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- <title>Apache Qpid : MgmtC++</title>
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- <span class="pagetitle">
- Apache Qpid : MgmtC++
- </span>
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- <div class="pagesubheading">
- This page last changed on Apr 15, 2008 by <font color="#0050B2">cctrieloff</font>.
- </div>
- <h2><a name="MgmtC%2B%2B-ManagingtheC%5CBroker"></a>Managing the C+&#43; Broker</h2>
-<p>There are quite a few ways to interact with the C+&#43; broker. The command line tools<br/>
- <li>qpid-route - used to configure federation (a set of federated brokers)</li>
- <li>qpid-config - used to configure queues, exchanges, bindings and list them etc</li>
- <li>qpid-tool - used to view management information/statistics and call any management actions on the broker</li>
-<h3><a name="MgmtC%2B%2B-Usingqpidconfig"></a>Using qpid-config</h3>
-<p>This utility can be used to create queues exchanges and bindings, both durable and transient. Always check for latest options by running &#45;-help command.</p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">$ ./qpid-config --help
-Usage: qpid-config OPTIONS
- qpid-config OPTIONS exchanges filter-string
- qpid-config OPTIONS queues filter-string
- qpid-config OPTIONS add exchange &lt;type&gt; &lt;name&gt; AddExchangeOptions
- qpid-config OPTIONS del exchange &lt;name&gt;
- qpid-config OPTIONS add queue &lt;name&gt; AddQueueOptions
- qpid-config OPTIONS del queue &lt;name&gt;
- qpid-config OPTIONS bind &lt;exchange-name&gt; &lt;queue-name&gt; binding-key
- qpid-config OPTIONS unbind &lt;exchange-name&gt; &lt;queue-name&gt; binding-key
- -b [ --bindings ] Show bindings in queue or exchange list
- -a [ --broker-addr ] Address (localhost) Address of qpidd broker
- broker-addr is in the form: hostname | ip-address :&lt;port&gt;
- ex: localhost,, broker-host:10000
- -s [ --spec-file] Path (/usr/share/amqp/amqp.0-10-preview.xml)
- AMQP specification file
-Add Queue Options:
- --durable Queue is durable
-Add Exchange Options:
- --durable Exchange is durable</pre>
-<p>Get the summary page</p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">./qpid-config
-Total Exchanges: 6
- topic: 2
- headers: 1
- fanout: 1
- direct: 2
- Total Queues: 7
- durable: 0
- non-durable: 7</pre>
-<p>List the queues</p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">$ ./qpid-config queues
- Store Size
-Durable AutoDel Excl Bindings (files x file pages) Queue Name
- N N N 1 pub_start
- N N N 1 pub_done
- N N N 1 sub_ready
- N N N 1 sub_done
- N N N 1 perftest0
- N Y N 2 mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
- N Y N 2 repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
- N Y N 2 mgmt-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
- N Y N 2 repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837</pre>
-<p>List the exchanges with bindings</p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">$ ./qpid-config -b exchanges
-Exchange '' (direct)
- bind pub_start =&gt; pub_start
- bind pub_done =&gt; pub_done
- bind sub_ready =&gt; sub_ready
- bind sub_done =&gt; sub_done
- bind perftest0 =&gt; perftest0
- bind mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
- bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
-Exchange '' (direct)
- bind repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15 =&gt; repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
- bind repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837 =&gt; repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
- bind repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae =&gt; repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
-Exchange 'amq.topic' (topic)
-Exchange 'amq.fanout' (fanout)
-Exchange 'amq.match' (headers)
-Exchange '' (topic)
- bind mgmt.# =&gt; mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15</pre>
-<h3><a name="MgmtC%2B%2B-Usingqpidroute"></a>Using qpid-route</h3>
-<p>This utility is to create federated networks of brokers, This allows you for forward messages between brokers in a network. Think of it like an IP network and static routes are configured with direct exchanges, and dynamic routes configured with the topic exchanges. The '*' and '#' can be used to create IP masking type pattern as you would with IP address except you are using the topic names.</p>
-<p>The utility thus looks much like iproute <img class="emoticon" src="./icons/emoticons/smile.gif" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"/></p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">$ ./qpid-route --help
-Usage: qpid-route OPTIONS add &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;routing-key&gt;
- qpid-route OPTIONS del &lt;dest-broker&gt; &lt;src-broker&gt; &lt;exchange&gt; &lt;routing-key&gt;
- qpid-route OPTIONS list &lt;dest-broker&gt;
