path: root/cpp/etc/stylesheets/amqp_server_operations.xsl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpp/etc/stylesheets/amqp_server_operations.xsl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/cpp/etc/stylesheets/amqp_server_operations.xsl b/cpp/etc/stylesheets/amqp_server_operations.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 884036a2ea..0000000000
--- a/cpp/etc/stylesheets/amqp_server_operations.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
- -
- - Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- - or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- - distributed with this work for additional information
- - regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- - to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- - "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- - with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- -
- -
- -
- - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- - software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- - KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- - specific language governing permissions and limitations
- - under the License.
- -
- -->
-<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:amqp="">
- <xsl:import href="code_utils.xsl"/>
- <!--
- =============================
- Template: server-operations-h
- =============================
- Template to generate the AMQP_ServerHandler virtual class. This is the pure
- virtual class from which the AMQP_Client and AMQP_ServerHandlerImpl classes
- are derived.
- -->
- <xsl:template match="amqp" mode="server-operations-h">
- <xsl:param name="domain-cpp-table"/>
- <xsl:result-document href="AMQP_ServerOperations.h" format="textFormat">
- <xsl:value-of select="amqp:copyright()"/>
- <xsl:text>
-#ifndef _AMQP_ServerOperations_
-#define _AMQP_ServerOperations_
-#include "AMQP_Constants.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
-namespace qpid {
-namespace framing {
-class AMQP_ServerOperations
- public:
- AMQP_ServerOperations() {}
- virtual ~AMQP_ServerOperations() {}
- inline u_int16_t getAmqpMajor() { return (u_int16_t)</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@major"/><xsl:text>; }
- inline u_int16_t getAmqpMinor() { return (u_int16_t)</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@minor"/><xsl:text>; }&#xA;&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <!-- Inner classes -->
- <xsl:for-each select="class">
- <xsl:variable name="class" select="concat(amqp:cpp-class-name(@name), 'Handler')"/>
- <!-- Inner class documentation & rules -->
- <xsl:if test="doc">
- <xsl:text>&#xA;/**&#xA;===== Class: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text> =====&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="amqp:process-docs(doc)"/>
- <xsl:text>*/&#xA;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- <!-- Inner class definition -->
- <xsl:text> class </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text>
- {
- public:
- /* Constructors and destructors */
- </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text>() {}
- virtual ~</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text>() {}
- /* Protocol methods */&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <!-- Inner class methods (only if the chassis is set to "server") -->
- <xsl:for-each select="method">
- <xsl:if test="chassis[@name='server']">
- <xsl:variable name="method" select="amqp:cpp-name(@name)"/>
- <!-- Inner class method documentation & rules -->
- <xsl:if test="doc">
- <xsl:text>&#xA;/**&#xA;----- Method: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@name"/><xsl:text> -----&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="amqp:process-docs(doc)"/>
- <xsl:text>*/&#xA;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:for-each select="rule">
- <xsl:text>&#xA;/**&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <xsl:text>Rule "</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@name"/><xsl:text>":&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="amqp:process-docs(doc)"/>
- <xsl:text>*/&#xA;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:for-each>
- <!-- Inner class method definition -->
- <xsl:text> virtual void </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$method"/>
- <xsl:text>( u_int16_t channel</xsl:text>
- <!-- Inner class method parameter definition -->
- <xsl:if test="field">
- <xsl:text>,&#xA; </xsl:text>
- <xsl:for-each select="field">
- <xsl:variable name="domain-cpp-type" select="amqp:cpp-lookup(@domain, $domain-cpp-table)"/>
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($domain-cpp-type, amqp:cpp-arg-ref($domain-cpp-type), ' ', amqp:cpp-name(@name))"/>
- <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
- <xsl:text>,&#xA; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:for-each>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:text> ) = 0;&#xA;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:for-each>
- <xsl:text> }; /* class </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text> */&#xA;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:for-each>
- <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>
- <xsl:for-each select="class">
- <xsl:variable name="class" select="concat(amqp:cpp-class-name(@name), 'Handler')"/>
- <xsl:text> virtual AMQP_ServerOperations::</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$class"/><xsl:text>* get</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$class"/>
- <xsl:text>() = 0;&#xA;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:for-each>
- <xsl:text>}; /* class AMQP_ServerOperations */
-} /* namespace framing */
-} /* namespace qpid */
- </xsl:result-document>
- </xsl:template>