path: root/common/build-module.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/build-module.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/common/build-module.xml b/common/build-module.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c320af62..0000000000
--- a/common/build-module.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- -
- - Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- - or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- - distributed with this work for additional information
- - regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- - to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- - "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- - with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- -
- -
- -
- - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- - software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- - KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- - specific language governing permissions and limitations
- - under the License.
- -
- -->
-<project name="AMQ Common" default="build">
- <import file="../module.xml"/>
- <property name="cluster.asl" value="resources/cluster.asl"/>
- <property name="stylesheet" value="stylesheets/framing.xsl"/>
- <property name="registry_stylesheet" value="stylesheets/registry.xsl"/>
- <property name="registry_template" value="resources/registry.template"/>
- <property name="saxon.jar" value="lib/saxon/saxon8.jar"/>
- <property name="generated.package" value="org/apache/qpid/framing"/>
- <property name="generated.dir" value="${module.precompiled}/${generated.package}"/>
- <property name="proto_version" value="${generated.dir}/"/>
- <macrodef name="saxon">
- <attribute name="out"/>
- <attribute name="src"/>
- <attribute name="xsl"/>
- <element name="args" implicit="true" optional="true"/>
- <sequential>
- <java jar="${saxon.jar}" fork="true">
- <arg value="-o"/>
- <arg value="@{out}"/>
- <arg value="@{src}"/>
- <arg value="@{xsl}"/>
- <args/>
- </java>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="amqp">
- <attribute name="ver"/>
- <sequential>
- <!-- Check for the existence of the AMQP specification file -->
- <property name="amqpspecfile-@{ver}" value="${project.root}/../specs/amqp-@{ver}.xml"/>
- <available file="${project.root}/../specs/amqp-@{ver}.xml"
- property="amqpspecfile.present-@{ver}"/>
- <fail unless="amqpspecfile.present-@{ver}"
- message="ERROR: AMQP specification file ${project.root}/../specs/amqp-@{ver}.xml not found."/>
- <!-- Read in the file as a set of properties; extract the amqp version -->
- <xmlproperty prefix="@{ver}" file="${project.root}/../specs/amqp-@{ver}.xml"/>
- <echo>Found AMQP specification file "${project.root}/../specs/amqp-@{ver}.xml"; major=${@{ver}.amqp(major)} minor=${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}</echo>
- <!-- Add the version to the file -->
- <replaceregexp file="${proto_version}" match=" // !VER!"
- replace=",${line.separator} {${@{ver}.amqp(major)}, ${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}} // !VER!"
- flags="s" byline="true"/>
- <replaceregexp file="${proto_version}" match=" // !VER1!"
- replace="{${@{ver}.amqp(major)}, ${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}} // !VER!"
- flags="s" byline="true"/>
- <!-- Create directory; generate from specification file -->
- <mkdir dir="${generated.dir}_${@{ver}.amqp(major)}_${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}"/>
- <saxon out="${generated.dir}_${@{ver}.amqp(major)}_${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}/results.out"
- src="${project.root}/../specs/amqp-@{ver}.xml"
- xsl="${stylesheet}">
- <arg value="major=${@{ver}.amqp(major)}"/>
- <arg value="minor=${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}"/>
- <arg value="registry_name=MainRegistry"/>
- </saxon>
- <!-- -->
- <saxon out="${generated.dir}_${@{ver}.amqp(major)}_${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}/cluster.out"
- src="${cluster.asl}"
- xsl="${stylesheet}">
- <arg value="major=${@{ver}.amqp(major)}"/>
- <arg value="minor=${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}"/>
- <arg value="registry_name=ClusterRegistry"/>
- </saxon>
- <saxon out="${generated.dir}_${@{ver}.amqp(major)}_${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}/registry.out"
- src="${registry_template}"
- xsl="${registry_stylesheet}">
- <arg value="major=${@{ver}.amqp(major)}"/>
- <arg value="minor=${@{ver}.amqp(minor)}"/>
- </saxon>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
-<!-- <uptodate property="generated" targetfile="${generated.dir}/results.out"
- srcfile="${amqp.xml}"/> -->
-<!-- <target name="generate" unless="generated"> -->
- <target name="generate">
- <mkdir dir="${generated.dir}"/>
- <copy file="resources/" tofile="${proto_version}"
- overwrite="true"/>
- <!--
- NOTE: Set the AMQP version numbers to be supported in this build here.
- The last version in this list will be the version returned when a protocol
- ProtocolInitiation NAK frame is returned by the broker. Usually this is the
- highest or most recent version.
- -->
- <!-- <amqp ver="0.8"/>
- <amqp ver="0.9"/>
- <amqp ver="0.10"/> -->
- <amqp ver="8.0"/>
-<!-- <saxon out="${generated.dir}/results.out" src="${amqp.xml}"
- xsl="${stylesheet}">
- <arg value="asl_base=${asl.base}"/>
- <arg value="registry_name=MainRegistry"/>
- </saxon>
- <saxon out="${generated.dir}/cluster.out" src="${cluster.asl}"
- xsl="${stylesheet}">
- <arg value="registry_name=ClusterRegistry"/>
- </saxon>
- <saxon out="${generated.dir}/registry.out" src="${registry_template}"
- xsl="${registry_stylesheet}"/> -->
- </target>
- <target name="precompile" depends="generate"/>