- qpid-route OPTIONS flush &lt;dest-broker&gt;
- -s [ --spec-file ] PATH (/usr/share/amqp/amqp.0-10.xml)
- -v [ --verbose ] Verbose output
- -q [ --quiet ] Quiet output, don't print duplicate warnings
- dest-broker and src-broker are in the form: hostname | ip-address :&lt;port&gt;
- ex: localhost,, broker-host:10000</pre>
-<p>A few examples:</p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">./qpidd_route -v add host1 host2 hub1.topic
-./qpidd_route -v add host1 host2 hub1.topic hub2.topic.stock.sell
-./qpidd_route -v add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.topic.stock.#'
-./qpidd_route -v add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.#'
-./qpidd_route -v add host1 host2 hub1.topic 'hub2.topic.#'
-./qpidd_route -v add host1 host2 hub1.topic ''</pre>
-<h3><a name="MgmtC%2B%2B-Usingqpidtool"></a>Using qpid-tool</h3>
-<p>This utility provided a telnet style interface to be able to view, list all stats and action<br/>
-all the methods. Simple capture below. Best to just play with it and mail the list if you have<br/>
-questions or want features added.</p>
-<div class="code"><div class="codeContent">
-<pre class="code-java">qpid:
-qpid: help
-Management Tool <span class="code-keyword">for</span> QPID
- list - Print summary of existing objects by class
- list &lt;className&gt; - Print list of objects of the specified class
- list &lt;className&gt; all - Print contents of all objects of specified class
- list &lt;className&gt; active - Print contents of all non-deleted objects of specified class
- list &lt;list-of-IDs&gt; - Print contents of one or more objects (infer className)
- list &lt;className&gt; &lt;list-of-IDs&gt; - Print contents of one or more objects
- list is space-separated, ranges may be specified (i.e. 1004-1010)
- call &lt;ID&gt; &lt;methodName&gt; &lt;args&gt; - Invoke a method on an object
- schema - Print summary of object classes seen on the target
- schema &lt;className&gt; - Print details of an object class
- set time-format <span class="code-object">short</span> - Select <span class="code-object">short</span> timestamp format (<span class="code-keyword">default</span>)
- set time-format <span class="code-object">long</span> - Select <span class="code-object">long</span> timestamp format
- quit or ^D - Exit the program
-qpid: list
-Management <span class="code-object">Object</span> Types:
- ObjectType Active Deleted
- ================================
- qpid.binding 21 0
- 1 0
- qpid.client 1 0
- 6 0
- qpid.queue 13 0
- qpid.session 4 0
- qpid.system 1 0
- qpid.vhost 1 0
-qpid: list qpid.system
-Objects of type qpid.system
- ID Created Destroyed Index
- ==================================
- 1000 21:00:02 - host
-qpid: list 1000
-<span class="code-object">Object</span> of type qpid.system: (last sample time: 21:26:02)
- Type Element 1000
- =======================================================
- config sysId host
- config osName Linux
- config nodeName localhost.localdomain
- config release
- config version #1 SMP Sat Mar 29 09:15:49 EDT 2008
- config machine x86_64
-qpid: schema queue
-Schema <span class="code-keyword">for</span> class 'qpid.queue':
- Element Type Unit Access Notes Description
- ===================================================================================================================
- vhostRef reference ReadCreate index
- name <span class="code-object">short</span>-string ReadCreate index
- durable <span class="code-object">boolean</span> ReadCreate
- autoDelete <span class="code-object">boolean</span> ReadCreate
- exclusive <span class="code-object">boolean</span> ReadCreate
- arguments field-table ReadOnly Arguments supplied in queue.declare
- storeRef reference ReadOnly Reference to persistent queue (<span class="code-keyword">if</span> durable)
- msgTotalEnqueues uint64 message Total messages enqueued
- msgTotalDequeues uint64 message Total messages dequeued
- msgTxnEnqueues uint64 message Transactional messages enqueued
- msgTxnDequeues uint64 message Transactional messages dequeued
- msgPersistEnqueues uint64 message Persistent messages enqueued
- msgPersistDequeues uint64 message Persistent messages dequeued
- msgDepth uint32 message Current size of queue in messages
- msgDepthHigh uint32 message Current size of queue in messages (High)
- msgDepthLow uint32 message Current size of queue in messages (Low)
- byteTotalEnqueues uint64 octet Total messages enqueued
- byteTotalDequeues uint64 octet Total messages dequeued
- byteTxnEnqueues uint64 octet Transactional messages enqueued
- byteTxnDequeues uint64 octet Transactional messages dequeued
- bytePersistEnqueues uint64 octet Persistent messages enqueued
- bytePersistDequeues uint64 octet Persistent messages dequeued
- byteDepth uint32 octet Current size of queue in bytes
