerTypes.h\"")
- namespace(@namespace) {
- scope("enum TypeCode {", "};") {
- genl { |t| "#{typecode_enum t} = #{t.code}" if t.code }.compact.join(",\n")
- }
- genl <<EOS
-/** True if t is a valid TypeCode value */
-bool isTypeCode(uint8_t t);
-/** Throw exception if not a valid TypeCode */
-TypeCode typeCode(uint8_t);
-/**@return 0 if t is not a valid enum TypeCode value. */
-const char* typeName(TypeCode t);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, TypeCode);
- }
- }
- cpp_file(path) {
- include(path);
- include("qpid/Exception.h")
- include("<ostream>")
- namespace(@namespace) {
- scope("const char* typeName(TypeCode t) {") {
- scope("switch (t) {") {
- @amqp.types.each { |t| genl "case #{typecode_enum t}: return \"#{}\";" if t.code }
- genl "default: break;"
- }
- genl "return 0;";
- }
- genl <<EOS
-bool isTypeCode(uint8_t t) { return typeName(TypeCode(t)); }
-TypeCode typeCode(uint8_t t) {
- if (!isTypeCode(t)) throw Exception(QPID_MSG("Invalid TypeCode " << t));
- return TypeCode(t);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, TypeCode t) {
- if (isTypeCode(t)) return o << typeName(t);
- else return o << "Invalid TypeCode " << t;
- }
- }
- end
- def enum_h()
- h_file("#{@dir}/enum") {
- # Constants for enum domains.
- namespace(@namespace) {
- { |d| declare_enum(d.enum) if d.enum }
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- enums=c.collect_all(AmqpEnum)
- if !enums.empty? then
- namespace(c.nsname) { enums.each { |e| declare_enum(e) } }
- end
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def declare_enum(enum)
- # Generated like this: enum containing_class::Foo { FOO_X, FOO_Y; }
- name="#{}"
- scope("enum #{name} {","};") {
- genl enum.choices.collect { |c| "#{prefix}#{}=#{c.value}" }.join(",\n")
- }
- end
- def declare_exception(c, base, package, enum)
- value="#{package}::#{}_#{}"
- genl
- doxygen_comment { genl c.doc }
- struct("Exception", base) {
- genl "std::string getPrefix() const { return \"#{}\"; }"
- genl "#{}Exception(const std::string& msg=std::string()) : #{base}(#{value}, \"\"+msg) {}"
- }
- end
- def declare_exceptions(class_name, domain_name, base)
- enum = @amqp.class_(class_name).domain(domain_name).enum
- enum.choices.each { |c| declare_exception(c, base, class_name, enum) unless == "normal" }
- genl
- genl "sys::ExceptionHolder create#{base}(int code, const std::string& text);"
- end
- def create_exception(class_name, domain_name, base, invalid)
- scope("sys::ExceptionHolder create#{base}(int code, const std::string& text) {") {
- genl "sys::ExceptionHolder holder;"
- scope("switch (code) {") {
- enum = @amqp.class_(class_name).domain(domain_name).enum
- enum.choices.each { |c|
- assign = "holder = new #{}Exception(text); " unless == "normal"
- genl "case #{c.value}: #{assign}break;"
- }
- genl "default: holder = new #{invalid}(QPID_MSG(\"Bad #{}: \" << code << \": \" << text));"
- }
- genl "return holder;"
- }
- end
- def reply_exceptions_h()
- h_file("#{@dir}/reply_exceptions") {
- include "qpid/Exception"
- include "qpid/sys/ExceptionHolder"
- include "enum"
- namespace(@namespace) {
- declare_exceptions("execution", "error-code", "SessionException")
- declare_exceptions("connection", "close-code", "ConnectionException")
- declare_exceptions("session", "detach-code", "ChannelException")
- }
- }
- end
- def reply_exceptions_cpp()
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/reply_exceptions") {
- include "#{@dir}/reply_exceptions"
- include "<sstream>"
- include "<assert.h>"
- namespace("qpid::framing") {
- create_exception("execution", "error-code", "SessionException", "InvalidArgumentException")
- # FIXME aconway 2008-10-07: there are no good exception codes in 0-10 for an invalid code.
- # The following choices are arbitrary.
- create_exception("connection", "close-code", "ConnectionException", "FramingErrorException")
- create_exception("session", "detach-code", "ChannelException", "NotAttachedException")
- }
- }
- end
- def generate()
- constants_h
- enum_h
- reply_exceptions_h
- reply_exceptions_cpp
- typecode_h_cpp
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();