- byteDepthHigh uint32 octet Current size of queue in bytes (High)
- byteDepthLow uint32 octet Current size of queue in bytes (Low)
- enqueueTxnStarts uint64 transaction Total enqueue transactions started
- enqueueTxnCommits uint64 transaction Total enqueue transactions committed
- enqueueTxnRejects uint64 transaction Total enqueue transactions rejected
- enqueueTxnCount uint32 transaction Current pending enqueue transactions
- enqueueTxnCountHigh uint32 transaction Current pending enqueue transactions (High)
- enqueueTxnCountLow uint32 transaction Current pending enqueue transactions (Low)
- dequeueTxnStarts uint64 transaction Total dequeue transactions started
- dequeueTxnCommits uint64 transaction Total dequeue transactions committed
- dequeueTxnRejects uint64 transaction Total dequeue transactions rejected
- dequeueTxnCount uint32 transaction Current pending dequeue transactions
- dequeueTxnCountHigh uint32 transaction Current pending dequeue transactions (High)
- dequeueTxnCountLow uint32 transaction Current pending dequeue transactions (Low)
- consumers uint32 consumer Current consumers on queue
- consumersHigh uint32 consumer Current consumers on queue (High)
- consumersLow uint32 consumer Current consumers on queue (Low)
- bindings uint32 binding Current bindings
- bindingsHigh uint32 binding Current bindings (High)
- bindingsLow uint32 binding Current bindings (Low)
- unackedMessages uint32 message Messages consumed but not yet acked
- unackedMessagesHigh uint32 message Messages consumed but not yet acked (High)
- unackedMessagesLow uint32 message Messages consumed but not yet acked (Low)
- messageLatencySamples delta-time nanosecond Broker latency through <span class="code-keyword">this</span> queue (Samples)
- messageLatencyMin delta-time nanosecond Broker latency through <span class="code-keyword">this</span> queue (Min)
- messageLatencyMax delta-time nanosecond Broker latency through <span class="code-keyword">this</span> queue (Max)
- messageLatencyAverage delta-time nanosecond Broker latency through <span class="code-keyword">this</span> queue (Average)
-Method 'purge' Discard all messages on queue
-qpid: list queue
-Objects of type qpid.queue
- ID Created Destroyed Index
- ===========================================================================
- 1012 21:08:13 - 1002.pub_start
- 1014 21:08:13 - 1002.pub_done
- 1016 21:08:13 - 1002.sub_ready
- 1018 21:08:13 - 1002.sub_done
- 1020 21:08:13 - 1002.perftest0
- 1038 21:09:08 - 1002.mgmt-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
- 1040 21:09:08 - 1002.repl-3206ff16-fb29-4a30-82ea-e76f50dd7d15
- 1046 21:09:32 - 1002.mgmt-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
- 1048 21:09:32 - 1002.repl-df06c7a6-4ce7-426a-9f66-da91a2a6a837
- 1054 21:10:01 - 1002.mgmt-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
- 1056 21:10:01 - 1002.repl-c55915c2-2fda-43ee-9410-b1c1cbb3e4ae
- 1063 21:26:00 - 1002.mgmt-8d621997-6356-48c3-acab-76a37081d0f3
- 1065 21:26:00 - 1002.repl-8d621997-6356-48c3-acab-76a37081d0f3
-qpid: list 1020
-<span class="code-object">Object</span> of type qpid.queue: (last sample time: 21:26:02)
- Type Element 1020
- ==========================================================================
- config vhostRef 1002
- config name perftest0
- config durable False
- config autoDelete False
- config exclusive False
- config arguments {'qpid.max_size': 0, 'qpid.max_count': 0}
- config storeRef NULL
- inst msgTotalEnqueues 500000 messages
- inst msgTotalDequeues 500000
- inst msgTxnEnqueues 0
- inst msgTxnDequeues 0
- inst msgPersistEnqueues 0
- inst msgPersistDequeues 0
- inst msgDepth 0
- inst msgDepthHigh 0
- inst msgDepthLow 0
- inst byteTotalEnqueues 512000000 octets
- inst byteTotalDequeues 512000000
- inst byteTxnEnqueues 0
- inst byteTxnDequeues 0
- inst bytePersistEnqueues 0
- inst bytePersistDequeues 0
- inst byteDepth 0
- inst byteDepthHigh 0
- inst byteDepthLow 0
- inst enqueueTxnStarts 0 transactions
- inst enqueueTxnCommits 0
- inst enqueueTxnRejects 0
- inst enqueueTxnCount 0
- inst enqueueTxnCountHigh 0
- inst enqueueTxnCountLow 0
- inst dequeueTxnStarts 0
- inst dequeueTxnCommits 0
- inst dequeueTxnRejects 0
- inst dequeueTxnCount 0
- inst dequeueTxnCountHigh 0
- inst dequeueTxnCountLow 0
- inst consumers 0 consumers
- inst consumersHigh 0
- inst consumersLow 0
- inst bindings 1 binding
- inst bindingsHigh 1
- inst bindingsLow 1
- inst unackedMessages 0 messages
- inst unackedMessagesHigh 0
- inst unackedMessagesLow 0
- inst messageLatencySamples 0
- inst messageLatencyMin 0
- inst messageLatencyMax 0
- inst messageLatencyAverage 0
-<p>You get the idea... have fun!</p>
- </td>
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- <td align="center"><font color="grey">Document generated by Confluence on Apr 22, 2008 02:47</font></td>
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